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单词 healthy
释义 Word family  noun health healthiness adjective healthy ≠ unhealthy adverb healthily ≠ unhealthily  health·y /ˈhelθi/ ●●● S3 W3 adjective (comparative healthier, superlative healthiest)  1  person/animal/plant 人/动物/植物HEALTHY physically strong and not likely to become ill or weak 健康的,健壮的 a healthy baby boy 健康的男婴 I’ve always been perfectly healthy until now. 直到现在,我的身体一直非常健康。2  good for your body 有益健康的HEALTHY good for your body 有益健康的 a healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 a healthy diet 健康的饮食 the importance of healthy eating 健康饮食的重要性3  showing good health 表示健康HEALTHY showing that you are healthy 表示健康的 Her face had a healthy glow. 她脸上容光焕发。 All of our kids have healthy appetites (=they like to eat a lot). 我们的孩子胃口都很好。4  behaviour/attitude 行为/态度SENSIBLE used to describe an attitude, feeling, or behaviour that is natural, normal, and sensible 正常合理的 I don’t think it’s healthy for her to spend so much time alone. 我认为她太多时间独处不正常。healthy respect/disrespect/scepticism etc a healthy disrespect for silly regulations 对荒唐规定的合乎情理的藐视5  company/relationship etc 公司/关系等EFFECTIVE a healthy company, society, relationship, economy etc is working effectively and successfully 运作良好的;兴旺发达的 a healthy economy with a well-trained workforce 拥有训练有素的劳动力的繁荣经济6  amount 数量LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT large and showing that someone is successful – used about amounts of money 〔钱〕大量的,可观的 a healthy profit 可观的利润 a healthy bank balance 一大笔银行结存 —healthily adverb —healthiness noun [uncountable] THESAURUShealthy having good health 健康的A good diet keeps you healthy. 良好饮食使人健康。They tested the drug on healthy volunteers. 他们将该药品在健康的志愿者身上进行了试验。well used especially when describing or asking about how someone feels or looks 健康的〔尤用于描述或询问健康状况〕I don’t feel well. 我觉得身体不舒服。How was James – did he look well? 詹姆斯怎么样——他看上去身体好吗?fine spoken used in a reply to a question about your health, or when talking about someone else’s health. Use fine only in replies or statements, not in questions 很好〔用于在别人问你身体如何时作答,或谈论别人的健康状况时;fine只用于回答,不用于提问或陈述〕‘Hi, Tom, how are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks.’ “嘿,汤姆,你好吗?”“很好,谢谢。”She had a bad cold, but she’s fine now. 她之前得了重感冒,不过现在好了。all right/OK spoken not ill or injured. These expressions are very commonly used in everyday spoken English 没病的;没受伤的;安然无恙的〔在日常英语口语中十分常用〕You look pale – are you feeling all right? 你脸色苍白——你感觉还好吗?He’s had an accident but he’s OK. 他遇到了意外,不过他没事。better less ill than you were, or no longer ill 〔身体状况〕好转的;康复的I’m feeling a lot better now. 我现在感觉好多了。nDon’t come back to school until you’re healthy, especially because you exercise regularly 〔尤因经常锻炼而〕健壮的,健康的She keeps fit by cycling everywhere. 她去哪里都骑自行车,以此来保持健康。nPolice officers have to be physically fit and have good (good) shape healthy and fit 健康状况良好Jogging keeps me in pretty good shape. 慢跑让我保持身体健康。robust literary healthy and strong, and not likely to become ill 健壮的〔指不容易生病〕He had a robust constitution (=a strong and healthy body). 他体格强健。robust plants 茁壮的植物na robust girl, wearing a thick woollen sweaterbe/look a picture of health to look very healthy (看上去)非常健康She looked a picture of health as she posed for the cameras. 她摆姿势拍照的时候显得非常健康。Examples from the Corpushealthy• I saw Hazel Phillips the other day, and she didn't look very healthy.• Educated women had lower fertility rates, and the children they did have were significantly healthier.• In some places they even say that small amounts of radiation make you healthier.• Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will help you to stay healthy.• Her death came as a terrible shock. She had always been so healthy.• Taking plenty of exercise can be both healthy and enjoyable.• He's nearly 60 now but he's strong and healthy and full of energy.• All of our kids have healthy appetites.• But there was always a healthy audience for metal.• She's just had a lovely healthy baby girl.• She looked perfectly healthy, but Frankie was not convinced.• Currently, there's a healthy climate for businesses.• I'm trying to eat a healthier diet now, with less fat and sugar.• a healthy diet• We need to work toward a healthier environment.• It is now established as a healthy food, with popular appeal for the ever-growing numbers of health-conscious diners.• It's not healthy for Donna to depend on Wayne so much.• Her face had a healthy glow.• a healthy marriage• a healthy outdoor life• Over time, children who are not autonomous do not develop a healthy sense of self-esteem.• I've been much healthier since I stopped smoking.• healthy skinhealthy eating• Adjust cooking methods for healthier eating.• After the annual over-indulgence your New Year resolutions will probably include healthy eating.• Gadgets that promote healthy eating and living and hasten cooking and cleaning, polls show.• State which method would fit in best with healthy eating guidelines and explain why.• The majority claimed that the best method for them was simply cutting down on fattening foods, and following healthy eating habits.• Healthy eating is in, and there is plenty of advice available about what is healthy eating.• And when it comes to nutrition, those meals can fit in an overall healthy eating plan.• For others, the Nutrition Facts are a lifeline for building a healthier eating style.healthy appetites• The chicks need round the clock attention, and have developed very healthy appetites.healthy respect/disrespect/scepticism etc• A few people, very few, had a healthy scepticism.• But this went much further than healthy scepticism.• In the main they are shy creatures, though their speed, strength and agility demand a healthy respect.• I wouldn't insult their intelligence by lying and we had a healthy respect for each other.• My fear turned into a healthy respect for the sea.• Acclaimed designer Carleton Varney has introduced bright new colors and a sense of airy spaciousness while retaining a healthy respect for tradition.• We can only maintain a healthy scepticism of any claims to place public welfare above private interest.• Having said all this, the court accepted the need to pay healthy respect to the principles of comity.From Longman Business Dictionaryhealthyhealth‧y /ˈhelθi/ adjective1a healthy organization, system, economy etc is working effectively and successfullyBanks should invest only in financially healthy companies.2a healthy amount of something is largeThey are predicting healthy profits on the shares.I hope to see a healthy return on my investment.Industry needs ahealthy supply of·y adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business physically likely to strong and not Corpus




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