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单词 Cantor
1. Cantor drew a rough sketch of his apartment on a napkin.
2. Cantor nodded without uttering a word .
3. Cantor didn't mind if they worked late; in fact, he actively encouraged it.
4. The following Monday, Cantor wrote the recommendation letter.
5. Cantor slowly stroked his chin while staring at Stafford.
6. Cantor bellowed into the speaker phone.
7. Cantor gazed out the car window, brows knitted.
8. The one even Cantor wants to impress?
9. Cantor closed the kitchen door behind him.
10. The cantor follows suit with even more feeling.
11. Cantor momentarily closed his eyes and swallowed hard.
12. While Cantor and Klein had known each other for years, Stafford had met him only on Saturday.
13. Cantor was elated; a potentially devastating situation was about to be defused.
14. The first time Cantor attempted to visit him, the narrow aisles were blocked by serving carts.
15. Cantor was stretched out on his bed, content and tired, the telephone cradled at his neck.
16. Unlike most members of his research team, Cantor was not a nocturnal creature.
17. Cantor had underestimated the soporific effect of the six-course dinner,() the two wines and the glass of port.
18. Rather than rushing into print in Nature, however, Cantor played it cool and cautious.
19. But to Cantor the most gratifying response to their article was a single telephone call.
20. Cantor had no objection to their working late; he even encouraged it.
21. Cantor sank back in his seat and stared straight ahead through the windshield.
22. If Cantor decided to wear it, his tumorigenesis theory would become just another discarded conjecture in the cancer field.
23. He finally looked at Cantor, a pained expression on his face.
24. Cantor picked up his paper napkin and drew a rough sketch of a cell membrane.
25. Cold and half naked in the darkened bedroom, Cantor felt the day had taken a shape for the worse.
26. As the cantor was reciting the Eighteen Benedictions, one fellow was trying to sell a lottery ticket.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. In this situation the Commission believes that consideration should he given to the use of a cantor, or animateur.
28. Future contracts will cost more or less, depending on trends in tuition costs, Cantor said.
29. As soon as the seat-belt sign was turned off, Cantor went back in search of Stafford.
30. Now she was standing at the periphery of the crowd, wondering whether Cantor would even open the envelope she was clutching.
1. Cantor drew a rough sketch of his apartment on a napkin.
31. For the second time in his talk, Stafford rested his gaze on Cantor.
32. Cantor knew the depth of the trash can containing discarded hypotheses and discredited experiments in the cancer field.
33. The passengers standing in line, straining to get out, stared enviously when Cantor was asked to deplane first.
34. Cantor prided himself on his lecture style: his carefully drawn figures and precisely spoken words flowed together effortlessly.
35. When Stafford saw Cantor move slowly toward the right, he descended on the opposite side.
36. Back in his corner of the sofa, Cantor choked on his sherry.
37. I.. Cantor was such a superstar, and Stafford became his Sherpa.
38. As the lights went on and the audience broke into applause, Stafford waited for Cantor to rise.
39. Professor I.. Cantor, although he used the first person plural in his talk, did not thank any collaborators.
40. Yet Cantor differed in several respects from the superstars in universities that counted Nobel laureates by the dozen.
41. Several microphones, which had been hanging listlessly in reporters' hands, suddenly rose and moved closer to Cantor.
42. Cantor was barely able to utter this single word, so full of suspense, desire, triumph, and some deviousness.
43. Cantor figured he could afford caution, even at the risk of insulting the caller.
44. That was why he had tried to reach Cantor by phone and arrange a meeting in some neutral territory.
45. Cantor was pleased to have put one over on their first violinist, Sol Minskoff.
46. Cantor had been sitting in one corner, legs casually crossed, one arm thrown over the back of the sofa.
47. Before the Beethoven a Viennese cantor sang the Kaddish prayer of mourning.
48. Cantor drew a rough sketch of a cell on his napkin.
49. Cantor, who was pushing sixty, had an international reputation as a cell biologist.
50. These are the elementary triadic but random Cantor sets.
51. He was the son of a Jewish cantor.
52. Pence represents Indiana and Cantor is from Virginia.
53. ConclusionChantui should be regarded as a new officinal part of Bufo bufo gargarizans Cantor.
54. It is discovered that the dimension and measure of the intersection of triadic Cantor dust with their translates are related to the translate length.
55. So it is great news for Cantor , according to Lutnick, and perhaps even for the City.
56. Georg Cantor was born in Russia of Danish - Jewish parentage.
57. The coup de grace is Cantor’s proof that some infinite sets are bigger than this.
58. It was just around the corner from the St. Thomas Church where Johann Sebastian Bach was once cantor,[http://] and where Martin Luther introduced the Protestant Reformation to Leipzig in 1539.
59. George Cantor was born in Russia of Danish - Jewish parentage . Georg Cantor.
60. Georg Cantor was born in Russia of Danish - Jewish parentage . Georg Cantor.
61. On universal behaviour and statistical mechanics of multi-dimensional triadic Cantor sets'.
62. Indeed, it is the first in the new Millennium and, therefore, we are bringing the dreams of Cantor and Felix Klein, dreamed in the late 1900s, into the 21st Century.
63. She chanted hymns and prayers with the voice of a cantor.
64. Objective To construct recombinant plasmids encoding acidic phospholipase A2-1(APLA2-1) from Guangxi Ophiophagus hannah(King cantor) Venom and express in E.
65. Cantor indicated the Republican-controlled House would not support ideas like construction spending and aid to cash-strapped states that were in the 2009 stimulus bill.
66. The global financial services firm Cantor Fitzgerald had its offices on the 101st to 105th floors of the north tower and lost 658 employees in the devastation.
67. So it's just like Georg Cantor said, the recursion continues forever.
68. It selects the instructions for detail simulation according to the construction procedure of trisection cantor set.
69. It is discovered that the dimension and measure of the intersection of triadic Cantor sets with their translates are related to the translate length.
70. But another giant of the era, David Hilbert, saw it as a lasting contribution and later proclaimed, "No one shall expel us from the Paradise that Cantor has created."
70. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
71. In the words of the medievalist Norman Cantor, Nothing like this has happened before or since in the recorded history of mankind.
72. Anthony Caro on the Roof will be the 14th consecutive single-artist installation on the Cantor Roof Garden.




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