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单词 Trade policy
1) An agreement on many aspects of trade policy was in sight.
2) He interested himself in fiscal, banking, and trade policy.
3) That has left the impression that trade policy is at the mercy of adhoc decision-making by a variety of officials.
4) How do members of the administration themselves think trade policy has changed?
5) If Pat Buchanan has a beef with trade policy, Iowa is a strange place to press his protectionist case.
6) Chapter four Selection of China's Foreign Trade Policy.
7) China applies an open trade policy.
8) But changes in trade policy have not all gone one way.
9) Strategic trade policy, a kind of government intervention, which is on the basis of new trade theory,(http:///trade policy.html) is different from the government intervention policy on the basis of traditional trade theory.
10) Antidumping has become an important protective trade policy in developed countries, and at same time these countries are the major users in the world.
11) Our foreign trade policy come into line with the desire and interest of the people in the developing countries.
12) Trade policy plays a very important role in American history. It nearly runs through the history of American foreign economic relations.
13) Every state is doing the choice of trade policy in terms of their countries interest, and either free trade or protected trade is taken is always the hot issue argued between economist and politician.
14) This equivocation has carried through to his trade policy appointments.
15) First, he said, the administration was more actively engaged in trade policy than the Bush people used to be.
16) This is a familiar point: trade balances are determined by macroeconomic factors, not by trade policy.
17) However the consequences for employment remained the most ambiguous, especially in the absence of a comprehensive external trade policy.
18) The prepared texts of speeches by Mr Clinton and Mr Bush on trade policy are indistinguishable from each other.
19) Since the American War of Independence ended, there were five stages for American Foreign Trade Policy.
20) Thus did the firm's 15 tubs become entangled in Korean trade policy.
21) In the foreign economic policy, protectionism of the high tariff policy and the free trade policy became the two kinds of feasible choices.
22) "Allowing the CBI preference program to be used as a vehicle to transship large quantities of Brazilian ethanol to the US duty-free is simply bad trade policy, " Grassley said.
23) The formation of a customs union is one of those trade policy changes.
24) He serves as a career official in the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), a cabinet-level agency that is the President's principal advisor on matters of trade policy.
25) Customs union eliminates trade barriers between member countries and adopts a common external trade policy.
26) The president faces several hurdles in re - energising trade policy.
27) Now, they're talking about abrogating (the agreement). That would be a disaster for American jobs," said Frank Vargo, vice president for trade policy at the National Association of Manufacturers.
28) The WTO report, along with a policy statement by the Government of Brazil, will be the basis for the fifth TPR of Brazil by the Trade Policy Review Body of the WTO on 9 and 11 March 2009.
29) Charlene Barshefsky, who served as United States Trade Representative under President Clinton, said she did not think the decision signals any broad reversal in trade policy.
30) The WTO's multilateral trading system is the cornerstone of the HKSAR's external trade policy.
31) Teahorse trade policy is not just a national defence policy, but also an economic policy, ethnologic policy.
32) Id like to knowinging event about your foreign trade policy.
33) The similarity and difference between the infant industry protecting theory and the strategic trade policy theory are discussed.
34) International Trade Policy has two types that are the trade free policy and trade protection policy.
35) Under the trade liberalization constraint, direct export subsidy in strategic trade policy is prohibited by the rules of WTO.
36) The Senate Finance Committee and House Ways and Means Committee have jurisdiction over most U.S. trade policy legislation.
37) The agricultural product trade policy made by the European common Market to serve the common agricultural policy is a protectionist policy.
38) Agriculture trade policy issues have, however,() been largely excluded from earlier multilateral trade negotiations.
39) "On the broad canvas of presidential trade policy, Obama's decision is unexceptional, " says Doug Irwin, a trade historian at Dartmouth College.
40) The Obama administration's first real test on trade policy has arrived.
41) When establishing a countrys trade policy, the government often encounters the difficult choice between free trade and protective trade.
42) Thus, some practicable suggestions on foreign trade policy are given.
43) The contributions of America's free trade policy to the country's welfare have gone largely unappreciated.
44) Strategic Trade Policy theory is based on imperfect competition and Economies of Scale.
45) Technical Barriers to Trade(TBT) applies technical regulation, technical standard and accreditation to the trade policy with the effect of deterring import and protecting domestic firms.
46) I? d like to know something about your foreign trade policy.
47) The WTO report, along with a policy statement by the Government, will be the basis for the Trade Policy Review (TPR) by the Trade Policy Review Body of the WTO.
48) And coordination among members of the trade policy, the joint management of global trade.
49) Historically, this process has experienced five stages: mercantilism, laissez faire, infant industry protection, Keynesianism and the strategic trade policy.
50) Do it mean that you is apply a new foreign trade policy?
51) Current policies of food grain including purchase and sale system, trade policy have stridden forward to market system and the control means are more mature.
52) The WTO report, along with a policy statement by the Government of Bahrain, will be the basis for the second TPR of Bahrain by the Trade Policy Review Body of the WTO on 18 and 20 July 2007.
53) Various kind of trade policy cooperation can be frequently seen in current international economic relations.
54) It administers the Dispute Settlement Mechanism and the Trade Policy Review Mechanism.
55) Therefore, the process trade policy should be adjusted in order to enhance the upgrading effect of process trade upon industrial structure.
56) In civil aviation implement on production, the United States advertises free market principle normally, and Europe holds to strategic trade policy.
57) This trade policy is composed of the policies of bubble, compensation, net proceeds and accumulation of emission amount.
58) Just like unilateral trade policy, trade policy cooperation also has distribution effect, thus displaying a result of domestic political-economic process of each participating country.
59) Because of benefits conflict, in order to realize non-trade target protective trade policy is taken when some countries take part in international agriculture trade, which causes agriculture disputes.
60) This program is specialized in: International Business Management, Global Financial System, International Banking, International Trade Policy.
61) In modern China, the close door foreign trade policy took its shape gradually.
62) The WTO Secretariat report, along with a policy statement by the Government of China, will be the basis for the second TPR of China by the Trade Policy Review Body of the WTO on 21 and 23 May 2008.
63) Ultimately, trade policy depends to a great extent on public opinion.
64) Id like to knowinginginging event about your foreign trade policy.
65) The fund acted far too long as a creditor collection agency, a defender of the dollar as the sole reserve currency and even as a handmaiden to US sectoral interests in trade policy.
66) The theoretical foundation of the strategic trade policy theory is the theory of Game, the theory of...
67) It boasts a free - trade policy to make it one of the world's most open economies.




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