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单词 Ear canal
1. The ear canal also named middle ear splays out at the external position.
2. Remove excess hair around the ear canal, as this tend to collect wax and restrict fresh air.
3. Gently pull upward to straighten the ear canal.
4. Ear canal foreign body removal, with otoscope, under anesthesia.
5. Clean out the ear as far down the ear canal as possible.
6. Objective:To investigate the influence of drying the ear canal by cleaning the focus of infection in the posterior tympanum in middle ear operations.Sentencedict
7. The main reasons of suppuration from ear canal after mastoidotympanectomy are imperfection of focus clean and inadequate drainage of operative cavus.
8. C . Observe opening of ear canal for lesions, discharge, swelling, foreign bodies, or inflammation.
9. Gentlely Gently pull upward to stain straighten the ear canal.
10. Next, examine the ear canal and eardrum using an otoscope.
11. Temperatures measured orally, by electronic pacifier, or by ear canal are also accurate if done properly.
12. Pain on these maneuvers suggests inflammation of the ear canal. Also, press firmly on the mastoid bone behind the ear.
13. The glands in the ear canal that produce the wax make too much in some people.
14. Swimmer's ear is an infection of the outer ear canal.
15. Never put swab or other objects into the ear canal.
16. Insert earphones, coupled to the ear canal by means of a long plastic tube and soft ear plug are being used for a number of audiometric applications as an alternative to supra aural earphones.
17. External ear canal sound waves transmitted through the media, and then reached the tympanic membrane.
18. Use a serving syringe device to gently direct water against the wall of the ear canal.
19. You should never acotton swab or other object into the ear canal.
20. Hearing can be affected by ear wax blocking the ear canal.
21. You should never a cotton swab or other object in to into the ear canal.
22. The little lump of flesh just forward of your ear canal, right next to your temple, is called a tragus.
23. You should never put a cotton swab or other object into the ear canal, but.
24. You should never put a cutter cotton swab or other object into the ear canal.
25. Use a sevangesyringe device to gently direct the water against the wall of the ear canal.
26. You should never put a cotten cotton swab or other object into the ear canal.
27. Use a syringe device to gently direct water against the wall of the ear canal.
28. You should never put a cotton swab or other object into the ear canal.
29. Treatment is based on elimination of moisture from the ear canal.
30. You should never put a cotton swab swab or other object into the ear canal.




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