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单词 Tax
1 The council tax replaces the poll tax next April.
2 Last year's tax demands are closing on me.
3 Membership is 350 dollars per year plus tax.
4 Tax is deducted from your salary.
5 They were domiciled abroad for tax purposes.
6 Congress enacted a tax reform bill.
7 Tax cuts have been directed primarily at the better-off.
8 The seller has to issue a tax invoice.
9 Income tax will be deducted by your employer.
10 These two shopkeepers are in prison for tax evasion.
11 They're putting up the tax on cigarettes.
12 Tax exemption only applies to those with non-resident status.
13 This new law amounts to a tax evader's charter.
14 Tax is payable on the interest.
15 I begrudge every penny I pay in tax.
16 You may be entitled to reclaim some tax.
17 You qualify for a tax exemption on the loan.
18 He used the occasion to announce further tax cuts.
19 The latest tax proposals will alienate many voters.
20 Tax and insurance are deducted from your wages.
21 The interest is exempt from income tax .
22 The bill includes tax and service.
23 The Government should act to curb tax evasion.
24 We had sundry visitations from the Tax Inspector.
25 The interest on the money is exempt from tax.
26 Tax fraud costs the country millions in lost revenue.
27 The new tax could wreak havoc among smaller companies.
28 The tax system has undergone a complete overhaul.
29 The tax increases have affected us all.
30 Small businesses have been exempted from the tax increase.
1 Membership is 350 dollars per year plus tax.
2 Congress enacted a tax reform bill.
3 The seller has to issue a tax invoice.
4 Income tax will be deducted by your employer.
5 They're putting up the tax on cigarettes.
6 Tax exemption only applies to those with non-resident status.
7 This new law amounts to a tax evader's charter.
8 You may be entitled to reclaim some tax.
9 He used the occasion to announce further tax cuts.
10 Tax and insurance are deducted from your wages.
11 The interest on the money is exempt from tax.
12 He is in prison for tax evasion .
13 The new tax sparked a wave of public protest.
14 The tax authorities have been harrying her for repayment.
15 They levy a tax on him.
16 Does the price include tax?
17 He already pays 40% tax on his income.
18 The President remains obdurate on the question of tax cuts.
19 The senator has been in the spotlight recently since the revelation of his tax frauds.
20 She can't pay her tax and is facing court action.
21 The new tax laws should act as a stimulus to exports.
22 The Government has / have been considering further tax cuts.
23 He refused to rule out the possibility of a tax increase.
24 The promise of tax cuts became the dominant element in the campaign.
25 For Republicans it is almost an article of faith that this tax should be cut.
26 The company opened an account abroad, in order to circumvent the tax laws.
27 Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure.
28 The measures will lighten the tax burden on small businesses.
29 The mayor went on record as opposing a tax raise.
30 Investors will still pay tax on their foreign share dividends.
31 The new property tax law won't directly affect us.
32 The government has slapped more tax on cigarettes.
33 Charities are non-profit-making organizations and get tax relief.
34 He's been charged with tax fraud.
35 He is in prison for tax evasion .
36 The new tax sparked a wave of public protest.
37 The tax authorities have been harrying her for repayment.
38 The government decreed that a new tax beimposed.
39 Father is trying to figure out his tax.
40 Unfortunately the tax will linger on until April.
41 They levy a tax on him.
42 Do you pay less tax if you're self-employed?
43 She's claiming a 100% tax rebate.
44 He already pays 40% tax on his income.
45 He's been accused of tax evasion.
46 Purchase tax was not payable on goods for export.
47 Some MPs want to abolish the tax altogether.
48 People on a high income should pay more tax.
49 The rich were the main beneficiaries of the tax cuts.
50 The President remains obdurate on the question of tax cuts.
51 He gets tax relief because he supports his old mother.
52 The senator has been in the spotlight recently since the revelation of his tax frauds.
53 The government is expected to lay an additional tax on us by the end of the year.
54 She can't pay her tax and is facing court action.
55 The authorities conducted an extensive investigation into his tax affairs.
56 Eventually the government was forced to bow to public pressure and reform the tax.
57 Today they'll consider tax breaks for businesses that create jobs in inner cities.
58 The new tax laws should act as a stimulus to exports.
59 The government acceded to public pressure to review the tax.
60 Top salaries are liable for a higher rate of tax.
31 The Minister gave a strong hint that the government were thinking of introducing tax concessions for mothers.
32 If I thought I could get away with it, I wouldn't pay any tax at all.
33 Please give me a breakdown of your income tax totals.
34 It is alleged that he gave false information to the tax authorities.
35 There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system.
36 He is trying to corrupt a tax official with money.
37 The full effects of the new tax have not yet been felt.
38 The government has contemplated reforming the entire tax system.
39 He had no qualms about cheating the tax inspector.
40 These goods are subject to exemption from tax.
41 No tax is payable on these earnings.
42 The movie star is in prison for tax evasion.
43 The country diminished the revenue by reducing tax.
44 Diminish the revenue by reducing tax.
45 The Liberal Bloc voted for the tax increase.
46 April 15 is the deadline for filling individual income - tax returns.
47 The tax increases will, in the aggregate, cause much hardship.
48 Tomorrow is the day of reckoning; the accountant will tell me what my profits were and how much tax I'll have to pay.
49 The newly - appointed mayor was accused of cheating on his income tax.
50 The tax changes will especially hit those on high incomes and , to a lesser degree, small businesses.
51 The high tax policy is certainly unpopular, although it's unlikely to meet the soaring armament expenditures.
61 There will be tax increases on a wide range of goods and services .
62 The Chancellor of the Exchequer is expected to announce tax cuts in this year's budget.
63 Such a high increase will impose an undue burden on the local tax payer.
64 The Government has / have been considering further tax cuts.
65 The new government imposed a special tax on imported wines.
66 Small businesses have lobbied hard for/against changes in the tax laws.
67 He said the government must introduce tax incentives to encourage investment.
68 The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax.
69 He refused to rule out the possibility of a tax increase.
70 It's a scandal for a city official to take tax money for his own use.
71 The governor gave only a vague outline of his tax plan.
72 There has been another angry outburst against the new local tax introduced today.
73 This change in the tax system will mean big gains for some companies.
74 Many countries charge departure tax in US dollars rather than local currency.
75 The promise of tax cuts became the dominant element in the campaign.
76 Reduction in the tax on unearned income could be a boost for small businesses.
77 For Republicans it is almost an article of faith that this tax should be cut.
78 With the election only two days left, the government, however(Sentencedict), mistimed its announcement of tax increases.
79 The government is/are expected to announce its/their tax proposals today.
80 You'll be able to reclaim the tax on all equipment that you buy.
81 Voters are telling the Congress to shove its new tax plan.
82 The speaker lit into the government for its tax bill.
83 A regressive tax, like the poll tax, takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.
84 The company opened an account abroad, in order to circumvent the tax laws.
85 Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure.
86 The measures will lighten the tax burden on small businesses.
87 We should levy a heavy tax on the wealthy men.
88 He said that the tax was a major political blunder.
89 The mayor went on record as opposing a tax raise.
90 Investors will still pay tax on their foreign share dividends.
91 The plan is for a rolling extension of the tax over the next ten years.
92 The minister's statement provides reinforcement for the view that tax cuts are likely in the budget.
93 The Minister gave a strong hint that the government were thinking of introducing tax concessions for mothers.
94 I got into an awful muddle with my tax forms.
95 Shoppers will get a temporary reprieve from the new sales tax.
96 He was earning £215 a week before tax: take-home pay, £170.
97 If I thought I could get away with it, I wouldn't pay any tax at all.
98 Please give me a breakdown of your income tax totals.
99 They're considering scrapping the tax and raising the money in other ways.
100 It is alleged that he gave false information to the tax authorities.
101 There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system.
102 Tax incentives have been very effective in encouraging people to save and invest more of their income.
103 He is trying to corrupt a tax official with money.
104 The full effects of the new tax have not yet been felt.
105 The new tax and the drop in house values make homeowners feel doubly penalised.
106 Tax cuts provided the stimulus which the slow economy needed.
107 The Government is / are planning new tax increases.
108 He was convicted of filing false income tax returns.
109 Raising income tax is considered politically dangerous.
110 The new tax provoked a public outcry.
111 Britain's tax system takes no account of children.
112 This crossword will really tax your brain.
113 He's griping about his income tax again.
114 Watson was jailed for tax evasion.
115 Congress has enacted a new tax law.
116 We had to incorporate the company for tax reasons.
117 They all voted for the new tax.
118 He called for the reform of capital gains tax.
119 Which tax band do you fall into?
120 The tax office demanded £80 000 in back taxes.
121 Police have begun a campaign against car tax dodgers.
122 The government imposed a windfall tax on some industries.
123 His tax affairs are under investigation by the police.
124 Who really stands to gain from these tax cuts?
125 My speciality is international tax law.
126 deductions from your pay for tax, pension contributions, etc.
127 Bankers are quick to condemn retrospective tax legislation.
128 It may put you in a higher tax bracket.
129 These tax forms are very muddling.
130 You pay tax at the basic rate.
131 He received a court summons for non-payment of tax.
132 What do you earn net of tax?
133 There was uproar over the tax increases.
134 The politicians made vague promises about tax cuts.
135 The President promised across-the-board tax cuts if re-elected.
136 The committee has jurisdiction over all tax measures.
137 Accountants know how to play the tax system.
138 These tax cuts are just a pre-election sweetener.
139 Her accountant was good at exploiting tax loopholes.
140 Tax cuts will boost consumer confidence after the recession.
141 Congress hopes the tax cut will jump-start the economy.
142 The tax increases will certainly hit the poor.
143 The total tax burden has risen only slightly.
144 The new tax system is advantageous to higher-rate taxpayers.
145 Husband and wife are assessed separately for tax.
146 Police investigating tax fraud stumbledacross a drugs ring.
147 The government may put an indirect tax on books.
148 The movie star is in prison for tax evasion.
149 You can claim back the tax on your purchases.
150 Charities are exempted from paying the tax .
151 Reinstatement of the tax would be a disaster.
152 Interest is treated as income for tax purposes.
153 Peter's salary puts him in the highest tax bracket.
154 Tax is deducted from my income at source.
155 The tax year begins in April.
156 He owed $20 000 in tax to Uncle Sam.
157 They bulldozed the tax through Parliament.
158 High income tax can undermine work incentives.
159 She's been charged with tax evasion.
159 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
160 The government has introduced tax incentives for fuel-efficient cars.
161 There are an estimated eight million people currently thought to be eligible to reclaim income tax.
162 Local government finance officers found the tax very difficult to administer.
163 He only has to read a short report - it shouldn't tax him unduly.
164 Tax increases have proved fatal to the nation's business community.
165 He fled to Switzerland rather than face trial for a tax swindle.
166 There are severe penalties for failing to declare all your income to the tax authorities.
167 They kept back five dollars from her wages for income tax.
168 The new tax regulations have landed some of the smaller companies in serious trouble.
169 We can catch the vast majority of people, but hunting down every last tax dodger is virtually impossible.
170 Anyone who has overpaid tax will be able to backdate their claim to last April.
171 For years he avoided paying tax. But now his chickens have come home to roost and he's got a tax bill of £25000.
172 The government must resist the siren voices calling for tax cuts.
173 Very few firms collect the tax, even when they're required to do so by law.
174 We already have files on people's tax details, mortgages and poll tax.
175 The new tax means that the vast majority of pensioners will lose out.
176 The changes in tax rates will benefit single people the most.
177 As to tax, that will be deducted from your salary.
178 The tax authorities averaged his profit out at 3000 a year over 5 years.
179 The impact of the tax was softened by large tax-free allowances.
180 Murder, petty theft and tax evasion, for instance, all have different motives and consequences.
181 The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.
182 The donation he made was a deductible on his tax form.
183 The tax authorities averaged out his profit at £10 000 a year over five years.
184 People earning £33,000 and over will pay the higher rate of tax.
185 We're getting a wage increase of 40 a year, before tax. Big deal!
186 They tried to shore up the failing economy by means of tax increases.
187 A terrific hue and cry was raised against the new tax proposals.
188 The tax on cars is still based on engine capacity.
189 Bank managers-like tax inspectors-do not really like being thought of as ogres.
190 The government are clawing back age allow ances in tax.
191 He began informally to handle Ted's tax affairs for him.
192 The tax increase will add 4p to a litre of petrol.
193 She staked her political career on tax reform(http://), and lost.
194 The proposed increase in income tax proved deeply unpopular with the electorate.
195 The Prime Minister deflected mounting criticism today by announcing tax cuts.
196 He announced big tax increases for the next two financial years.
197 The tax proposal is really a side issue with us.
198 You can't have your cake and eat it - if you want more local services, you can't expect to pay less tax.
199 You have to fill in your tax return by tomorrow.
200 Her pay rise brought her into a new tax bracket.
201 The protests have forced the government to back-pedal on plans to introduce a new tax.
202 Doctors have backed plans to raise the tax on cigarettes.
203 The committee voted to limit tax refunds for corporations involved in leveraged buyouts.
204 Tax rises have made some inroads into the country's national debt.
205 April 15 is the deadline for filling individual income - tax returns.
206 The usual enemies, cigarettes and alcohol, are targeted for tax rises.
207 The police are working in conjunction with tax officers on the investigation.
208 There has been stiff opposition/resistance to the proposed tax increases.
209 I'm not impressed by the promise of tax cuts against the backcloth of a public-spending deficit.
210 The income tax is to be reimposed next year after ten years' exemption.
211 Shares in the electricity companies were marked down following the announcement of the new energy tax.
212 There has been an immediate/widespread/hostile reaction against the government's proposed tax increases.
213 The tax puts obstacles in the way of companies trying to develop trade overseas.
214 The tax increases will, in the aggregate, cause much hardship.
215 The government plans to roll out a series of tax cuts over the next few years.
216 The tax changes will concern large corporations rather than small businesses.
217 He'd tried to put one over on the tax office and got found out.
218 Putting even more tax on fuel could prove to be a banana skin for the government.
219 Under the new regime you will be liable for automatic penalties for late submission of tax returns.
220 Employers will always try to find ways to evade tax.
221 The central government collects the tax revenue on behalf of local authorities.
222 Ministers believed it was vital to dump the poll tax before the election.
223 If none of the above applies to you(http://), then you may be able to reclaim tax.
224 The government now faces a new battle over tax increases.
225 They opened an office abroad in order to circumvent the tax laws.
226 In the speech, the leader enunciated his party's proposals for tax reform.
227 Owners of small businesses will be hit hardest by these tax changes.
228 If your employment status changes, your tax code will be adjusted accordingly.
229 There is a quirk in the rules that allows you to invest money without paying tax.
230 The businessman was sent to prison for trying to corrupt a tax official with money.
231 Anyone with slight complications in their tax affairs is likely to be asked to fill in a return.
232 For tax purposes, your pension and earnings are added together.
233 The carbon tax might well lead to a doubling of prices for fossil fuels.
234 The discussion on the amendment of the tax law passed off without a hitch.
235 The old rates were at least indirectly related to income; the new tax takes no account of a person's ability to pay.
236 A small increase in local spending will translate into a big rise in council tax.
237 The tax changes will especially hit those on high incomes and , to a lesser degree, small businesses.
238 The government's policy is higher tax and higher interest rates. It's a double whammy.
239 Today is the deadline for Americans to file their tax returns .
240 Believe you me, the government won't meddle with the tax system.
241 Although the new tax is already in force, you have until November to lodge an appeal.
242 A large body of people will be affected by the tax cuts.
243 They brought in new tax laws in a bid to restore their popularity.
244 The tax issue has caused a split in/within the government.
245 The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralize the reduction in income tax.
246 Don't mention tax or Bernard'll get on his hobby horse again.
247 Every year the tax man expects us to fork up.
248 The probability is that smaller businesses will not have to pay the tax.
249 For the sake of simplicity, the tax form is divided into three sections.
250 This Government has set its face against putting up income tax.
251 The new tax would force companies to adopt energy-saving measures.
252 Many senators cast their votes against the new tax law.
253 They want to talk to you in connection with an unpaid tax bill.
254 The prospect of having to pay a graduate tax until retirement would kill the students' enthusiasm stone dead.
255 The tax inspector had/gained complete access to the company files.
256 This tax cannot be introduced without detriment to people's living standards.
257 Hargreaves is the MP who got into trouble with his party's chief whip for opposing the tax reform.
258 People who refuse to pay tax can be put in prison.
259 The interviewer accused the minister of stonewalling on the issue of tax increases.
260 By broadening the tax base the chancellor could raise more revenues.
261 The government is proposing new measures to clobber tax dodgers.
262 He's written a piece of software which calculates your tax returns for you.
263 The high tax policy is certainly unpopular, although it's unlikely to meet the soaring armament expenditures.
264 The tax was so unpopular that the government decided to dump it.
265 No tax relief is available in respect of this loss.
266 The new tax caused a huge amount of public anger.
267 He estimate his income tax bill by extrapolation from figures submit in previous year.
268 If a person's income arises in the UK it is subject to UK income tax.
269 The luxury tax won't really do much to pare down the budget deficit.
270 There was a Labour rebellion when some left-wing MPs voted against the Chancellor's tax cuts.
271 The new tax is a political powder keg which could result in widespread violence.
272 There are some tax advantages in setting up a trust fund for each of your children.
273 A new tax was levied on consumers of luxury goods.
274 Can smokers really complain if more tax is put on cigarettes?
275 Goods exempt from this tax include books and children's clothes.
276 If people stand firm against the tax, it is only a matter of time before it has to go.
277 The official in the tax office contended that the shopkeeper was innocent.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 21:57:46