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单词 piecemeal
释义  piece·meal /ˈpiːsmiːl/ adjective  CONTINUE/NOT STOPa process that is piecemeal happens slowly and in stages that are not regular or planned properly 零碎的,缺乏通盘计划的 The buildings have been adapted in a piecemeal fashion. 那些大楼的改造是零星进行的。 a piecemeal approach to the problem 一种头痛医头、脚痛医脚的解决问题方式 —piecemeal adverb The new fire regulations have been introduced piecemeal. 新的防火条例零零星星地推行开来。Examples from the Corpuspiecemeal• The use of resources was a piecemeal affair.• Milosevic has granted piecemeal concessions while sowing the kind of confusion that he has used in the past to stymie opponents.• Both were piecemeal efforts, too far from the city centre, whose shops and businesses drive the local economy.• To his disappointments it developed in a piecemeal fashion.• The proposals are intended as a package and not for piecemeal negotiation.• Nor did they see any future in piecemeal political reform of the autocracy.• She was struggling to save a patchwork system of segregated education by piecemeal projects.• Why is it fair to pass piecemeal reforms for powerful industries?• Improvements have been largely piecemeal, without adequate government a piecemeal fashion• The charges against Sutyagin can, therefore, be established only in piecemeal fashion.• The cuckoo's adaptations were simply too perfect to have evolved bit by bit, in piecemeal fashion.• To his disappointments it developed in a piecemeal fashion.• The process of drainage and enclosure was probably occurring in a piecemeal fashion all through the late Saxon period.• They may conceive of it in piecemeal fashion, recognising particular boundaries as and when it is unavoidably necessary to do so.Origin piecemeal (1200-1300) piece + -meal “by one part at a time” ((11-19 centuries)) (from Old English mælum)piece·meal adjectiveChineseSyllable  in and is process a piecemeal Corpus happens that slowly




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