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单词 present tense
释义  ˌpresent ˈtense ●●○ noun  the present tense technical the form of the verb that shows what exists or is happening now 〔动词的〕一般现在式 SYN the presentExamples from the Corpuspresent tense• She lived in the present tense of the school with its totally absorbing pattern of routine and minor rebellion.• Bernstein was unable to construct anything other than disjointed school-book phrases in the present tense.• Harrison writes in the present tense, excising names, places, location, time frame.• Switching from the future to the present tense has other advantages.• The present tense is generally also used when telling a story, as in a summary of the narrative of a novel.• The present tense is used in this case because it carries a sense of immediacy and impact.ˌpresent ˈtense nounChineseSyllable   Corpus verb the exists form the what of that shows




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