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单词 Nonphysical
1, It supports the Internal Revenue Service, which has claimed in court that damage awards for non-physical injuries should be taxable.
2, He possesses non-physical properties and energies that are still largely unknown and uncharted by traditional science.
3, However, there are other non-physical factors which are just as important in maintaining a safe environment.
4, The unconscious holds positive and negative nonphysical realities.
5, This nonphysical spiritual connection comprises 96% of who we are; the other 4% is our physical, material body.
6, And so we were unprepared for the nonphysical dance awaiting us upon Earth.
7, Night time is the time that the nonphysical reigns or prevails.
8, World coordinates are used in a nonphysical environment, such as a modeling environment.
9, For many centuries, nonphysical mathematics had been knocking at the door waiting to be let in.
10, It is from the nonphysical that global ascension and the evolution of each species is fostered.
11, c And the wavefunction is clearly nonphysical, but what we do know is that we can take the product of the wavefunction times its complex conjugate.
12, It is when the physical breath and nonphysical breath misalign that often bad ascension days are created for any species including ascending humans.
13, Perhaps such ancestors anchored nonphysical patterning that was harmful to earth or humanity.
14, For each opposite you have in your life dance there is also an opposite within expressed as parallel lives upon parallel and nonphysical planes surrounding earth.
15, Ascension at this time is not a path really to the nonphysical.
16, He also describes innumerous situations when he was helped by nonphysical entities.
17, If they cannot be expressed in the physical,[http:///nonphysical.html] they become expressed in the nonphysical.
18, This is phase 1 of the cleansing; to remove the non - resonant nonphysical forces surrounding Earth.
19, In choosing to ascend, one recovers their genetic abilities to relate to the nonphysical realms.
20, When one inhales, one should syncopate their breath of life with both physical and nonphysical counterparts breathing together in divine timing.
21, Human consciousness watched the kingdoms that they had cast from outside as a nonphysical presence.
22, Because it arises out of body level consciousness the nonphysical appears human in form.
23, As one opens the tapestry, a hoard of ancestors will arrive in the nonphysical.
24, At first humans could go between the physical and nonphysical at will.
25, Most likely they will mirror behavior that you yourself emulate upon a parallel nonphysical life.
26, When one invokes "I intend such and such", one directs the nonphysical soul, oversoul and source associated with one's life dance to take action to manifest the request made or intention voiced.
27, This will occur through the gradual merging of physical and nonphysical until physicality ceases to exist.




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