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单词 Adhoc
1. Other opposition has been adhoc and in some areas, such as Inishturk, has not formalized itself into an organization.
2. One other example of a possibly adhoc hypothesis from the history of science will be briefly mentioned.
3. Such an adhoc approach is not conducive to efficient use of present resources nor is it appropriate for long-term planning.
4. From an observer's point of view this adhoc approach to eternity and salvation poses acute problems of description.
5. Critics fear that adhoc boards, neither accountable nor thrifty, will proliferate.
6. This would be a system of adhoc law which would suggest that each novel situation warrants the creation of a new rule.
7. They introduced adhoc postulates, such as proposing that objects got shorter when they moved at high speeds.
8. I am not referring to adhoc arrangements or short-term palliatives.
9. This leads to adhoc government intervention which in turn may undermine the consistency and stability of objectives still further.
10. Currently an adhoc value one third of the distance from the blackout point to the whiteout point is used.
11. The regional question has degenerated into adhoc regional study - on-going analysis of the demand-supply equation for land release.
12. Unfortunately, adhoc bibliographies date quickly and are not always brought up to date after initial publication.
13. It consisted of 148 standing committees and 313 adhoc committees.
14. More detailed information can be obtained on an adhoc basis.
15. Some have to be dealt with using adhoc, independent software vendor solutions at present, such as application development environments and distributed databases.
16. Other courses have developed on an adhoc basis to meet the learning requirements of trained nurses.
17. Adhoc arrangements of this nature are far from a rational approach towards planning an appropriate budget./adhoc.html
18. That has left the impression that trade policy is at the mercy of adhoc decision-making by a variety of officials.
19. Of course, you will have already acquired some people skills through an adhoc process of learning from experience.
20. The evolution of state education during the nineteenth century provides a good example of a series of adhoc responses.
21. Modifications of a theory in an attempt to overcome a difficulty need not be adhoc.
22. It will be argued below that management is provided with an alibi for poor performance by constant adhoc ministerial interference.
23. Discussions deal with the co-ordination of activities and the settlement of operational problems on an adhoc basis.
24. One-off assignments, such as many bankruptcies, project evaluations and adhoc consultancy, are in fact often not continuous supplies of services.
25. In this form they are to be conceived of as adhoc, dispute-resolving mechanisms.
26. The prevalence of smoking among teenagers in Britain has been examined in an adhoc way since the late 1960s.
27. When required for use in war, large numbers of merchant vessels were impressed adhoc.
28. If this hypothesis could be tested only by weighing substances before and after combustion, then it was adhoc.
29. This is a truth dependent on the situation as it was - there was no adhoc electrical circuit and so on.
30. The present totality of teacher education for further education staff has grown in an adhoc fashion.
31. In addition more detailed information is obtained on occasion in order to satisfy the needs of adhoc detailed projects.
32. Galileo was able to outmanoeuvre his rival in the fruitless game of the invention of adhoc devices for the protection of theories.
33. A few other countries have adhoc bilateral agreements with particular neighbours.
34. The biggest single problem area was in the provision of an on-line enquiry facility for adhoc information requirements.
35. The organisation will consist of executive and advisory boards and adhoc committees and task forces will be set up for specific projects.
36. Historically there has been too much reliance on ex post financial accountability in the form of audit reports and adhoc investigations.




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