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单词 Dissipate
1) In her youth she seemed to dissipate almost compulsively.
2) The police managed to dissipate the mob in minutes.
3) He wound down the windows to dissipate the heat.
4) One of the ways to dissipate perspiration is by convection.
5) The office boy tried to dissipate the smoke by opening a window of the meeting room.
6) Whereas resistive potential dividers dissipate electrical power, capacitive dividers do not.
7) The net effect of these factors is to dissipate the energy of the returning hammer.
8) Don't dissipate your efforts.
9) The other method is to dissipate the extra 3. 2 kilometers per second by passing through the upper atmosphere.
10) An evaporation system is used to dissipate heat from the sun and protect the shuttle's electronics.
11) He wanted to dissipate his anger before making the next phone call.
12) Firstly, gas is lighter than air and leakages dissipate in the atmosphere rather than forming a local hazard.
13) An hour's walk in the countryside will dissipate any uncomfortable feelings absorbed from others.
14) More efficient drives dissipate less heat and hence require smaller heat sinks-traditionally the largest component.
15) As penniless brokers they often had to dissipate energy on make-do and mend activities.
16) These fluctuations dissipate with height.
17) They dissipate all night and sleep all day.
18) The body must dissipate heat as fast as it produces it.
19) When you feel tension building,[http:///dissipate.html] find something fun to do. You'll find that the stress you feel will dissipate and your thoughts will become clearer.
20) The flames were now extinguished, windows had been opened in the top gallery and the smoke was beginning to dissipate.
21) Such systems are highly initial-condition sensitive, so it might seem that they can not dissipate disturbance at all.
22) While grief is fresh, every attempt to divert only irritates. You must wait till it be digested, and then amusement will dissipate the remains of it. Samuel Johnson 
23) My father waited for the energy of my attack to dissipate.
24) When the man got vanilla, engine was still too hot for the vapor lock to dissipate.
25) Type of radioactive disintegration (see radioactivity) in which some unstable atomic nuclei dissipate excess energy by spontaneously ejecting an alpha particle.
26) Occasionally there would be the days when my depression would dissipate temporarily.
27) From this significance,() it is not only necessary but very urgent to introduce Dissipate Structure Theory to instruct the positivistic research in translation teaching.
28) According to current engineering hydrodynamics, there's positively constant head loss in Bernoulli's theorem for identical stream line in viscous fluid, which can later turn into heat and dissipate.
29) A latching relay will minimize this effect because the coil will dissipate power for only an instant.
30) The heat dissipating device for the expansion card can further dissipate heat of the heating element of the expansion card to improve the heat dissipating efficiency of the whole system.
31) A set of doveish appointments could soon dissipate the Fed's inflation - fighting credibility.
32) It assumes the form of an inkling whose haziness will progressively dissipate as further poetic efforts are made successfully.
33) Exercises forbearance, Is equal to not necessarily weakly, The right and wrong gratitude and grudges as soon as smile with the wind may dissipate, Draws back a step of boundlessness.
34) It's not that he wants to dissipate all thought of fear.
35) He tried to dissipate the smoke by opening a window.
36) To dissipate the sadness of this recital, Tess went and bade all her favourite cows good - bye.
37) " said Kohler. "In 2000, we showed that single DNA bases can dissipate UV energy in less than one picosecond.
38) So, in order to dissipate the static charge should first do a "chip-proof".
39) Will phase cannons dissipate if they travel outside influence of pylon matrix?
40) When the man got vanilla, the engine was still too hot for the vapor lock to dissipate.
41) Ideally, the cars slide along this wall or crash barrier and dissipate energy and speed.
42) The researchers think the cooler night and early-morning temperatures, which would help dissipate body heat and increase oxygen availability, may be more helpful than any tailwind assist.
43) The plunge pool is usually used to dissipate energy under high dam.
44) A fundamental law of conditioning is that any pattern that is continually reinforced will become an automatic and conditioned response. Anything we fail to reinforce will eventually dissipate.
44) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
45) The results show that the surface runoff mainly are formed in the middle and the high mountainous area in the inland arid areas and dissipate in the pediment plain and desert.
46) The paper summarized the study progress in treatment of adiposis hepatica with Chinese crude drugs to dissipate phlegm and remove blood stasis.
47) The Dashade are muscular humanoids with high foreheads, a lamprey -like mouth, powerful claws, and a natural ability to dissipate heat that makes them difficult to spot with most life-form sensors.
48) In the following soak (shut-in) phase, the well is shut in for days to allow the heat to dissipate in the reservoir and the heavy oil to heat up and become less viscous.
49) Assuming the global recovery remains on track, this bout of disinflation will probably dissipate by early next year.
50) It can promote blood circulation and dissipate blood stasis apart from relieving exterior and sweating with warmth and acridity, suppressing asthma and stopping cough.
51) In 2000, we showed that single DNA bases can dissipate U energy in less than one picosecond .
52) One might argue that money is laughing gas for most of us in its ability to dissipate anxiety and send our spirits soaring.
53) The low case presents the alternative outcome if policies dissipate the results of these developments.
54) Objective:Influence of dissipate phlegm, invigorate vital energy, promoting blood flow treatment to restenosis related gene of rabbit angiostegnosis model was studied.
55) A specially designed fluid damper used as negative shock pulse generator in the shock resistance test system to dissipate the shock input energy in transient time duration was presented.
56) It stands outside my window like a huge lamp that sheds its light into my room, and even when the day is overcast, they dissipate the melancholy and scatter away all mistiness.
57) Any of three processes of radioactive disintegration in which a beta particle is spontaneously emitted by an unstable atomic nucleus in order to dissipate excess energy.
58) A passive element cannot generate energy, but can only dissipate it or store it.
59) Conclusion:treatment bases on tonifying kidney and regulate menstrual cycle with activate blood and dissipate stasis throughout the whole menstruate cycle can receive fine effect.
60) If a person is damaged by it, the only option is to effuse and dissipate it, with a cure occurring immediately following perspiration.
61) The hyperthermia may be fatal, and steps should be taken to dissipate heat quickly.
62) Some form of resonator may be used to dissipate energy in an oscillating feed system.
63) It turns out that the storage transistors in these flash-memory devices are prone to being gummed up with electrostatic charge that they cannot dissipate.
64) Do you can whatever you like if you are rich enough------to kill to dissipate to is the activator of corruption.
65) Vasodilation and sweating dissipate heat through radiation and conduction from the skin.
66) Results : Aloe has the effect of activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis detumescence and odynolysis.
66) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
67) The release of driving very fast would help dissipate what he knew was a dangerous tension.
68) Atlantic Tropical Storm Karen faded into a tropical depression and was likely to dissipate soon, with winds of 35 mph about 495 miles east of the Leeward Islands.
69) Using radio telescopes, the two astronomers detected cosmic noise, or static, that didn't dissipate over time.
70) In this paper the frictional resistance to dissipate energy is used to substitute the viscous damping for TMD system.




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