随便看 |
- that's not good enough
- that's not my problem
- that's not saying much
- that's not the whole story
- that's (past/ancient) history
- that's past history
- that's politics
- that's politics for you
- that's problem
- that's Psychology 101/Marketing
- that's Psychology 101/Marketing 101
- that's quite all right
- that's (quite) enough
- that's quite enough
- that's rich
- that's rich coming from
- that's rich coming from him
- that's rich (coming from him/you etc)
- that's rich coming from you
- that's right
- that's sb all over
- that's sb for you
- that's sb lookout
- that's sb loss
- that's somebody all over
- Giddy
- Ledge
- Retreated
- Goodness
- Transmitter
- Navigational
- Withering
- Vicar
- Snarled
- Aroused
- 自学考试中的“党政管理热”
- 自学能力
- 自安于弱,而终于弱矣;自安于愚,而终于愚矣
- 自家作人,自家十分晓底,乃虚美熏心,而喜动颜色,是为自欺。别人作人,自家十分晓底,乃明知其恶,而誉侈口颊,是谓欺人。二者皆可耻也。
- 自家好处掩藏几分,这是涵蓄以养深;别人不好处要掩藏几分,这是浑厚以养大。
- 自家官靠着别人做,只是不肯踏定脚跟挺身自拔,此缙绅第一耻事。若铁铮铮底做将去,任他如何,亦有不颠踬僵仆时。纵教颠踬僵仆,也无可奈何,自是照管不得。
- 自家才德,自家明白底。才短德微,即卑官薄禄已为难称。若已逾涘分而觖望无穷,却是难为了造物。孔孟终身不遇,又当如何!
- 自家真态
- 自家身子,原是自己心去害他,取祸招尤,陷于危败,更不干别个事。
- 自寻死路的苍蝇
- 自寻烦恼要不得
- 自寻烦恼,只会让自己难过
- 自尊
- 自尊自爱是一个女孩最好的品质
- 自尊词义,自尊组词,自尊造句
- Wink句子
- In the red句子
- Intercontinental句子
- Trying句子
- Belie句子
- Razing句子
- Adopted句子
- Captivating句子
- Electrode句子
- Standardize句子
- Fellatio句子
- Intercourse句子
- Dehumanize句子
- Obsess句子
- Electrostatics句子