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单词 Object
1. Education has for its object the formation of character. 
2. The object of educator is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. 
3. A fool attempting to be witty is an object of profoundest pity. 
4. My object will be, if possible, to form Christian men, for Christian boys Ican scarcely hope to make. 
5. Let our object be our courtry, our whole country, and nothing but our country. 
6. The boat bumped against a solid object.
7. The microscope magnified the object two hundred times.
8. The object was a dim blur in the moonlight.
9. An object was magnified 200 times by the microscope.
10. The light microscope magnifies the object 1000 diameters.
11. We were all too polite to object.
12. Look, there's a strange object in the sky!
13. Working people everywhere object to paying taxes.
14. The shrine was an object of pilgrimage.
15. I will not wear this dress if you object to it.
16. She tried to object, but the chairman slapped her down.
17. The rapid movement of an object towards the eye triggers the blink reflex.
18. A bright moving object appeared in the sky at sunset.
19. Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.
20. I object to him.
21. It was an object lesson in how to use television as a means of persuasion.
22. Although purists may object to split infinitives, like 'to boldly go', the fact is, they are commonly used.
23. I don't object to what she says, but I strongly disapprove of her manner of saying it.
24. Do you object to my speaking to him about it?
25. The object of the game is to improve children's math skills.
26. Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object
27. He cared for her as a whole person rather than just a sex object.
28. There are many ways of generating a two - dimensional representation of an object.
29. Try to estimate how many steps it will take to get to a close object.
30. Life has a value only when it has something valuable as its object.
1. The boat bumped against a solid object.
2. The microscope magnified the object two hundred times.
3. The object was a dim blur in the moonlight.
4. An object was magnified 200 times by the microscope.
5. The light microscope magnifies the object 1000 diameters.
6. We were all too polite to object.
7. Look, there's a strange object in the sky!
8. Working people everywhere object to paying taxes.
9. The shrine was an object of pilgrimage.
10. I will not wear this dress if you object to it.
11. The rapid movement of an object towards the eye triggers the blink reflex.
12. He cared for her as a whole person rather than just a sex object.
13. A bright moving object appeared in the sky at sunset.
14. I object to him.
15. It was an object lesson in how to use television as a means of persuasion.
16. Although purists may object to split infinitives, like 'to boldly go', the fact is, they are commonly used.
17. There are many ways of generating a two - dimensional representation of an object.
18. Try to estimate how many steps it will take to get to a close object.
19. Do you object to my speaking to him about it?
20. The object of the game is to improve children's math skills.
21. A stationary object is easy to be aimed at.
22. I object to being repeatedly dropped on in this manner.
23. Why do you object against Mr. Sharp for the chairmanship?
24. A considerable number of people object to the government's attitude to immigration.
31. This church is the main object of his interest.
32. I object to being fastened on in that way.
33. Our object is to get at the truth.
34. She won't object—she's so meek and mild.
35. The prime minister was becoming an object of ridicule.
36. Boys were an immediate object of suspicion to her.
37. My eye fell on a curious object.
38. Money's no object; I want the best.
39. Transitive verbs take a direct object.
40. A person with good eyesight can distinguish distant object.
41. Verbs that take object are called transitive verbs.
42. This microscope magnifies an object 100000 times.
43. This object serves no visible purpose.
44. The object is to addle and not to elucidate.
45. The object was part hidden by the grass.
46. Our object is to further cement trade relations.
47. The object is no longer in cyclical motion.
48. The building is the main object of his interest.
49. His poetry was the object of scorn.
50. However,(/object.html) others strongly object to developing private cars.
51. The verb ` eat'takes a direct object.
52. Mr. Chairman, I object. That is an unfair allegation.
53. What an object you look in that old hat!
54. The distant object of his affections is Caroline.
55. He became an object of universal derision.
56. Many people object to experimentation on embryos.
57. A rock is an inanimate object.
58. I object to your insinuations!
59. The sun was an object of veneration .
60. For a millionaire like him, money is no object.
61. I object to all this noise.
62. A lot of people will object to the book.
63. Would anyone object if we started the meeting now?
64. Most local residents strenuously object to the building proposals.
65. The object had clearly fallen from a considerable height.
66. My object was to explain the decision simply.
67. I don't object to a glass of beer.
68. I don't object to the children going with us.
69. The robot can acquire the object.
70. His eyes fell on a curious object.
71. She feared becoming an object of ridicule.
72. He played a searchlight on an object.
73. A strange object dropped out of the sky.
74. I really object to being charged for parking.
75. I object to its smell.
75. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
76. The object is no longer in cyclic motion.
77. Many people object to experimentation on animals.
78. A stone is an inanimate object.
79. They object to the movie's depiction of gay people.
80. A transitive verb takes an object.
81. He became the unwilling object of her attention.
82. Beatrice was the object of Dante's desire.
83. A stationary object is easy to be aimed at.
84. He always travels first class-expense is no object.
85. As you object(), we won't go.
86. The object is to educate people about road safety.
87. distance of the reflecting object.
88. Let this accident be an object lesson in the dangers of drinking and driving.
89. He didn't know he was then an object to be horsed.
90. I object to being repeatedly dropped on in this manner.
91. She studied the object in the palm of her hand.
92. The object of his affections was a young opera singer.
93. Verbs that do not take object are called intransitive verbs.
94. She knew that she was an object of pity among her friends.
95. We can take it as read that she will object.
96. The statue of the emperor became an object of devotion.
97. I'd like some coffee, and I don't object to the powdered stuff if it's all you've got.
98. Mr Simon said he was not against taxes as such, "but I do object when taxation is justified on spurious or dishonest grounds," he says.
99. This method involves cutting a very thin slice from the object.
100. Staying late at the office to discuss shorter working hours rather defeats the object of the exercise!
101. She tried to object, but the director slapped her down.
102. The object of their expedition was to discover the source of the River Nile.
103. She is an object of ridicule in the tabloid newspapers.
104. Why do you object against Mr. Sharp for the chairmanship?
105. His one object in life is to earn as much money as possible.
105. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
106. What if you want to compare the actual contents of an object for equivalence?
107. We, the undersigned, strongly object to the closure of St. Mary's Hospital: Jack James , Philippa Curry , Hugh Edwards.
108. Whether the object was used for rituals is highly debatable .
109. He thought of the baby almost as an inanimate object.
110. I object to being told what to do by someone junior to me.
111. In the sentence 'I like ice cream', 'ice cream' is the object of the verb 'like'.
112. The object of her hatred was 24-year-old model Ros French.
113. It was your own idea in the first place, so you can hardly object now.
114. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its gravitational pull.
115. The object of great interest at the Temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha.
116. My sole object is to get to the bottom of this mystery.
117. My object was to publish a scholarly work on Peter Mourne.
118. Don't let your arms relax as that would defeat the object of the exercise.
119. I object against him that he is too young for going to school.
120. Hugh Johnson's shop in London has a range of superb Swedish crystal glasses that I would have if money were no object.
121. In today's session, the object of the exercise is to improve your interpersonal skills.
122. A new baby will automatically curl its fingers round any object it touches.
123. Gandhi became an object of widespread veneration because of his unceasing struggle for freedom and equality.
124. The object of the exercise is to raise money for the charity.
125. Some people object to streaming because it gives an unfair advantage to intelligent children.
126. I hated the thought of being an object of pity .
127. Although he was based in Wales, distance was no object.
128. The object of the exercise is to increase public awareness of environmental issues.
129. The way ants work is an object lesson in order and organization.
130. In 'She wrote a letter', the verb 'wrote' is transitive and the word 'letter' is the direct object.
131. Many local people object to the building of the new airport.
132. The village is the object of fierce loyalty among its inhabitants.
133. One of them had been struck 13 times over the head with a blunt object.
134. Even the smallest metallic object, whether a nail file or cigarette lighter, is immediately confiscated.
135. The sole object of all the child's affection was a soft toy.
135. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
136. I do object to their claim, which I find totally unsubstantiated.
137. When a large object impacts the Earth, it makes a crater.
138. The object is most desirable, but quaere, is it practicable?
139. The customer will benefit most, and that is the object of the exercise .
140. An object as viewed in a plain mirror is perverted from its actual appearance.
141. She travels around the world as if money is no object.
142. She wanted to be regarded as more than just a sex object.
143. You can take the first object in my room that strikes your eyes.
144. He looks at me as if I'm an inanimate object.
145. I want the best man for the job and will pay the best wages; money no object.
146. In 'I met him in town', the word 'him' is the direct object.
147. The disaster was an object lesson in how not to run a ship.
148. The object of her affections was a young man named Paul.
149. The patient'simmune system would reject the transplanted organ as a foreign object.
150. His object is to gather as great a diversity of material as possible.
151. If you're late, you'll defeat the whole object of the exercise.
152. Her car was an object of envy in the neighbourhood.
153. He felt he was nothing more to her than an object of desire.
154. The object of this society is to perfect its members practically and scientifically.
155. I object to such treatment /to being treated like this.
156. He did not object.
157. In the sentence 'Give Val some cake', 'Val' is the indirect object.
158. In the sentence 'I can't drive', the object 'a car' is understood.
159. Her calm handling of the emergency was an object lesson to us all.
160. The plans are an object lesson in how to ruin a city centre.
161. Bring the object into focus if you want a sharp photograph.
162. In order to compass our object we must work hard.
163. This was the first object placed in the heavens by the Creator.
164. As a heavy child, she became the object of ridicule from classmates.
165. A considerable number of people object to the government's attitude to immigration.
165. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
166. The game was to guess the object which was hidden with a cloth.
167. First think of an object and tell us if it is animal, vegetable or mineral.
168. If we can pass a rope round the sunken object, we might be able to raise it.
169. In 'Give him the money', 'him' is the indirect object and 'money' is the direct object.
170. I did not really object to Will's behaviour so much as his personality.
171. The object of the exercise is to score as many points as possible.
172. He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object.
173. Meditation involves focusing the mind on a single object or word.
174. He became an object of ridicule among the other workers.
175. He had become an object of ridicule among the other teachers.
176. Her sole object in life is to become a travel writer.
177. An alien object was threatening the organism.
178. Sometimes an action or object has a meaning in this dimension that is quite arbitrary.
179. Finding the prisoners gone, the mob began to search for an object on which to vent its anger.
180. The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without a teacher. Elbert Hubbard 
181. Indeed, Tivoli says it may even adopt the Object Model as a subset of its own future offerings.
182. Human beings are funny. They long to be with the person they love but refuse to admit openly. Some are afraid to show even the slightest sign of affection because of fear. Fear that their feelings may not be recognized, or even worst, returned. But one thing about human beings puzzles me the most is their conscious effort to be connected with the object of their affection even if it kills them slowly within. Sigmund Freud 
183. If applied linguistics is left exclusively to an elite band of researchers, then the whole object of the exercise disappears.
184. When a moving object catches their attention, babies are apt to focus on it.
185. Pleasure is the object, duty and the goal of all rational creatures. Voltaire 
186. The object is to gather enough evidence and sift through all the forensics information needed to write an acceptable arrest warrant.
187. I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent. Mahatma Gandhi 
188. You can change the center of gravity by adding weight to one part of the object.
189. If pining for the object of your affections is your preoccupation, Asawa offers plenty of support here in these amatory plaints.
190. Although these manuscripts have been known for a long time now, they have been the object of academic study only.
191. Nervous, she thought, or apprehensive about something, the way his gaze never quite settled on any one object.
192. To know a people, observe how he wins his object, rather than how he loses it; for when we fail, our pride supports; when we succeed; it betrays us. Charles Caleb Colton 
193. The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me? George Orwell 
194. The main clause elements are subject, predicator, object, complement, and adjunct.
195. Lombardy was stopped and arrested on suspicion of rape by force; rape with a foreign object and false imprisonment.
196. For example, cubism is very little like its object, and abstract art(), not at all.
197. Will we object in 75 years if our ancestor's medical records become publicly accessible?
198. Some acrylic easels are rigid with prongs or lips to hold the object.
199. And the C-based virtual object command language has been enlarged to over 500 commands, making the system more accessible to non-programmers.
200. To capture the truth of the object then, the poem argues, the object must be absent.
201. So a Creature object will contain the species field in addition to the name and description fields inherited from the Thing class.
202. In each of these Leapor takes aim at that object of Scriblerian mockery, the beau.
203. It has become customary to assume that the subject is that which acts and the object is that which is acted upon.
204. It was unlike Jasper not to object to cigarette ash, in ravioli.
205. For what object of thought is one referring to when one is asserting the existence of men?
206. Scientists can learn much about the nature of an object by studying the way it emits and absorbs light and other radiation.
207. In Brouwerian logic, one can not deduce from the falsity of the non-existence of some object that the object actually exists!
208. If you are lighting a single object, aim to place your fixture so that there is no distracting reflection.
209. Political discourse, in this view, is full of manipulation, deception, and untruths whose object is political advantage.
210. No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly. Oscar Wilde 
211. Is not this concentrated respect for the object as a specimen the very antithesis of the arts in education?
212. A massive object containing a small quantity of C- field begins to collapse when the pressure is no longer adequate to prevent it.
213. Real Programmers never program COBOL, money is no object.
214. Chunking operations not supported on Record object fields.
215. This is an Ajax call using the XHR object.
216. We'll have to confiscate this object.
217. The object of his amorous intentions is Martina.
218. Object carousel and data carousel are both carousels.
219. Return canonical representation for the string object.
220. Animating one unified gear object is faster than doing it for 3 separate gears.
221. Object : To assess the antidepressant effect of the water decoction of Rhizoma acori tatarinowii.
222. The task of object oriented analysis is build a class structure through analyzing problem domain.
223. The center of gravity of a flat object can be experimentally as shown in Fig 3 - 9 .
224. Aerodynamics: The study of airflow over and around an object.
225. Two expressions are coreferent if they denote the same object or individual.
226. Do all drawing through the member functions a CDC object.
227. Third - party states have no title to object to cession.
228. In this exhibition we see the art object not as a representation but as an obstruction.
229. The cursor or a contour line the graphics object must be in the snap range.
230. C ++ programmers tend to be cavalier in their use of the term object.
231. The appropriateness depends on the objects,(http:///object.html) lying in the relationship between the subject and object.
232. Now that Fantina is old, she has been cast aside like some useless object.
233. Phase Conjugation in a new configuration for generating four - wave by double object beams is reported.
234. Entity tracking, also named coreference resolution, is to identify the same object from different mentions.
235. All the current geometric hashing methods are just suitable for the object recognition under affine transformation.
236. The structure of the cell wall has long been the object of intensive study.
237. Real Programmers never program in COBOL, money is no object.
238. The respondent may accept the arbitration claim or object a right to makea counterclaim.
239. A COBOL compiler accepts COBOL source code and generates a machine - level object module.
240. A centrifuge is a device for whirling an object with a high velocity.
241. You should never put a cotton ball swab or other object into the ear conalcanal.
242. Abstract: The paper put forward principle and object of straight profile - circular plane worm's optimization design.
243. Object: Making use of computer technology to realize quantitative management of drug.
244. In film, television, still photography and the comic strip medium a - frames a person or an object.
245. Object To explore the effect of Eclectic Psychotherapy in agoraphobia.
246. For example, the Summoning Charm brings an object to the caster.
247. Object : To optimize the extraction procedure of the total flavonoids Agi ( Artemisia Frigida Wild ) .
248. COBOL, a data item whose value may be changed during execution of the object program.
249. A phase power flow application based on CIM has been developed using object oriented techniques.
250. Icon A small pictorial representation of an object or function in a computer display.
251. A glass object, such as a pendant of a chandelier.
252. Object To study the epidemiological and aetiological charactristic of infective endocarditis.
253. Product color because of printing chromatic aberration, take material object as.
254. The paper put forward principle and object of straight profile circular plane worms optimization design.
255. The cursor or a contour line of the graphics object must be in the snap range.
256. Abstract: A locking - based concurrency control scheme fo r object - oriented databases ( OODBs ) was presented.
257. The encounter difficulty was modified,(http:///object.html) as well as some object names and gate types.
258. The civil legal relation object is not just simple enumeration of civil right object.
259. As with all object - oriented models, CIM has several layers.
260. In COBOL, a data item whose value may be changed during execution of the object program.
261. The object model we use are three non - coplanar lines which intersect at two points.
262. If infringe their contraindication, can cause local intense dissatisfaction and object.
263. To the problem of parametercoupling of alternator and controlled object, a FUZZY - PID control algorithm is adopted.
264. Also, Java virtual machines in Communicator and Internet Explorer support object - sign checking.
265. There was evidently some object which was arresting the passengers and forming them into a knot.
266. Infringement dissension is the major object with which the civil action mechanism deals.
267. This isn't the handicraft product, but art object in of strange Pa - handicraft embroidery!
268. The Dipylidium caninum , Ancylostoma and Toxocara canis are preponderance and the major object in repelling worm.
269. The method of using the BRDF to reproduction the chromaticity of object is feasible.
270. Objective To study the germicidal mechanism of chlorine dioxide with Escherichia coli as the experimental object.
271. In the cognition of an object of sense, both sides are presented conjointly.
272. The centrifugal force of a rotating object decrease when It'slow down.
273. An anxiety reaction that is focused on a particular object or situation.
274. A fractal object is self - affine instead of self - similar if it has scaling property in different direction.
275. A cut - glass object, such as a pendant of a chandelier.




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