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单词 Dew
1 There was a heavy dew this morning.
2 The grass glistened in the early-morning dew.
3 The grass was wet with dew.
4 The grass is wet with dew.
5 There were pearls of dew on the grass.
6 Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.
7 His shoes were drenched in dew.
8 The grass was sprinkled with dew.
9 Drops of dew shone on the grass.
10 The dew on the grass drizzled my shoes.
11 Pearls of dew glistened on the grass.
12 Trees and grass glittered with dew.
13 The cool of the night distils the dew.
14 His new shoes were wet with dew.
15 The dew gathered on the leaves.
16 The sun had dried the early morning dew.
17 The warm sun evaporated the dew.
18 The grass was still wet with dew.
19 The grass was wet with early morning dew.
20 Drops of dew tinselled the leaves.
21 The flowers sweat dew.
22 Dance in the dew on 1st May.
23 They may also trap the dew in hairs.
24 Pearls of dew sparkled on the grass.
25 Drops of dew trembled on the flowers.
26 Ropes became fringed with a rime of dew.
27 Their fur became soaked with the dew.
28 It was early, and dew still lingered in the grass.
29 The cow that’s first up gets the first of the dew
30 You give me a bunch of roses, bathing the morning dew; you see me off with sunshine. Nowadays, roses are still there but we are not together.I miss you very much in a starry night in autumn.
1 There was a heavy dew this morning.
2 The grass glistened in the early-morning dew.
3 The grass is wet with dew.
4 There were pearls of dew on the grass.
5 Moisture in the atmosphere condensed into dew during the night.
31 She let go of her hot grief, which dissolved and became the dew on his garments.
32 The greenkeepers were already sweeping the dew off the greens with elongated poles - the final polish to an immaculately groomed course.
33 A few dark tracks criss-crossed the grey dew. Black cattle snuffed and chewed.
34 The dew in the atmosphere had condensed on the outside of the fly.
35 Every small southern town seemed to have a Dew Drop bar or cafe.
36 There was a grey light and the grass was wet with dew.
37 So any dew drops condensing on the leaf face would run to the edges.
38 As the rising sun heats the fields, the dew evaporates, to be replaced by clouds of dust.
39 They said the cotton was heavier at dawn because of the dew and you could make more money than in the afternoon.
40 Sister Dew, Ianthe, and a rather unwilling Penelope went to buy postcards.
41 During cold nights, air condenses on the grass to form dew.
42 His beard was mushroom-colored, his eyes were pale as dew, and he carried a rusty sickle.
43 In the gardens the grass glistened with dew, which left imprints where the soldiers' feet had passed.
44 How cunningly nature hides every wrinkle of her inconceivable antiquity under roses and violets and morning dew. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
45 Mountain Dew -, for instance, contains 54 milligrams of caffeine per can.
46 Though hardly a showy plant, its needle-thin blades look almost silver, especially when covered by a film of dew.
47 In its wake, savoring powder, perfume, lotion and dew from the love-making gone before.
48 During July, August and September there would be quite heavy dew in the sheltered hollows along the wood.
49 Early next morning, before breakfast, they crossed the grass leaving a dark trail of foot prints in the dew.
50 Richter in one of his analects wrote of a child who cried because the sun bad burned up the dew drops.
51 Every morning he begins his 10-hour day soaked with the dew on the vines.
52 Their owner comes upon plump fruit moistened with lemon dew hidden in waxy thickets in her night dreams of the lemon house.
53 Heavy pearl drops of dew splashed noisily on jute leaves that had fallen to the ground.
54 The next morning, 21 January, the tent was wet with dew, the first time for weeks.
55 The air was very still and drops of dew were poised in perfect globes on blades of grass and leaves.
56 Steam rises off the ground, drying the fields as the morning sun tackles the night's cold dew.
57 His clothes were soaked with morning dew and the river mist.
58 He walked down the garden to the privy and noticed that his shoes were wet with dew.
59 The young feathery,(http://) blue/green foliage glistens after rain and when covered with morning dew.
60 The dew vanished from the flowers; they began to lose their freshness and to wilt, passing from hand to hand.
61 And then he kissed the rose petals, wiped the dew from her lips.
62 And though the fields hoary dew.
63 The leaves glisten with dew.
64 That's called the dew line.
65 I'll be the dew, if you are sunbeam.
66 Grasses were moist with dew.
67 Deploy electric heating dew expeller to reduce dew condensation.
68 The cool of the night distill the dew.
69 Cold Dew inflow before October interior, home Xiangyang Agency.
70 Life is poetically compared to the morning dew.
71 Dew hangs on a spider web near Independence, Kan.
72 STUDENT: Between the dew line and the bubble line?
73 Let mind dance with dew daffodil.
74 A tenderness spread over Grace like a dew.
75 Heavy dew fell and drenched the moor like rain, and this refreshed me for a while.
76 European noble should be aspersed in piscina on sweet dew or it is petaline, bathing in ancient time is an extravagant thing really.
77 If the raddle come from your feet because of the dew, if the rings of bells upon your feet slacken, if pearls drop out of your chain, do not mind.
78 The temperature sensor is made of a PN junction. The humidity sensor is made of heated lithium chloride dew point type. The air velocity sensor is omnidirectional.
79 Determining the flue gas acid dew point temperature has become the key to avoid low temperature corrosion, to increase the safety of boiler work and to improve the efficiency of boiler.
80 The silicothermic reaction of lithia in vacuum is analyzed from thermodynamics, and its minimum temperature and the corresponding dew point temperature under different conditions are calculated.
81 The outside dew point is so low that mildew is seldom a problem.
82 The chrism is on thine head, -- on mine, the dew, --.
83 Effects of TEG flow rate, purity of TEG, air flow rate, RPB rotary speed on dew point of wet air were investigated.
84 Polymerization of any unconverted styrene and diolefins is accelerated at the dew point condition.
85 You are a drop if sweet dew, moistening my thirsty heart.
86 You at that time have already possessed the Sea God's strength, but my function was collect your tears when you cried each time, it was for the sweet dew which was used to fall over the folk.
87 Additional, in Qiu Dong season, because hand ministry, head is mixed cervical it is dew outside, be about to wear scarf so, glove and earcap will have heat preservation effect.
88 So when I reach the dew line, I start forming liquid.
89 Reasonable spinning by using the different properties of yellow dew retting and grey dew retting of Russia can improve the quality of products effectively.
90 White, cottony mycelia may be observed in early morning hours when dew is present.
91 As the sun rose, a dew drop became aware of its surroundings.
92 One can withstand a river in flood , the other can drown in a dew drop.
93 From these homes morning and evening prayer ascends to God as sweet incense, and His mercies and blessings descend upon the suppliants like the morning dew.
94 The exaggerated bosom ornament, big black feathers joss-stick shoulder white dew.
95 Rice shoots in the terraced fields were greedily lapping up the dew.
96 Methods : The field test of efficacy of relieving itching dew was conducted.
97 Phalaenopsis petals are shaped water far looking like the flowers of some crystal clear dew.
98 A nomad in the desert, living on the daily dew.
99 Limpid dew on them, trumpet-shaped petals with purple and white glowed with the freshness and grace.
100 Rain and dew series with smooth design , gives out classical line of beauty and shows grace flavour.
101 Her knowledge of love was purely theoretical, and she conceived of it as lambent flame, gentle as the fall of dew or the ripple of quiet water, and cool as the velvet-dark of summer nights.
102 Point out every factor leading errors in humidity measurement using the photoelectric dew point hygrometer and put forward the corresponding solving methods.
103 Widely used in dew prevention and heating of the refrigeratory and air-condition compressor crankcase heater, pipeline, oil tank, greenhouse and so on.
104 The rain and dew from the sky trickle upon your thoraces , and we make our steps on the Chinese soil.
105 Dew - point meter to supervise the dehumidifying effect ( optional ) .
106 How much dew does a dewdrop drop if dew drops drop dew?
107 When the tailor heard that, he took his pocket-handkerchief, pressed it on the grass, and when it was moist with dew, washed the sockets of his eyes with it.
108 There's a good deal of dew here, and I don't want you to catch cold.
109 Westlake Lungching, Meitan jade bud, Yellow Mountain Pekoe Peak, Japan sencha, Lu Mountain Clouds-Mist, Pi Lo Chun(Green Snail Spring), Japan Jade Dew (Gyokuro ), Taiping Monkey King.
110 How much dew would a dewdrop drop it a dewdrop could drop dew?
111 Efficacy: perfectly combined new-born flow bub with morning dew and the exquisite, sweet helichrysum, bring sweet flower scent and the feeling of elegance and noble.
112 The dew point meter includes controlling section, data - gathering section and displaying section.
113 Her knowledge of love was purely theoretical, and she conceived of it as lambent flame, gentle as the fall of dew or the ripple of quiet water, and cool as velvet-dark of summer nights.
114 Also , this paper analyses the vertical distribution law of time for dew condensation, disappearance and duration.
115 Now, ere the sun advance his burning eye, the day to cheer and night's dank dew to dry, I must up-fill this osier cage of ours with baleful weeds and precious-juiced flowers.
116 Howdew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew?
117 It is an accurate and reliable instrument for dew point testing.
118 A spider's orb web is one of the most impressive architectural feats in nature, capturing morning dew and insect meals with equal grace.
119 The new comers then have no choice but to carbo - load, switching over to such sweet trees as honey dew nectar produced by aphids.
120 A low dew point meter made up of double high molecule film capacitor humidity transducer for temperature compensation is introduced.
121 Othello. Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them. Good signior, you shall more command with years Than with your weapons.
122 The soft-spoken Alden was "Fair-haired, azure-eyed, with delicate Saxon complexion/Having the dew of his youth, and the beauty thereof..."
123 Eng: How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dew - drop could drop dew?
124 Objective : To observe the effects of Ginkgo Dew on cough, gasp caused by acute or chronic bronchitis.
125 This paper discussed the causation of the dew on indoor wall and its prevention in chillness area in winter.
126 On yarn of ramie of delicate straight lines lines, degree of finish is neat small dew of unoccupied place casual ground skins between the hollow out of one, reveal perfect and cherubic temperament!
127 The reeds and rushes are deeply green, and the white dew is turned into hoarfrost.
128 And when the dew fell on the camp at night, the manna would fall with it.
129 Hath the rain a father? or who hath begotten the drops of dew?
130 Awake and sing, you who lie in the dust! Let your dew fall, O Lord, like a dew of light, and the earth will throw out her dead.
131 Moreover, this matter before water rockslide, still want little dew information as far as possible, avoid causing undesired agitation.
132 This paper comprehensively analysed the acid deposition - rain, fog, dew in Chongqing area.
133 A cloud, give up footloose float to concuss a life, decline to one square sweet dew, nourish one square land.
134 Nozzle Pouch-Jelly, Juice, Laundry liquid, Bathing dew, Face-cream, Mask and so on.
135 The other one was called the bubble line, this is called the dew line.
136 And the bubble line. Sometimes, instead of having a nice separation between the bubble and the dew line, there's a special point which for some reason those two curves meet. Non-ideality.
137 We mix the bubble line and the dew line together.
138 It's got a bubble line on top, and the dew line on the bottom.
139 I miss you. My love knot, like green bines tangling the tree, grows quickly under rain and dew of spring. It's you that are the ivy in my heart.
140 How much dew would be a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew?
141 Love, like dew on the corolla, only lingers in a pure soul.
142 The marshes were dry. The cattle lowed from hunger, finding nothing to graze on in the sunbaked meadows. Only at night in the woods, as long as the dew lasted, it was cool.
143 The causes of dew point corrosion in sulphur burning sulphuric acid plants are analyzed.
144 The dew point is the highest temperature to which the air cools to saturation moisture content.
145 You are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf, I am the smaller one on its upper side," said the dewdrop to the lake.
146 Dew of the bath salt of various fragrance, bath and modelling the candlestick of each different, birdbath is the ace that builds atmosphere.
147 Woman one silk doesn't wear, together all of body dew, Adidas JS wings, but that man is a more solid body to tightly stick on chemisette.
147 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
148 How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew?
149 Bath dew: Mix four cups of olive oil 4 teaspoon are saccharic , interfuse inside oar of a cup of bright coco, mix can show as bath after divide evenly.
150 How much dew could a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop did drop dew?
151 When air cools at night, dew collects on the lizard’s skin and is pulled to its mouth by capillary action.
152 Many factors such as components, gas-oil ratio (GOR) and non-equilibrium effect have some affects on dew point pressure of condensate gas.
153 If it were not for the vapour in the air, there would be no dew.
154 People always love a record album with happiness, But neglect covered with dew send out faint scent happy moments.
155 Moonlight was frosting the dew, and an old sundial threw a long shadow.
156 The highest germination rate of conidium was found in ginseng leaf sap 1% sugar solution and dew under saturated humidity, the lowest, in distilled water.
157 How many drops of dew through the years, it becomes the name Code , that is, eternal classic.
158 It was found that germination rate was high in the dew on tea leaf surface.
159 My nephew found a few dew drops on the Jewish jeweler's jewel.
160 Early morning dew caught on spider's web in Acadia National Park, Maine.
161 The brand-related official said that of Cherbourg inspiration comes from the book of songs "Earless Reed grey, White Dew as cream."
162 Walking along the broad avenue, you will feel the gentle breeze with dew caresses one's face, stirs the sultriness of summer, blows over from last night's abnormal dream, and make people much clearly.
163 The calibration of dew point hygrometer and micro-moisture meter in ultra-low humidity range was done by using precision dew point hygrometer and low range humidity generator.
164 The dew fell, but with propitious softness; no breeze whispered.
165 But the twigs stirred and plentifully showered dew that made me wet.
166 The fugacity -activity model is adopted to accurately calculate dew drop in propylene-water system.
167 Special configuration and advanced control and operation system of automatic dew instrument.
168 When the pressure of condensate gas falls to dew point below, its phase will change.
169 The dew also follows full of bruise dies of illness in the body that is braided.
170 Languor was still upon the eyes of the dawn, and the dew in the air.
171 When I got hungry, I could nibble on chocolate root and sip dew from a buttercup.
172 Three, the morose feeling for the image of dew like tears.
173 Bulrush gray. dew white . my beloved, just on the water side.
174 I put on the wizard's crystal clear to give clothes, in the boundless earth shed moisture dew, ding-dong sounds murmur Whispers.
175 The fluid exhibits plain yellow at the pressures above dew point, which is consistent with the fore-mentioned characteristic of high wax content.
176 The NWS Web site features a handy on-line calculator for determining the heat index based on a combination of either temperature and relative humidity or temperature and dew point.
177 Fog swirled across the path and drops of dew crystalised on our brows.
178 Watermelon, Banana, Sea Coconut, Papaya, Longan, Rambutan, Lychee, Mango, Honey Dew, etc.
179 When above the dew point pressure, the vacancy solution theoretical model is adopted for the gas adsorption calculation.




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