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单词 Bank acceptance
1. We can finance this purchase by a bank acceptance.
2. Bank acceptance bill played essential function in this process.
3. Basic settlement businesses in RMB, including bank drafts, bank acceptance, promissory notes, checks, currency exchanges, authorized collection and acceptance and payment by collection.
4. Bank acceptance is guaranteed by the bank and it is low risk.
5. The drawer signed commercial bank acceptance bank based on the drawer credit approval and give credit support.
6. The bank acceptance has been risen in recent years, and is growing up rapidly, however, there was virtually nonexistent quotation analysis and further study about this field.
7. An ECD may be an electronic bank acceptance bill or an electronic commercial acceptance bill.
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. Enterprises have obtained bank Acceptance in accordance with the law to pawn through our company to apply for business financing.
9. In August, the government included deposits for bank acceptance bills and letters of credit -- previously deemed as off-balance-sheet assets -- for calculating their reserve requirement ratio.
10. Bank acceptance , Bill ; Banker's acceptance : A Bill of exchange which has been accepted by a banker.
11. Notes receivable represent mainly bank acceptance bill received for sales of goods and products.
12. Can be received within six months of bank acceptance bills of exchange.
13. A short-term bill is calculated in USD and without payment of dividend which return rate is often higher than that of ordinary bank acceptance, it is guaranteed by US foreign banks or institutions.
14. The PBOC measure adds yuan loans to trust loans, bank acceptance bills, corporate bonds, funds raised by share sales of nonfinancial companies and insurance payouts among other fundraising avenues.
15. Nowadays financing function of our instrument is mainly realized through the discounting of bank acceptance bills of exchange.
16. This kind of business we need to verify with the bank, which issue the bank acceptance, on which we should give the relevant endorsement.
17. First, because this for the calculation enterprise the sales commodity, provides the trade bill which the service and so on receives, including bank acceptance and trade acceptance ...
18. The end of last year to the present, accompanied by large fluctuations in demand , bank acceptance bill discount rates all the way down.




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