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单词 assembly
释义 Word family  noun assembly assemblage verb assemble  Related topics: Parliaments, School, Governmentas·sem·bly /əˈsembli/ ●○○ AWL noun (plural assemblies)  1  [countable]PGP a group of people who are elected to make decisions or laws for a particular country, area, or organization 议会;立法机构 the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland 苏格兰长老会大会 the speaker of the California state assembly 加利福尼亚州议会议长2  [countable, uncountable]GROUP OF PEOPLE the meeting together of a group of people for a particular purpose 集会assembly of an assembly of reporters 一次记者集会 Police have imposed conditions on public assemblies. 警方给公共集会设置了条件。 Restrictions on freedom of assembly have gradually been relaxed. 对集会自由的限制渐渐放宽了。 an assembly point (=a place where people go in a particular situation) 集合地点3. [countable, uncountable]SES a regular meeting of all the teachers and students of a school 〔学校的〕集会4  [uncountable]MAKE the process of putting the parts of something together 组装,装配 instructions for assembly 装配说明(书)Examples from the Corpusassembly• The first assembly flight for the station had been scheduled for November.• Kathy was there, and Tony Carbo, and a happy-looking assembly of dignitaries in pin-stripes and starched blue shirts.• The original intention was to hive off assembly operations to sub-contractors.• This provided for the election by all landowners over the age of twenty-five of representatives to local and provincial assemblies.• For instance, I've heard of representative assemblies of large co-operatives choosing their own director.• Jeffries is running for state Assembly in the 22nd District.• There were often small variations in the assembly and fabrication of otherwise similar pieces.• Some toy stores help with assembly.assembly point• All 50 assembly points were reportedly experiencing acute food shortages.• But most of the 49 designated assembly points exist only on maps.• Workers rushed to their designated assembly points.• Paths were worn between one friendly community and another, between markets and recognized assembly points.• Timings are arranged to allow most people to reach the assembly point from home that day by car or public transport.• They were straightened, then cut to length on a saw, drilled, and placed adjacent to their assembly points.From Longman Business Dictionaryassemblyas‧sem‧bly /əˈsembli/ noun (plural assemblies)1[uncountable]MANUFACTURING the process of putting the parts of products togetherRoutine assembly of colour televisions eventually shifted to Taiwan.a car assembly plant2[countable]LAW a group of people who are elected to make laws or decisions for a particular country or areaplans for a regional assembly in the North-Eastas·sem·bly nounChineseSyllable  are elected group Corpus who a of people Business




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