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单词 psychokinesis
释义  Related topics: Psychology, psychiatry, Occultpsy·cho·ki·ne·sis /ˌsaɪkəʊkaɪˈniːsɪs $ -koʊkə-/ noun [uncountable]  MPROthe moving of solid objects using only the power of the mind, which some people believe is possible 心灵致动,意念移物 —psychokinetic /-kaɪˈnetɪk◂ $ -kəˈne-/ adjective —psychokinetically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpuspsychokinesis• And so there is psychokinesis, mind acting upon a material object, namely brain cells.• Though we can not say for sure that psychokinesis was involved, we suggest that it might have been.Origin psychokinesis (1900-2000) Greek psych- ( → PSYCH-) + kinesis “movement”psy·cho·ki·ne·sis nounChineseSyllable  objects moving using the Corpus only the solid of power




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