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单词 Long-term budget
1. Even though their country's long-term budget outlook is famously dire, Mr Obama and the Republicans did not even try to find an agreement on medium-term fiscal consolidation this week.
2. The long-term budget deficits in these countries can't -- except maybe in Japan -- be funded internally.
3. This deal does nothing to address America's long-term budget woes but the Chamber said it would "go a long way toward helping our economy break out of this slump and begin creating American jobs".
4. Develop a long-term budget.
5. But he foolishly failed to embrace a long-term budget solution put forward by the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles commission, which he himself appointed.
6. Some opponents of the tax cut also argue that California faces a long-term budget crisis.
7. The most significant detail is the cost of his plan and its impact on our long-term budget deficit, " he said.
8. Our economic management is so lax that we can't confront farm subsidies or long-term budget deficits.
9. You will provide federal money now to states that pass responsible long-term budget plans that will reduce spending and pension commitments.http://
10. All well and good. But that still leaves the commission's second task long-term budget recommendations.
11. One of the best moves we could make, adds Litan, would be a long-term budget deal that would address the looming Social Security/Medicare payouts for baby boomers.
12. Even these rates would be higher if these countries hadn't acted to cut long-term budget deficits.
13. Save More And Export More: Striking a better balance at home means saving more and spending less, reforming our financial system, and reducing our long-term budget deficit.




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更新时间:2025/3/11 17:36:38