随便看 |
- be the brains of
- be the brains of something
- be the brains of sth
- be the butt of
- be the butt of something
- be the butt of sth
- be the centre of attention
- be the centre of sb universe
- be the centre of somebody's universe
- be the centre of universe
- be the dead spit of
- be the dead spit of sb
- be the (dead) spit of somebody
- be the dead spit of somebody
- be the despair of
- be the despair of sb
- be the despair of somebody
- be the dog's bollocks
- be the end of your rope
- be the envy of
- be the envy of sb
- be the envy of somebody
- be the equal of
- be the equal of sb
- be the equal of somebody
- Magnetostatics
- Say yes
- Mao tsetung
- Sanded
- Advil
- Mitogen
- Mitogenic
- Self-reading
- Cashless society
- Permanent injunction
- 读《花间》、《尊前》集,令人回想徐陵《玉台新咏》.读《草堂诗余》,令人回想韦縠《才调集》.读朱竹垞《词综》,张皋文、董晋卿《词选》,令人回想沈德潜“三朝诗别裁集”.
- 读《词有题而词亡》有感
- 读一切好书,充实自己的心灵
- 读万卷书,行万里路
- 读东坡、稼轩词,须观其雅量高致,有伯夷、柳下惠之风.白石虽似蝉蜕尘埃,然终不免局促辕下.
- 读书不辍,精于养学
- 读书与讲话
- 读书为净土》原文|译文|赏析
- 读书为有用》原文|译文|赏析
- 读书之法无他,惟是笃志虚心,反复详玩,为有功矣。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 读书之法,莫贵于循序而致精。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 读书人只是个气高,欲人尊己;志卑,欲人利己,便是至愚极陋。只看四书六经千言万语教人是如此不是?士之所以可尊可贵者,以有道也。这般见识,有什么可尊贵处?小子戒之。
- 读书人最怕诵底是古人语,做底是自家人。这等读书,虽闭户十年,破卷五车,成什么用?
- 读书使人聪慧,养性使人明理,思过使人觉察
- 读书减压法,在阅读中减少大脑的负担
- Theory of probability句子
- Hellebore句子
- Dodecanese句子
- Cercaria句子
- Manual workers句子
- Optical store句子
- Tell the world句子
- Gas fuel句子
- Danelaw句子
- Saxony句子
- Old stock句子
- Efficiency test句子
- Training college句子
- Half-century句子
- Unacted句子