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单词 penetrating
释义  Related topics: Colours & soundspen·e·trat·ing /ˈpenətreɪtɪŋ/ adjective  1  penetrating look/eyes/gaze etc LOOK ATa look etc which makes you feel uncomfortable and seems to see inside your mind 锐利的目光/眼睛/凝视等 a pair of penetrating dark eyes 一双穿透人心的黑眼睛 He gave her a penetrating stare. 他眼神犀利地看了她一眼。2  UNDERSTANDshowing an ability to understand things quickly and completely 有洞察力的,思维敏锐的 questions that are intelligent and penetrating 机智而尖锐的问题 a penetrating analysis of the issue 对那个问题精辟的分析3  SPREADspreading and reaching everywhere 弥漫的;渗透的 the penetrating cold 刺骨的寒气4  CLOUD/NOISYa penetrating sound is loud, clear, and often unpleasant 〔声音〕响亮的,刺耳的 尖利的 a high, penetrating voice 尖利刺耳的嗓音 —penetratingly adverbExamples from the Corpuspenetrating• Trying by cupping his hand over the clasps to avoid the penetrating clicks of opening, George lifted the lid.• penetrating cold• This differs radically from the popular image of penetrating falsehood by perception of the liar.• The book offers some penetrating insights into how government works.• Fish do not find worms that look like that and hooks lose so much of their penetrating power.• a penetrating question• He then answered the many penetrating questions put to him.• a penetrating sealer for wood• The closed clubface at impact reduces loft and results in a penetrating shot through the wind.• He spoke in a penetrating voice that made all the other customers look on with interest.• a penetrating whistlepen·e·trat·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  makes and look etc feel a Corpus uncomfortable which you




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