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单词 Asana
1. Asana and pranayama are all perceivable aspects of yoga practice but there are other layers which are not that obvious.
2. In this asana stretching of the body is important but body is not actually lifted.
3. Asana keep your body, as well as your mind, healthy and active.
4. This asana creates a slight backbend in your upper torso.
5. Do this Asana for 10 seconds in the beginning and increase it to 10 minutes.
6. When you approach an asana with a similar attitude of inquisitiveness and playfulness, following the natural curiosity of your own mind, it's amazing how many possibilities can arise.
7. Each physical yoga asana corresponds to a chakra a mantra as well as a special relationship.
8. Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana , and Samadhi are the eight limbs of yoga.
9. We will also study formal yoga asana practice and natural therapies for a healthy life.
10. When people see me doing the most difficult asana, they say, " He just asana. "
11. Body is the bow asana is the arrow and the soul is the target.
12. The temple has eight sides, representing Patanjali's eight limbs of yoga: Yama, Niyama, Asana.
13. Technically, Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is not an asana, but a series of gentle flowing movements synchronized with the breath.
14. Endurance is of the utmost importance in all of the Asana work.
15. The physical building blocks of yoga are the posture ( asana ) and the breath.
16. This book will focus on both anatomy and kinesiology in relationship to asana practice and teaching.
17. Standing postures, then ,() provide the foundation for other groups of asana.
18. Patanjali's contention is that you have to first perfect yama and niyama, otherwise asana and pranayama may fail to give desirable results.
19. Yama and niyama are the first two, followed by asana and pranayama.




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