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单词 snowy
释义  Related topics: Nature, Colourssnow·y /ˈsnəʊi $ ˈsnoʊi/ ●●● S3 adjective  1  DNwith a lot of snow 多雪的,积雪的 the snowy fields 被雪覆盖的田野 one snowy January day 1月里大雪纷飞的一天2  literaryCCAL pure white, like snow 雪白的,纯白的 snowy hair 雪白的头发Examples from the Corpussnowy• His ears were tufted with snowy hair.• Gavin drove Nigel back one snowy January day.• Look at it, the golden evening, the snowy mountains, the citadel of the Alhambra.• Well feather-insulated talons of a snowy owl's feet.• Only 1,200 to 1,500 of the coastal variety of the western snowy plover are left in the world.• Patient, helpful people are more noticeable on a snowy road; so, too, are the arrogant and impatient.• Granada glowed in the golden evening like a jewel suspended between the snowy Sierra Nevada and the rich green of orange groves.• snowy weathersnow·y adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus a lot snow with of




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