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单词 Higher status
1. For most women, marriage used to bring a higher status than spinsterhood.
2. People of higher status tend more to use certain drugs.
3. They have higher status in the family.
4. And science degrees at university carry higher status.
5. Such jobs enjoy a higher status and may be considered more popular and glamorous than others.
6. You get respect and a higher status. Most of all you get a greater degree of control.
7. But higher status for some always lower status for others.
8. Successful missions earn a higher status in that particular side, while diminishing a player's value to other sides.
9. And people of higher status are more likely to touch those of lower status.
10. Persons of higher status also may enter a subordinate's space unannounced.
11. In the 1905 text, these other modes enjoy a rather higher status.
12. It doesn't matter if the woman is older, of higher status or a total stranger.
13. The changes in the languages as seen on television reflect its higher status and the loss of regional dialects.
14. The definition of which places have previously been used for exchange activities will again lead to the identification of higher status sites.
15. The language of rights, legitimate expectations or privileges should not be elevated to any higher status.
16. It is all part of Roddick's determination to imbue retailing with a higher status in society.
17. I personally feel, from the current situation, now the overall price level or higher status is likely to continue for some time.
18. Women don't desirepopular/famous men because they want to have a high social status, they simplyknow that having higher status means that they'll have access to even more FUN.
19. Red appears to make men more attractive by subconsciously signaling higher status.
20. People are more likely to share if they have a higher status in the group.
21. Your planet has lost its original rhythm through the miscreations of man who have abdicated their higher status and chosen the path of destructive activity.http://
22. Love is still native products among consumers to enjoy higher status, with many retailers and agents to establish a long-term stable cooperative relations.
23. Here, teacher should be a coordinator, organizer and service giver. He should be more like a waiter in a coffee house but not a big person with higher status.
24. Social Status: If you view someone as a social superior, that person will be able to have power over you because you believe that person has a higher status than you do.
25. Gift of the Western Zhou Dynasty is formed under the thought that men enjoy higher status than women social estate system of ethics civil order.
26. Alternatively, the association may result from a cross-trait assortative mating, where more intelligent and higher status men of greater resources marry more beautiful women.
27. The urgency is to communize the collective ownership and a higher status is given to the peasants who enjoy the contract right.
28. In practicing his faith Ratzinger learned that when there is a question about something in modern society, it is best to approach some one else of a higher status with in the Catholic Church.
29. They are united less by their income levels than by a daily unending quest for something better: a nicer car, a bigger meal, a finer education, a higher status.
30. The concentration of this testosterone is also linked to their social status; higher status males tend to produce more.
31. Therefore, in the development of aesthetic awareness occupy in the history of higher status, a link between past and future of great significance.
32. In the pantheon of ancient Egypt, some goddesses held higher status and gained more devotion than others, for example: Nut, Hathor, Mut, Isis.
33. Those men may simply be saying society generally accords higher status to married people than singletons.
34. The important thing is to put a humorous and higher status slant on each story.
35. Being salaried typically has carried higher status for employees than being paid wages.




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