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单词 Compulsively
1. In her youth she seemed to dissipate almost compulsively.
2. She exercises/cleans/works compulsively.
3. John is compulsively neat and clean, he's terrified of germs.
4. She watched him compulsively.
5. Avon was compulsively focused on long-term business plans.
6. Powell, like the mountain men, was compulsively drawn to the frontier.
7. The organization that compulsively seeks to minimize the costs of its actions is for ever at odds with the reality of its performance.
8. Today men across the land continue to hunt compulsively, despite a possibly declining need or appetite for the available game.
9. So compulsively did he watch me empty my glass that he drained his own in compulsive sympathy.
10. For a compulsively pensive person, to be fully alert but free of thought is a form of ecstasy....
11. He cleaned his shoes compulsively after every walk.
12. Despite its repulsive state, Antonius compulsively kept the bow close to him, as if in fear of its influence.
13. A strain of mutant mice groom compulsively till they seriously injure themselves.
14. They were fed compulsively in petticoats and took the hormone./compulsively.html
15. They are both misogynic, tend to compulsively compete with others, indulge in spiritual victory and unconsciously have fear of death.
16. Highly ornate and compulsively detailed decorative forms impart depth, richness and an elegant complexity to graphic expression.
17. A dapper man with an aristocratic air, he was boyishly handsome, compulsively social and intensely creative.
18. Let's not mince words, Cathal Coughlan is the most compulsively watchable frontman in Britain today.
19. The work of individuation, however, demands that one should not be compulsively affected in this way.
20. All of these programs teach people to stop dieting and eating compulsively, but there are differences among the methods.
21. He shows himself to be confident, addicted ( almost compulsively ) to hardship.
22. Trawl sorting grids can effectively enhance the selectivity of trawl, reduce by-catch and discards, protect fish resources, which are compulsively used in many countries by legislation.
23. He shows himself to be confident, addicted ( almost compulsively ) to hardship, somewhat contemptuous of the Indians.
24. If the belongings of his home is insufficient, can undertake intercessory by the court only, by forensic basis actual condition is carried out compulsively.
25. For starters, she asked French-speaking Internet users to rank 100 pop songs according to their ability to be compulsively repeated within one's mind.




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