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单词 pod
释义  Related topics: Plants, Space, Air, Insectspod /pɒd $ pɑːd/ noun [countable]  1  HBPa long narrow seed container that grows on various plants, especially peas and beans 豆荚 a pea pod 豌豆荚 → like two peas in a pod at pea(2)2  TTSa part of a space vehicle that can be separated from the main part 〔太空船的〕分离舱 a space pod 飞船分离舱3. TTAa long narrow container for petrol or other substances, especially one carried under an aircraft wing 〔尤指飞机翼下的〕吊舱4. a group of sea animals, such as whales or dolphins, that swim together 〔鲸、海豚等海洋动物的〕一群5. HBIa container which holds the eggs of some types of insects 〔某些昆虫的〕卵囊Examples from the Corpuspod• Once it had been ejected into space, a pod assessed its surroundings.• Its rigid main stem needs no support, even when loaded with flowers and pods.• Fiers sits in the cockpit pod between the two engines.• Star anise is a dried pod containing anise seeds.• Pick pods as soon as they are the right size, anywhere from three to six inches long.• Whales live with the same pod, or family, their entire lives.• Its foliage is pleasing and the seed pods are marvellous.• Within five minutes, the pod and its satellite had vanished among the stars.• The pod and chutes had disappeared as if they had never existed.• Slice the vanilla pod along one side.From Longman Business DictionaryPODPOD noun [uncountable]COMMERCETRANSPORT abbreviation for PAYMENT ON DELIVERYOrigin pod (1600-1700) Probably from cod “bag”; → CODPIECEpod nounChinese  on a that long seed narrow Business plants, grows container various Corpus




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