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单词 damaging
释义 Word family  noun damage damages adjective damaging verb damage  dam·ag·ing /ˈdæmɪdʒɪŋ/ ●●○ adjective  1  causing physical harm to someone or something 造成损害的,造成伤害的 the damaging effects of sunlight 太阳光的破坏作用► see thesaurus at harmful2  affecting someone or something in a bad way 产生不良影响的 damaging criticism of his policies 对他的政策产生负面影响的批评damaging to The loss of jobs was damaging to morale. 裁员影响了士气。Examples from the Corpusdamaging• It is sudden sharp bursts of sun which are most damaging.• More recently the focus has been on literature which might be thought of as racially damaging.• The publicity that followed the scandal has been extremely damaging.• Wearing sunscreen can minimize the damaging effects of sunlight.• Its effect was particularly damaging in relation to the recurrent tragedies of death in childhood, which are examined in the next chapter.• Any threat to this monastic system would clearly be material for damaging propaganda.• A spokeswoman for the charity said today that the bogus collections could have damaging repercussions.• We can't risk any damaging scandals just before a Presidential election.• Up to 1500 patients suffered damaging side-effects after taking the drug.• A spill would be especially damaging since equipment normally used for containment could not operate in such shallow waters.• His career had been ruined by the sensational and damaging stories that appeared in the popular press.• X-rays can be extremely damaging to living cells.• The British beef crisis was damaging to the livelihoods of thousands of people in the industry.• The recent court cases have been very damaging to the public image of the medical profession.• Avoid too much exposure to damaging ultraviolet light.damaging to• Wigand's statements could be very damaging to the tobacco companies.dam·ag·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  someone Corpus physical to causing or harm something




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