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单词 Defect
1. The fundamental defect of fathers is that they want their children to be a credit to them. 
2. A defect was found in the water-cooling/electrical circuit.
3. He was born with a hearing defect.
4. Near-sightedness is a visual defect.
5. He has an optical defect.
6. The defect detracts greatly from the value of the vase.
7. All R45 aircraft have been grounded, after a defect in the engine cooling system was discovered.
8. Stammering is probably an inherited defect.
9. She suffers from a heart/sight/speech defect.
10. This is a physical defect that cannot be cured.
11. He tried to defect to the West last year.
12. He has a congenital heart defect.
13. He strove manfully to overcome his speech defect.
14. The defect in the drainage must be remedied.
15. Cystic fibrosis is caused by a genetic defect.
16. It's a character defect in her that she can't ever accept that she's in the wrong.
17. The Tsarist system had suffered from a similar defect.
18. Ultimately, that defect prevents the heart from pumping well.
19. Furthermore any serious defect is seen and rejected.
20. Secondly, cigarette smoking might produce a local immunological defect.
21. Temptation to defect, 5 points.
22. Hooper documents a serious defect in this reasoning.
23. No one with any physical defect may serve as priest, though he may share in eating the offerings.
24. Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love—pure without any defect. However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love.
25. Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love-pure without any defect. However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love-same transparent but easily broken.
26. The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect.
27. The teacher should try to eliminate the possibility that the child has a hearing defect.
28. Half of all fetuses with the syndrome have a congenital heart defect.
29. For a child to be born with this disability indicates a defect in obstetric care.
30. Your sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a defect is expressly limited to replacement of the diskette as provided above.
1. A defect was found in the water-cooling/electrical circuit.
2. He was born with a hearing defect.
3. Near-sightedness is a visual defect.
4. He has an optical defect.
5. The defect detracts greatly from the value of the vase.
6. All R45 aircraft have been grounded, after a defect in the engine cooling system was discovered.
7. He has a congenital heart defect.
8. The defect in the drainage must be remedied.
31. She might have had an unknown liver defect or the symptoms were induced by the drug.
32. If your speech suffers from this defect, your teachers will not tell you of it.
33. Some items suffered from more than one specific defect, while others suffered from none, showing merely general wear and tear.
34. Who had persuaded the other to defect, to betray his fundamental principles in the name of personal loyalty?
35. But it fell far short of providing the detailed model-by-model defect analysis demanded by Mr Gummer's critics.
36. The same triple defect probably contributes to the formation of recurrent gall bladder stones.
37. If its use can not possibly be avoided, the patient should be counseled about the possibility of a birth defect.
38. Home Secretary Jack Straw's record would be reason enough to defect from Labour.
39. The defect need not be the sole cause of the damage.
40. An idiopathic defect of magnesium absorption has been reported as a rare cause of symptomatic hypomagnesemia in infants.
41. And oxygen deficiency during the foetal stage may inhibit brain development and size at birth, with or without other defect.
42. Laura was born with a rare heart defect which prevented enough oxygen getting into her blood.
43. The only renal functional abnormality consistently noted in, hyperuricemic patients is a mild defect in concentrating ability.
44. The investigators found no evidence of a defect or malfunction that could have caused the destruction of the aircraft.
45. This is an inadvertent consequence of the peculiar defect structure of the clay.
46. They announced yesterday that their treatment also eliminates the genetic defect in laboratory mice, bred with cystic fibrosis.
47. According to one school of thought, the disease is caused by a genetic defect.
48. It could be that some underlying defect opens the way to both candidiasis and chemical sensitivity.
49. If the product has been assembled, checked or altered, then this may provide an alternative explanation for the defect.
50. The institute found that only 18 percent of card holders defect to competing grocers, compared with 21 percent for card-less shoppers.
51. Born with a kidney defect, he needs up to 5 pints of liquid every day to stay fit and healthy.
52. Jeanette Orton from Oxfordshire has already undergone surgery to correct a defect in her right eye.
53. It will be appreciated that the precise nature of the degree or defect in acuity or field of vision is highly individual.
54. The first obstacle is, of course, to show that the defect caused the accident.
55. They are not liable in negligence for the cost of remedial measures caused by a defect in the building's construction.
56. Here, the continuing water diuresis may have washed out the medullary concentration gradient and led to a protracted concentrating defect.
57. Any problems with drains should be regarded as a major defect and the details passed on to your solicitor.
58. The pair announced that they had identified a genetic defect in the dopamine system of some alcoholics.
59. This suggests that there is some other deficiency as well in those with chemical sensitivity - perhaps a defect in another enzyme.
60. This membrane defect makes it much easier for toxic substances made by the immune system to enter red cells and kill parasites.
61. The producer of a defective product is liable for damage resulting wholly or partly from that defect.
62. By emphasizing every defect in her body, she offers a challenge to polite culture.
63. What is the special defect we find in checkerboard solutions?
64. The house may show a defect a number of years after construction.
65. The cost of remedying the defect is economic loss and neither party owes a duty of care to P2 in that respect.
66. This defect in the simple social structure of primary rules we may call its uncertainty.
67. The disorder is caused by an inherited defect of collagen, long intertwined proteins that form the supporting matrix for bone.
68. They share a defect in common with all historical reconstruction that is only concerned with extreme positions.
69. Children were considered ineligible to be controls if they were a twin, were adopted, or had a serious congenital defect.
70. But the book's principal defect remains the vacuity of its protagonist.
71. During an effort to overcome one of those problems - a heart defect - surgeons gave the boy a blood transfusion.
72. The pattern is similar to that produced by the flow of electrical current around a circular defect in a plate.
73. In familial cases without a gene defect regular echocardiograms are the only practicable screening method.
74. But if both players accept this logic and defect, they end up worse off than if they had co-operated.
75. The swop did not come to light until Arlena, who suffered from a congenital heart defect, had to undergo surgery.
76. The finding could ultimately lead to a way to correct the genetic defect, scientists say.
77. A clear example of a mutation altering development is the inherited genetic defect, sickle cell anaemia.
78. A three-dollar conversion would have corrected the design defect, but the corporation chose to ignore the problem.
79. However, the increased risk of an abdominal wall defect near special sites fell to 3 %.
80. In respiratory acidosis since the initial defect is associated with the lungs, the kidneys respond as the major compensatory system.
81. Men who defect for practical reasons are easier to manage and maintain.
82. The third group of patients with a diluting defect and hyponatremia are those with no apparent abnormality of total body sodium content.
83. Was it possible, after all, that Vologsky could be primed to defect in less than a month?
84. The estimated annual number of births affected with a neural tube defect is about 400,000 world wide.
85. A defect in either the fetus or the placenta will be reflected by a decrease in estriol production. 375.
86. It is this dual defect that causes their considerable sixfold increase in gastrin mediated acid secretion.
87. So natural selection pushes the population even further towards the Always Defect extreme.
88. Sacha Bull was born with a heart defect which meant vital blood supplies were being channelled to other parts of the body.
89. Dig in here and there with your small screwdriver if you are suspicious of any defect.
90. The new law remedies this defect,(/defect.html) to a certain extent.
91. The mouse is bred with the genetic defect but remains alive, enabling potential cures to be tested out on it.
92. There was little evidence to support the presence of a primary defect in the colonic barrier in patients with ulcerative colitis.
93. The baby was born with a serious heart defect and not expected to live.
94. He said that no mechanical or electrical defect had been found in the lift after the accident.
95. Evidence to support a defect in cell mediated immunity is more compelling.
96. We prayerfully proceeded with the purchasing process, only to have the property survey reveal a £5,000 defect.
97. The producer will be liable for any defect in the product which causes damage.
98. Barium meal showed a filling defect in the prepyloric region.
99. This component of overproduction may therefore be an additional aetiology to that of the clearance defect described above.
100. Even if the defect was unknown to the seller he had to recompense the buyer.
101. A defect in the braking system caused several accidents before the car was recalled.
102. To repair the defect, first use a sharp knife to make two cuts at right angles across the blister.
103. If I am to live, I must defect with my aircraft.
104. The defect is said to be the first of its kind in Britain's fleet of nuclear-powered submarines.
105. It is not known, however, if the nucleation defect also persists after the stones have been removed.
106. Investigators found a defect in the design of the ship.
107. Suppose that the payoff to all the members of a small group is greater if all cooperate than if all defect.
108. Local clusters of Always Defect individuals, far from prospering by each other's presence, do especially badly in each other's presence.
109. A chest radiograph was normal, but a ventilation-perfusion lung scan showed a matched defect in the right lower lobe.
110. Again, this is a serious defect and needs checking by a structural engineer.
111. CustomerQ integrates customer support, call tracking, help desk and product defect tracking in a single module that includes Informix.
112. Little analysis was apparent in many of the early Programmes - a defect that was never entirely overcome.
113. We regard this result as strong evidence against a possible structural defect of the Dcm/Cys177Ser mutant.
114. This is not a structural defect - only a sign of antiquity.
115. This condition creates an inherent defect in the battery.
116. My color is simply a genetic defect.
117. a defect in the glass.
118. The defect of these cloths is clash of colors.
119. He suffers from a congenital defect.
120. Cartel members may defect by behaving competitively.
121. A defect of vision prevented him from focusing accurately.
122. ASD is the second common congenital defect.
123. Certainly there was no physical defect.
124. Objective To observe osteogenesis of percutaneous autogenous bone marrow into cicatrix of bone defect.
125. Its carrier wave is a kind of the bearing's inherent vibration with high frequency, and its modulating wave is a pass vibration corresponding to the local defect.
126. Birth defect: Genetic or trauma - induced abnormality present at Birth.
127. I don't think the importance of this defect should be exaggerated.
128. Methods: Repair the maxillofacial defect with the transposition of cervical and thoracic bilobed skin flap.
129. The individual stages of the process are identified and listed. Potential defect modes are described and evaluated. Corrective measures are introduced and monitored by the persons responsible.
130. The resonant frequency splitting caused by photonic crystal (PC) defect coupling can be well described by the tight-binding (TB) approximation in which only two coupling parameters are used.
131. So it is an ideal flap for repairing the tissue defect around the foot dorsum, heel, malleolus , sole and knee.
132. Up to date, commonly used bone defect repairing technologies include allograft, autograft, heterograft and the application of bone substitute.
133. Losing cells is the main defect of image communication under ATM.
134. Baby-step-giant-step attack algorithm is universally suitable to solve all discrete logarithm problems, but its relatively larger storage cost is an obvious defect.
135. Results The main manifestation concluded a constricted ring of the right upper limb and upper part of the head, skull defect, gastroschisis , eventration and extreme shortness of umbilical cord.
136. This defect or distortion of attitude was consequent on his past experience or his present situation.
137. Objective:To manage the back wall defect of external acoustic canal and opened mastoid cavity which was remained from radical mastoidectomy .
138. When internal or external fixation appliances are not used, which is rare now, strength is necessary in a graft used for bridging a defect in a long bone or een for the treatment of pseudarthrosis .
139. The gut will pass through the defect into the chest.
140. The temporary definition structure includes at least one pointer to information in the temporary defect management area.
141. This applies to any loss the defect may cause including loss of production, loss of profit and any other indirect loss.
142. Conclusion: This method is simple and effect for traumatic defect of alae nasi.
143. Objective To investigate the applied value of pectoralis major musculocutaneous island flap in the repaired defect after cephalo- cervical surgery for elderly patients.
144. The proposed scheme can overcome the defect that when wavelet transform is used to extract transient fault information, wavelet transform itself is restricted by the selection of mother wavelet.
145. The defect of conventional method construction of model and analysis of vibration - impact rammer was analyzed firstly.
145. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
146. The new test does not overcome the traditional version's defect of being dominated by multiple-choice questions, and 4) productive skills (writing and speaking) are still not adequately tested.
147. In this paper we briefly analyze the mechanism of engendering pores in powder metal material(PM), and study the influence of welding speed and active gas for welding porosity defect.
148. To various image distortion, it can analysis the distortion defect and find the position of image defect by using assistant means of digital image processing.
149. It discusses the advantage and defect of the short sighting alignment. Some problems of the arrangement of short slighting alignment are also pointed out.
150. A Request is a new record type designed to allow anyone to submit petitions to the team, such as a request for a new feature (enhancement) or a defect report.
151. We have used the superficial temporal vascular fascial outer-table calvarial bone flaps to repair the frontofacial defect in 5 cases since 1990. Satisfactory results were obtained.
152. Conclusion Radial midforrarm flap pedicled with intermuscular branch of radial artery can be transferred to repair soft tissue defect of elbow, forearm or hand.
153. Conclusion:The medial tibial periosteal flap pedicled with the inferior patellar branches can be transposed for the treatment of the defect of genicular articular surface.
154. Congenital microphthalmia is a developmental defect of ocular disorder with autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked recessive modes of inheritance.
155. This article presents two cases for reconstruction of a soft palate defect for prosthetic obturation.
156. Yet I am of opinion, this defect arises chiefly from a perverse, restive disposition.
157. That is, comparing with defect CPU, the correlation coefficient of the normal CPU is closer to ideal value, 1.
158. The defect of visual field was detected in all patients, including completely homonymous hemianopsia (12 cases, 67%) and partly homonymous hemianopsia (5 cases, 28%).
159. If poisonous defect pericardium, becloud deities is sent weigh disease to fizzle out urgently.
160. Then, the decision function for ultrasonic defect identification is constructed. The implementation of the method and some experimental results are also given at this paper.
161. With increase in defect severity, energy is distributed to the sidebands of the gear mesh frequency across supply line frequency.
162. Do you have hearing or sight impairment, physical defect or infirmity?
163. Scanning Electronic Microscope(SEM)and EDAX were used to analyze the surface defect of mandril for hot rolling steel tube. Appearance and growth of the surface defect were investigated and discussed.
164. We reconstructed the paracolostomy defect with an unilateral , vertical rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap.
165. CT findings of ureteral polyp were intraluminal filling defect in 3 cases.
166. Intelligence and open - mindedness are essential to business success. Irrationality is a crucial character defect.
167. Objective To create an animal model of osteochondral defect in temporomandibular joint(TMJ) by arthroscope to minimize the surgical injury.
168. AIM : To evaluate the clinical effects of treating dentition defect with periodontal disease in combined treatment.
169. The basic processes of on - line defect detection for color printing were introduced.
170. But this scheme has serious unfairness, which is a fatal defect.
171. The client is accompanied to learn a car in big winter, car defect enters water hole later in, we took off a shoe, go in glacial water go-cart .
172. Advantage and defect of semi - metallic , none - asbestos polymer and powder metallurgy were discussed.
173. Objective:To find a new donor site for the repair of facial tissue defect and total nose reconstruction.
174. A reversed radial thenar island flap pedicled with the TLDA can be designed to repair soft tissue defect of the volar side of the thumb.
175. This large mid - thoracic meningomyelocele is another form of neural tube defect ( NTD ).
176. To overcome the defect of overelaborate for the fussy, intricate and low accurate method, a new method of stability analysis of loess slopes is put forward with the theory of neural network.
177. The problems of reading defect characters of images and misrecognition of similar characters can be solved by a kind of sifting-connection algorithm and the application of BP neural network technique.
178. The defect of the new rules is that they will fail to deliver this.
179. Discusse STL files optimizing, how to use three-dimensional reconstruction to produce the defect organs structure of tissue engineered, provide entity model for the repair of tissues and organs.
180. Comparison test and practical experience clearly showed, the defect detectibility of the fluorescent magnetic particle testing is far higher than the black magnetic particle testing.
181. The intelligence of most teen - ager prisoners ( 83 percent ) was lower or had defect.
182. According to the theory of magnetic dipole, the leakage field model of a high-pressure-tube with linear defect was established in vertical low-intensity field.
183. Objective: To provide anatomical basis for the reverse transposition of soleus musculocutaneous flap pedicled with peroneal vessels to repair tissue defect in the middle and low segments of the leg.
184. Collect production quality feedback from customer's production line, and make specific record, including defect mode, quantity, dept personnel reflecting problem, defect responsibility, etc.
185. Analyses show that the characteristic factor for oxide integrity E , i. e. the number of elements per defect, can be calculated from oxide capacitor leak current yield curves.
186. This defect means fixed exchange rate schemes have a bias towards deflation.
187. Objective To discuss a new operative procedure and the results of transplantation of iliotibial band with vascular anastomoses to repair Achilles tendon defect.
188. It's a single gene defect and we know exactly where the genetic defect is in sickle cell.
189. Sometimes this is through a ventricular septal defect or an atrial septal defect.
190. Results: The chondral defect models were successfully constructed on 9 goats ( 9 joints ) and accurately located arthroscopy.
191. Pattern 3 : Patterns are irregular alternant , which belongs to the dye - print defect.
192. Objective : To investigate the clinical value of echocardiography in diagnosis of fetal ventricular septal defect.
193. This method applies only to open workpiece surface defect detection.
194. Twelve states would not issue a marriage license if one partner was a drunk, an addict or a "mental defect."
195. HEAD PULL : Green roller defect caused by improper machine timing; results in nick or indent of large end of radius.
196. Ventricular septal defect ( VSD ) is one of the most common congenital heart malformations.
197. The immune system may fail to function for many reasons. Immune disorders caused by a genetic defect are usually evident early in life.
198. It is found that some patients with pre-eclampsia maybe have HLA-G gene defect, and the distribution of HLA-G polymorphism was also different.
199. Covariance matrix can get bands with ample information content but it is a model educed under normal distribution condition, in addition its defect is large numbers of data, slower disposing speed.
200. And no diphtherotoxin was detected in its soluble metabolites indicating that cell wall defect might affect the production of diphtherotoxin, therefore lost its pathogenic role in exotoxin production.
201. A new method is presented, which is suitable editing graph model by GWPLUS. EXE and high language. It make up defect of importing graph by FOXBASE, and provide exist form of graph data.
202. Objective To explore the applications of ipsilateral reverse fascial pedicled posterolateral lower leg flap in foot defect repair.
203. Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Intruduce application of Double - End - Groin flap for defect of hand skin.
204. Objective To discuss the application of autologous skull flap in the repair of skull defect.
205. Objective To explore a new method of cranioplasty to repair large-format bone defect.
205. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
206. The method can overcome the defect that the oil stain could make a big error in the image processing, and can mark the region of the defect.
207. Information redundancy is the most obvious defect of current audit technologies.
208. Radiowave refractive errors correction methods have defect of computing complexity and no real time in common use.
209. Air blow installation to eliminate defect which causing from stripped jacket.
210. The theme discusses the defect of IMO indexing in the practical application, and put forward suggestions.
211. The artificial joint is also refer to the bone defect where happened near the joint.
212. The other four patients had an isolated osteochondral defect with reparative tissue within the base of the defect.
213. The ANSYS software is used to simulate the model of defect, then to calculate the distribution of magnetic line of force.
214. If the beta customer identifies critical usability or missing functionality at this stage, you have a difficult decision: Release with the critical defect or delay the release in order to redesign.
215. Objective To introduce the method of repair of volar skin defect of index finger by reversed first dorsal metacarpal artery facial island flap.
216. Taking an import tower and a set of chinese-built reactors as the examples defect detecting test and repair process are described in detail.
217. May resolve the maybe tall pattern expense of plant capacity defect puts in.
218. OBJECTIVE: To observe the imitation and reconstruction of mandibular defect by computer aided image and explore the feasibility to establish material model of mandible by rapid prototyping technique.
219. In its sequence, the distribution of most defect quadrant was supertemporal, supernasal, intranasal and infratemporal.
220. The main complicaticons following operation were corneal epithelial defect and anterior synechia.
221. Contraindications include infection in the lumbar area, clotting defect, active neurologic disease, sensitivity to the anesthetic, hypovolemia, and septicemia.
222. In the meantime, the cotton club in eye shadow box can use besmear look line, or block defect frost.
223. The light wave propagation in quasiperiodic one-dimensional photonic crystals with the doped defect and the substitutional defect is studied by means of the transfer-matrix method.
224. The main defect of type YC 4112 Q cylinder head is blowhole.
225. Objective:To approach the significance, selection of operative time and clinical experience in cranioplasty for traumatic skull defect with titanium mesh.
226. Building plaster is a building material with good properties, but its obvious defect of poor water resistance affects its wide application.
227. All patients were cured by surgical operations. Conclusion The excessive development of the sublingual gland and the developing defect of mylohyoid muscle should result in ...
228. A woman who gets adequate amounts of the B vitamin folate is much less likely to have a baby with a birth defect affecting the spinal cord.
229. The defect of current academic costume in China is pointed out.
230. Researching new management methodology, technology, and tools to support software defect management process and improve the efficiency is becoming the software engineering hotspot.
231. What is it like to grow up actually with a birth defect?
232. In the second part of this thesis, the collision processes between one hydrogen atom and graphene with single vacancy defect have been investigated.
233. Objective To investigate the management of the soft tissue defect after Achilles tendon repair.
234. Having evolved when the pace of life was slower, the human brain has an inherent defect that prevents it from absorbing several streams of information simultaneously and acting on them quickly.
235. The result shows that when zero defect, there is magnetic leakage flux around stranded wires.
236. In defect of farming in winter, almost all the peasants here would go to town for a living.
237. The multistable defect in electron-irradiated Fz silicon has been studied by usingDLTS.
238. This was true whether applied to a congenital defect, such as syndactyly , or an acquired defect, such as a burn contracture.
239. His defect caused arrears of work to build up in the court.
240. The vacancy - defect properties were measured by slow positron annihilation, and mechanical behaviors were studied using nanoindentation.
241. In this paper the function and the defect of self - induction static eliminator, radioactive static eliminator and A.
242. Methods The abdominal flap based on the superficial inferior epigastric vessels was designed according to the size and the shape of the vulval defect after the modified radical vulvectomy.
243. Conclusion The antegrade or retrograde island flap or free flap could be designed by the four cutaneous nerve and their nutrient vessels to adjacent and hand soft tissue defect.
244. The patient underwent left occipital craniectomy and the defect was repaired with bone cement.




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