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单词 retentive
释义  re·ten·tive /rɪˈtentɪv/ AWL adjective  REMEMBERa retentive memory or mind is able to hold facts and remember them 记忆力强的 → anal(2) —retentiveness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusretentive• Soil should be rich and moisture retentive, but free-draining.• This gives a moisture retentive medium, but allows excess water to drain from the roots.• He had a highly retentive memory and was an accomplished and lively speaker.• He had a very retentive memory.• The pores between silt particles are so small and retentive of water that tightly packed silt can not be emptied by·ten·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus able or a retentive is mind memory




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