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单词 rack
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Technologyldoce_279_drack1 /ræk/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  DTa frame or shelf that has bars or hooks on which you can put things 〔带有横档或钩子的〕架子,搁物架 a wine rack 酒架 a magazine rack 杂志架 → luggage rack, roof-rack →5  See picture of clothes rack 衣服架, spice rack 调料架2  the rack SHSCa piece of equipment that was used in the past to make people suffer severe pain by stretching their bodies 拉肢刑架〔旧时一种酷刑刑具〕 Thousands of people were tortured on the rack. 曾有数千人受过拉肢酷刑。3  on the rack SUFFER British English informal in a very difficult situation 处于困境[窘境] The company is now well and truly on the rack. 公司现在彻底陷入危机。4  go to rack and ruin BADif a building goes to rack and ruin, it gradually gets into a very bad condition because no one has looked after it 〔建筑因缺乏维护而〕破损,毁坏 The house had been left to go to rack and ruin. 房子已无人看管,日渐破败。5. American EnglishDSO a three-sided frame used for arranging the balls at the start of a game of snooker or pool 〔斯诺克台球或落袋台球开局时用于排列球的〕三角框6. a rack of lamb/pork DFFa fairly large piece of meat from the side of an animal, that contains several rib bones 羔羊/猪肋排骨7  off the rack American English if you can buy something off the rack, you can buy it in a shop rather than having it specially made 成品的;现成的 SYN British English off the peg A lot of designer clothes are now available off the rack. 现在很多名牌服装都有成品卖了。Examples from the Corpusrack• Let the cake cool on a rack for ten minutes.• There are racks and racks of romantic writers and readers online.• a bicycle rack• Swap for rack mounted sound module.• a spice rack• Make sure the pans are in the center of the rack to allow heat to circulate around them.• What I hear you saying is that I have lived my life as if I bought my clothes off the rack.• When the fire is hot, lay the mushrooms on the rack.• There is a pool then a typical rack to Inverlaidnan Bridge.• Place the frozen truffles on a wire rack over a baking sheet.rack2 verb  1  [transitive]SUFFER to make someone suffer great mental or physical pain 使〔精神或肉体〕遭受巨大痛苦 Great sobs racked her body. 她哭得全身抽搐。be racked by/with something Her face was racked with pain. 她痛得脸都变形了。 Liza was racked by guilt. 莉莎深感内疚。n Grammar Rack is often passive in this meaning.2  rack your brains THINK ABOUTto try very hard to remember or think of something 绞尽脑汁;冥思苦想 I racked my brains, trying to remember his name. 我绞尽脑汁想记起他的名字。3 rack something ↔ up phrasal verb informal PPVDSto get a number or amount of something, especially a number of points in a competition 取得〔数目或数量〕;〔尤指比赛〕得〔分〕 He racked up 41 points. 他得了41分。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrack• Other times he thrashed all night, thinking nothing, his body cramping, dry, racked, beside itself.• Without it, she was racked by a feeling of utter desolation.• If Liza had been racked by guilt, now, in a way, so was she.• Sharp pains racked his wasting body.• Everyone could feel the abnormal strains that were now racking the monied world.• Adobe racked up $ 46. 9 million in licensing revenues during its latest quarter.• Her face was racked with pain and it was clear that she was very ill.racked ... body• A violent shudder racked his powerful body.• He swallowed deeply and another great shudder racked his body.From Longman Business Dictionaryrackrack /ræk/ verb → rack up something→ See Verb tableOrigin rack1 1. (1300-1400) Middle Dutch rec “frame”2. Old English wræc “unhappiness, punishment”rack1 nounrack2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese  shelf or Business that has a or bars Corpus frame




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