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单词 outsell
释义  Related topics: Tradeout·sell /aʊtˈsel/ verb (past tense and past participle outsold /-ˈsəʊld $ -ˈsoʊld/) [transitive]  1  BBTSELLto be sold in larger quantities than something else 卖得比…多,销量胜过 It may outsell his previous novels. 它的销量有可能超过他以前的几本小说。2  BBTSELLto sell more goods or products than a competitor 比〔竞争对手〕销售得多 Australia now outsells the US in wines. 现在澳大利亚的葡萄酒销量超过了美国。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusoutsell• She said the newer, non-traditional flags outsell country and state flags by more than 50 percent.• Chevrolet's desire to outsell Ford• They claim their machines are outselling Nintendo's machines.• Chardonnay continues to outsell other wines.• They are not, however, outselling our best psychologists.• It's a sort of goodwill thing that Bonn puts out for the Allied forces; it doesn't outsell Playboy.From Longman Business Dictionaryoutsellout‧sell /aʊtˈsel/ verb (past tense and past participle outsold /-ˈsəʊld-ˈsoʊld/) [transitive]COMMERCE1to be sold in larger quantities than another product of the same typeChardonnay outsells other white wines by a huge margin.2to sell more products than a competitorThe company now outsells its rivals in this market.→ See Verb tableout·sell verbChineseSyllable  than quantities something else Business Corpus in be sold larger to




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