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单词 Thirty-five
(1) We'veonly got thirty-five minutes so step on it.
(2) They covered thirty-five kilometers yesterday.
(3) It took thirty-five seconds for the hour to strike.
(4) The thirty-five member nations agreed to the move.
(5) She says she's thirty-five. But then again she might be lying.
(6) He looked like he was thirty(), maybe thirty-five years old.
(7) All men under thirty-five were told to report for military service within three days.
(8) As a matter of fact I'm only thirty-five, so don't say I'm old.
(9) Titron went over to an angle of thirty-five degrees.
(10) I could scarcely believe that Mones was only thirty-five.
(11) Thirty-five to 40 freight trains pass through there daily.
(12) Cigarettes were rationed at thirty-five a week.
(13) He was driving at a steady thirty-five.
(14) Haddenham returned forty-five landholders in 1522, of whom thirty-five were resident, yet the survey of 1555 lists only eleven freeholders.
(15) After age thirty-five, contraceptive responsibility was considered a matter of mutual responsibility.
(16) At thirty-five he was becoming a skilled and versatile developer in his own right but very different in character from his father.
(17) Now thirty-five intrepid Lionisers were gazing at the outside of the small single-fronted cottage with its tiny parlour overlooking the street.
(18) Another volunteer was Riccardo, thirty-five years old(), whom I found helping to serve the food.
(19) Disgusting Thirty-five percent of London men claim they cook most evening meals.
(20) The tragedy of being a dancer is that you're all washed-up by the time you're thirty-five.
(21) My uncle entered upon a diplomatic career at the age of thirty-five.
(22) The President and First Lady were due back in thirty-five minutes.
(23) Tearing down these trade restraints and pushing for more unity among some thirty-five countries is not easy.
(24) Blum and Noble examined DNA samples from the brains of corpses of thirty-five alcoholics and thirty-five nonalcoholics.
(25) Do you want to be in a wheelchair at thirty-five?
(26) The original station in the open was destroyed by an avalanche with the loss of thirty-five lives in 1964.
(27) She's about seven years old, fully mature, and might live to be thirty or thirty-five.
(28) But the man who stood before her was no more than thirty-five.
(29) We checked out hundreds of hotels but only found thirty-five or forty that met the basic-facilities criteria.
(30) During this period annual elections brought multiple shifts in power resulting in thirty-one city managers for the thirty-five years following 1914.
(31) I heard on the television yesterday that thirty-five people had been sacked from the interior ministry so that may be an encouraging sign.
(32) Control panels bristled with up to thirty-five switches and buttons as if the housewife-technologist required the skills of an airline pilot.
(33) The investigation continued and eventually thirty-five blacks were hanged and forty-two sent into exile.
(34) Thirty-five administration critics would not permit the matter to rest there.
(35) Estimates of his losses by four people close to the situation range between thirty-five and seventy-five million dollars.
(36) The numbers were limited to thirty-five, and Marie and a committee including Picasso arranged the guest list.
(37) He was thirty-five to forty and it was assumed that he was an army intelligence officer.
(38) The Soviets at first offered thirty-five thousand exit visas per year, then forty thousand.
(39) Within months, this coalition pushed the amendment through thirty-five state legislatures, just three short of the necessary three-quarters.
(40) Thirty-five miles across the sea is Krakatau, site of the legendary volcano.
(41) The woman, classy, well-presented, thirty-five, is approaching fast-he can't finish the sentence.
(42) At thirty-five, Wang was slight of frame, deferential in conversation.
(43) In exactly thirty-five minutes, I want you to leave and go to the airport terminal.
(44) By the early 1970s there were five buildings housing about thirty-five hundred men and women.
(45) Thirty-five criminal convictions and 18 civil judgments have been obtained since March 1995, and many more are expected.
(46) Figures out today show a drop of thirty-five percent in the number of murders.
(47) In 1979, Courtney Pace retired after thirty-five years as a staff member for former senator James Eastland.
(47) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(48) Thirty-five percent or more of the employees in the bargaining unit must petition for an election to be held. 2.
(49) The detective was standing by the window, a short chunky man of about thirty-five.
(50) At the age of nine Fred was already very much like the man he was going to be at thirty-five or forty.
(51) It took more than a thousand participants to make it happen, beating the previous record by thirty-five.
(52) To many twenty-year-olds, the age of thirty-five seems like a lifetime away.
(53) In 1973 Wendy Ellis, poor Wendy, a spinster, died aged thirty-five of liver failure.
(54) I know it all sounds like jolly good fun, but at thirty-five a man ought to have some sort of career.
(55) Thirty-five of the Americans killed in the war were accidentally killed by their comrades.
(56) Thirty-five laps into the race he was beginning to feel faint from a combination of thirst and sunstroke.
(57) Russell was thirty-five, a short man with slicked-down hair parted in the middle.
(58) Thirty-five dollars per day per person includes all his services as well as food, lodging and trekking permits.
(59) Thirty-five percent of all draught animals were lost, if Civil War casualties are included.
(60) He was about thirty-five and of medium build but beginning to fill out.
(61) A comparatively leisurely schedule of Yours Truly still entailed travelling to twenty-one cities in thirty-five weeks.
(62) He overcame his scruples and by 1846 took thirty-five wives, eight of them widows of Joseph Smith.
(63) The image in National Geographic had been magnified to thirty-five thousand times its size.
(64) Last winter a judge put a vet away for thirty-five years for sinking his teeth into sweet, succulent coed flesh.
(65) She is thirty-five, her blonde hair cut short and permed.
(66) It was thirty-five below, he had to jump-start the backhoe.
(67) We waited for two minutes before the combined strength of thirty-five pounds of EP-12 plastic explosive tore the car apart.
(68) Despite its size, the buffalo is a very fast animal and can run up to thirty-five miles per hour.
(69) Here, Nucor organizes its work force into small work groups of twenty-five or thirty-five people.
(70) The meeting was over in thirty-five minutes.
(71) The risk of bladder problems was thirty-five percent lower.
(72) The salinity of the earth's oceans is about thirty-five parts per thousand, meaning that there are about thirty-five grammes of dissolved solids and gases in one kilogramme of water.
(73) But if there should by any chance happen to be a woman who is single at seven and twenty, I should not think Colonel Brandon's being thirty-five any objection to his marrying HER.
(74) Just imagine: he died at thirty-five and he wrote six hundred pieces of music.
(75) The band has been playing traditional New Orleans jazz around the world for almost thirty-five years.
(76) In nineteen thirty-five, only two years after his around the world record flight, Wiley Post was killed in a flying accident in Alaska.
(77) This means at a population growth rate of 2.0 percent per year the average density of population in the world will double every thirty-five years.sentence dictionary
(78) D: But Yael, don't you know that tobacco kills more than 140, 000 women each year, and that half of those women are between the ages of thirty-five and sixty-nine?
(79) One hundred thirty-five years after its first publication in the United States, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1883) continues to enlarge its international claim as a masterpiece.
(80) Thirty-five years after my father left Ethiopia, he died in a room in a boarding house in Peoria, Illinois, that came with a partial view of the river.
(81) Washington gave the shortest one ever -- just one hundred thirty-five words --during his second inauguration in seventeen ninety-three.
(82) The regular entrance of thirty-five dollars a week to one who has endured scant allowances for several years is a demoralising thing.
(83) Since then nine months have elapsed, at fifteen francs a month, the price agreed upon, which makes one hundred and thirty-five francs.
(84) It is a tragic love story about black Americans along the coast of South Carolina. "Porgy And Bess" opened in Boston, Massachusetts, in nineteen thirty-five.
(85) So if you find it difficult to maintain complete concentration for more than thirty minutes, make your goal thirty-five.
(86) Thirty-five years ago Chinese scientists began the enormous task of cataloging the vast wealth of knowledge about their native plants.
(87) The company said a ticket on a ship from Seattle to Skagway, Alaska was thirty-five dollars.
(88) The team used an American law, the Freedom of Information Act, to get unpublished reports on thirty-five clinical trials of four drugs.
(89) When I was very young, my mother used to trot me out in front of relatives and ask, "Alan, what's thirty-five plus ninety-two?"
(90) I feel in the innermost of my heart, after a political extending, over an unbroken period of, close upon thirty-five years, that the world is sick unto death of blood spilling.
(91) I know now that the man who sat with me on the old wooden stairs that hot summer night over thirty-five years ago was not a tall man. But to a five-year-old, he was a giant.
(92) This industry has been supervised mainly by the states for about one hundred thirty-five years.
(93) In most cases, your customer will only need to vent for fifteen to thirty-five seconds.
(94) An average wagon train included twenty-five to thirty-five wagons pulled by oxen. They traveled about twenty-four kilometers a day.
(95) I had their total attention during the thirty-five minutes that my recital took.
(96) The United StatesConstitution requires that President be a natural-born citizen, thirty-five years of age or older, who has lived in the United Statesfor a minimum of fourteen years.
(97) They will elect all four hundred thirty-five members of the United States House of Representatives, thirty-seven senators, many state governors and local officials.
(98) Hollywood, founded in 1903 with a population of 166 by a prohibitionist from Kansas, was just one of forty incorporated cities within a thirty-five mile radius.




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