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单词 point man
释义  Related topics: Armyˈpoint man noun American English  1  [singular] someone with a very important job or a lot of responsibility for a particular subject in a company or organization 〔公司或组织中〕担任重要工作的人point man on the administration’s point man on health care 政府在医疗保健领域的特派员2. [countable]PMA a soldier who goes ahead of a group to see if there is any danger 尖兵,先头侦察兵Examples from the Corpuspoint man• His point man was his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger.• Well, we went about 100 yards or so, and the point man from the other squad hit a booby trap.• Brown was the point man for Clinton's technology policies.• The point man had stepped on an antitank mine.ˈpoint man nounChineseSyllable  with very a or Corpus someone important job




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