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单词 Unconstrained
(1) Unconstrained elite dissensus threatens political stability under certain specific conditions.
(2) Some view unconstrained election spending as positive, exposing voters to more debate about substantive issues.
(3) Media test drive has always been unconstrained woolgather.
(4) Low additional weight, unconstrained comfort, inconspicuous exterior.
(5) This unconstrained optimization problem may be transformed into nonlinear algebraic system of equations.
(6) Korea Republic is bold and unconstrained cattle ^ s handstand dances most on daughter performance history!
(7) Unconstrained culture may distort economy and thus needs governmental regulation.
(8) We face an enemy of ruthless ambition, unconstrained by law or morality.
(9) Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Techniques (SUMT) are most common and comparatively successful method in constrained optimization.
(10) The steady - state harmonic response of stiffened unconstrained damped layer was analyzed using a modal superposition method.
(11) Unconstrained optimization methods include gradient, conjugate direction, Newton, and quasi - Newton methods.
(12) Unconstrained quench of medium steel plate adopt round nozzle impinging jet cooling mode, and steel plate is cooled during being pushed ahead.
(13) BFGS algorithm using large - scale unconstrained optimization problems, the code language for Fortran 77.
(14) With the help of an unconstrained minimization method solved is the axle center actual location of the rotor within its working speed range.
(15) From infancy through early adolescence, Semai children are largely unconstrained and free of external domination.
(16) They further suggest that regional planning would limit any unconstrained growth arising from operating what is essentially a reimbursement system.
(17) This would remove the uncertainty and leave firms free to operate unconstrained within the legally created framework.
(18) Unfortunately, the beginnings of utterances appear to be particularly unconstrained by either the acoustic material or the linguistic interpretation.
(19) As a result, the discretionary powers of sentencers remained largely unconstrained and out of control.
(20) The state is passive in the productive system, allowing private actors to operate in a relatively unconstrained manner.
(21) Indeed, in the later chapters we will show that this is impractical for any relatively unconstrained speech recognition system.
(22) The paper proposes a nonmonotonic BFGS - trust - region algorithm for unconstrained optimization.
(23) The new algorithm is shown to be globally convergent and numerical experiments indicate that it is very effective for large scale unconstrained minimization problems.
(24) If a long tone folk song is accompanied by morinhuur, there will be more unpretending, chipper, passionate, bold and unconstrained flavor of the grassland culture.
(25) The model and the specimens were loaded with pure unconstrained moments of 7.5 Nm in flexion, extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation.
(26) Being away from the searching point by point, this method is simpler and clearer than the ordinary mathematical programming method such as the sequential unconstrained minimization techique(SUMT).
(27) In this paper, a new dynamic programming algorithm for unconstrained 2 D stock cutting problem is presented.
(28) The Filled Function Method is an approach for solving unconstrained global minimization problem.
(29) Distributed decoupling dynamic matrix control strategy is obtained for linear unconstrained systems.
(30) A real-coded hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) was designed by hybridizing the simple genetic algorithm and simplex algorithm to solve unconstrained optimization problems.
(31) A new gradient descent algorithm for unconstrained optimization problem is proposed.
(32) A method based on multiple information fusion is proposed for unconstrained handwritten offline Chinese text line recognition.
(33) By using the generalized elimination method, the subproblem is equivalent to an unconstrained optimization problem in the null space.
(34) He was unconstrained by any of the sanctions of polite society.
(35) An improved dynamic penalty method is applied to transform the constrained structural optimization problem into an unconstrained problem for the optimization procedure using genetic algorithms.
(36) Finally, wo present a descent method for solving VIP and study a global error bound for unconstrained optimization reformulation in order to discuss the convergence of itinerative method.
(37) Passed from generation to generation ; Chile folk songs are bold and unconstrained.
(38) For boxing constraint of control, trigonometric function transformation was developed to achieve an unconstrained problem.
(39) In this paper, the author applies affine reduced operation to the model based secant method and gives a new method to look for the descent direction for solving unconstrained minimization problem.
(40) By means of a new curve search rule, we propose a new memory quasi-Newton method for unconstrained optimization problems.
(41) The problem of solving linear equations changed equivalently into the problem of searching the minimum of unconstrained optimizations of function by variation principle in the paper.
(42) As a hybrid restriction optimization approach, the sequential unconstrained minimization technique was applied for optimization.
(43) She was perfectly unconstrained and without irritation towards him now.
(44) Seeing the sea - like mountains ahead, he felt bold and unconstrained.
(45) This is my unconstrained woolgather, some are true, some are false.
(46) A knowledge - based recognition system of unconstrained handwritten numerals is proposed.
(47) But such a world would at least let more children come closer to their mental potential, unconstrained by the mistakes or impoverishment of their parents.
(48) The conjugate gradient method is one of the most efficient methods for solving unconstrained optimization problems.
(49) By using them, we obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions for various kinds of efficient pairs and proper efficient pairs of unconstrained set-valued vector optimization problem.
(50) IT this market, now what somebody is done, whats does the website of a kick in one's gallop , a powerful and unconstrained style have, want to be less than only, did not do but what money earns have?
(51) Using coarse language with some male friends is an expression unconstrained and casual manner.
(52) Chapter 3 proposes a proximal bundle method with inexact data for nonsmooth convex unconstrained optimization.
(53) Such unconstrained technocracy is no guarantee of good ideas or decisions.
(54) Chapter 2 gives the explicit description of generalized pattern search methods about unconstrained optimization and enumerates two kinds of search policies.
(55) Thus the arrival of the financial crisis found Americans already souring on unconstrained capitalism.
(56) It is known that the VIP can be reformulated as an unconstrained minimization problem through the D-gap function.
(57) The non linear optimization problem with constraint has been solved by use of the sequential unconstrained minimization technique (SUMT).
(58) The stochastic user equilibrium with multiple user groups is represented as an unconstrained minimization problem solution and a sensitivity analysis method based on link level is proposed for it.
(59) At present,[] an emphasis of the research is put on unconstrained handwritten character recognition.
(60) In particular, with the real interest rate well below the rate of growth of economies, the expansion of credit was effectively unconstrained.
(61) A no - line - search parallel nonlinear conjugate gradient method ( NLS - PNCG ) for unconstrained optimization is proposed.
(62) The dog was unconstrained.
(63) In this paper, a method for solving unconstrained optimization problems, which is called"proper conjugate direction method", is developed.
(64) Total gradient method can also be used for solving unconstrained optimization problems.




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