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单词 shame
释义 Word family  noun shame shamefulness shamelessness adjective ashamed ≠ unashamed shameful shameless verb shame adverb shamefully ≠ shamelessly  shame1 /ʃeɪm/ ●●● S2 noun  1  it’s a shame/what a shame etc spokenPITY/IT'S A PITY used when you wish a situation was different, and you feel sad or disappointed 真遗憾,多可惜啊 ‘She’s failed her test again.’ ‘What a shame!’ “她又没通过测验。”“真遗憾!” It’s a shame that you have to leave so soon. 你这么快就要走了,真遗憾。 What a shame we missed the wedding. 我们错过了这场婚礼,太可惜了。 It's a shame about the weather. 天气不好,真是遗憾。it is a shame to do something It’s a shame to cover this beautiful table with a tablecloth. 把这么漂亮的桌子用桌布盖起来真是可惜。 I can’t imagine why they canceled your show, Tracy. That’s such a shame. 我搞不懂他们为什么把你的演出取消了,特蕾西。多可惜啊。a crying/great/terrible shame It was a crying shame that they lost the game. 他们输了这场比赛真是太可惜了。 RegisterIn written English, people usually say something is unfortunate rather than a shame: 在书面英语中,人们一般说unfortunate,而不说a shameIt’s unfortunate that these warnings were not taken seriously. 真遗憾,这些警告没有得到重视。2  [uncountable]ASHAMED the feeling you have when you feel guilty and embarrassed because you, or someone who is close to you, have done something wrong 〔因自己或亲近的人做错事感到的〕羞愧,羞耻,惭愧 He felt a deep sense of shame. 他深深地感到羞愧。 Maria blushed with shame. 玛丽亚羞得脸都红了。 To her shame (=it made her feel ashamed), she gained back all the weight she’d lost. 让她感到惭愧的是,她减掉的体重全又长回来了。 He’s brought shame on the whole family. 他使全家蒙羞。hang/bow your head in shame (=look down, or feel like you should look down, because you feel so ashamed) 惭愧地低下头 I bow my head in shame when I think of how I treated her. 想到我是如何对待她的,我就万分羞愧。 There’s no shame in (=it should not make you feel ashamed) saying ‘I don’t know.’ 说一句"我不知道”也没什么可难为情的。3  [uncountable]ASHAMED the ability to feel shame 羞耻心,羞愧感 How could you do such a thing? Have you no shame? 你怎么可以做这种事情?难道你没有羞耻心吗?4  shame on you/him/them etc spokenASHAMED used to say that someone should feel guilty or embarrassed because of something they have done 你/他/他们等应该感到羞耻 Shame on you, Fred. I thought you were my friend! 弗雷德,你真不害臊。我还把你当朋友呢!5  put somebody/something to shame BETTERto be so much better than someone or something else that it makes the other thing seem very bad or ordinary 使某人/某物黯然失色,使某人/某物相形见绌 His cooking puts mine to shame. 他的厨艺让我自愧不如。 THESAURUSshame the feeling you have when you feel guilty and embarrassed because you, or someone who is close to you, have done something wrong 〔因自己或亲近的人做错事感到的〕羞愧,羞耻;惭愧She never overcame the shame of having abandoned her children. 她无法克服抛弃自己的孩子所带来的羞耻感。nHe remembered his angry words with a deep sense of shame.Following the scandal, Garrison resigned in shame. 丑闻发生后,加里森愧而辞职。humiliation a feeling of shame and embarrassment because you have been made to look weak or stupid in front of other people 〔因人前出丑而感到的〕羞辱,屈辱What really upset me was the humiliation of having to ask her for money. 我不得不开口问她要钱,这种耻辱实在让我懊恼。He suffered the humiliation of defeat in the first round of the competition. 首轮比赛就失利,让他蒙受了耻辱。dishonour British English, dishonor American English formal the loss of other people’s respect because you have done something bad, or you have been unsuccessful 耻辱,丢脸His comments have brought shame and dishonour on him and his profession. 他的话令自己颜面扫地,也给他的同行丢了脸。There is no dishonour in failure when you have done everything you possibly can to succeed. 你已经竭尽所能,失败了也不可耻。stigma the feeling that other people in society disapprove of you because of something that has happened to you, or because you feel different from most other people in some way – used especially when this seems unfair and unreasonable 〔因不被认同或与众不同而产生的〕羞耻感,耻辱Even when someone has been found innocent of a crime, the stigma often remains. 一个人即使已被证明无罪,羞耻感也往往会一直持续下去。At first I found the stigma of being unemployed very difficult to cope with. 起初,我觉得很难克服失业的耻辱。nIn many countries there is still a strong social stigma attached to homosexuality.great shame 极大的耻辱disgrace a complete loss of people’s respect because you have done something very bad and shocking 丢尽脸面;不名誉His actions brought disgrace on the family. 他的行为给家人带来了耻辱。The players were sent home in disgrace after admitting taking drugs. 球员承认吸毒之后被不光彩地遣送回家。nGarton killed himself because he could not bear the disgrace of being charged with corruption.ignominy formal a feeling of great shame and embarrassment because you have been made to look weak or stupid – a very formal use 耻辱,丢脸〔为极正式的用法〕The team suffered the ignominy of losing five games in a row. 球队蒙受奇耻大辱,连输五场比赛。She hoped to avoid the ignominy of having to appear in court. 她希望能避免不得已出庭的耻辱。Examples from the Corpusshame• That is why few people never swear, and it would be a shame if more were to join them.• It's a shame we can't vote for it.• It's a shame, son.• What a shame Gerry Britton collected the only booking for celebrating Jamieson's goal over-zealously.• Some girls feel that refusing their parents' choice of husband will bring shame on their family.• Most of all, there is caustic shame for my own stupidity.• He was in the House at the time, so he should hang his head in shame.• Following the scandal, Garrison resigned in shame.• The next day I remembered how drunk I'd been , and almost died of shame.• Voting through cuts in benefits to the poorest people is a matter of shame for all of us.• As he left the house, Mungo felt a pang of shame at telling Alice a lie.• She remembered her angry words with a deep sense of shame.• But the threat was also psychological: what fired their hatred, in some cases, was their sense of shame.• Too many women are taught to feel guilt or shame about sex.• She never overcame the shame of having abandoned her children.• "Please don't tell my dad about this, " he said, blushing with shame.brought shame on• Their lawyer said they'd brought shame on the whole hunting world.• Mitigating, Howe's solicitor said he had suffered domestic problems and the incident had brought shame on his family.• You've brought shame on this family.Have you no shame• But what a start in life for a lovely little girl. Have they no shame? - P. Davies, Ipswich.shame2 verb [transitive]  1  ASHAMEDto make someone feel ashamed 使羞愧,使惭愧 It shames me to say it, but I lied. 说出来真难为情,我撒谎了。 He felt shamed and humiliated by the treatment he had received. 他为自己受到如此对待感到蒙受了耻辱。2  shame somebody into doing something ASHAMEDEMBARRASSEDto force someone to do something by making them feel ashamed 使某人羞愧而不得不做某事 His wife shamed him into handing the money back. 他的妻子令他羞愧得只好把钱交回去。3  to be so much better than someone else that you make them seem bad or feel embarrassed 使黯然失色,使相形见绌 Their training record shamed other companies. 他们的培训记录使其他公司相形见绌。4  to make someone feel they have lost all honour and respect 使蒙羞,使丢脸 She had shamed her family name (=done something that made her family lose honour). 她玷污了家族的名声。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusshame• This time she had to fight back or be utterly shamed.• I followed them in, shamed by the fearlessness of people half my height.• Because of this, the dogwood felt shamed deeply grieved that it should have been put to such a cruel purpose.• It shamed him and made him shrink inside his overcoat.• It shamed him to have to ask Jan for help.• Erlich remembered his face from the network news, bleak and uncompromising and shamed, when the announcement was made.Origin shame1 Old English scamushame1 noun →REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1shame2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese   was you different, Corpus used when situation wish a and




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