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单词 Epoch
1) Einstein's theory marked a new epoch in mathematics.
2) The king's death marked the end of an epoch .
3) The curtain was rung up on a new epoch in world history.
4) I told him his idea was not exactly epoch - making.
5) We're at the end of the historical epoch, and at the dawn of another.
6) Already that seemed a distant epoch.
7) Being shackled to one epoch meant it had to change and adapt but try to reconcile this with harsh realities.
8) A new historical epoch is created by the development of superior forces of production by a new social group.
9) They are slaves to the prejudices of the epoch in which they were written.
10) The epoch of blue shift is usually confined to the time when the object is still inside the event horizon.
11) I have, in my mind, retold my life, epoch by epoch.
12) Then, a new epoch of history is born which sweeps away the social relationships of the old order.
13) The General Strike ended a major epoch in the history of the labour movement.
14) In the present epoch the systematic red shift of galactic spectra indicates that the Universe is expanding.
15) Consequently, in the transition epoch, the case of the imaginary form inevitably comes close to the typical case.
16) This epoch was to pass, after Adams's presidency, into similar backgrounds and were very closely interrelated.
17) This epoch making climb, graded Mild Very Severe and still bold, was first climbed in 1892 by.
18) The president said that his country was moving into a new epoch which would be one of lasting peace.
19) The dropping of the first atom bomb marked a new epoch in warfare.
20) The death of the emperor marked the end of an epoch in the country's history.
21) The birth of Christ was the beginning of a major epoch of world history.
22) Evolutionary psychologists say that there are human universals which were laid down in the pleistocene epoch.
23) Universal concepts denote phenomena which are presumed to occur universally(), regardless of historical epoch or type of society.
24) The Russian Revolution marked the beginning of a new epoch in history.
25) But if the Nestorian Church provided one vehicle whereby Nazarean thought survived into a later epoch, there were also others.
26) People stand out likewise, in so far as their work marks an epoch or sums up an historical episode.
27) What is posed for us is the same question that has been central for our epoch: the question of leadership.
28) Well,[http:///epoch.html] Jimmy was a Southern Baptist and the nation was embarked upon an epoch of fierce moral rectitude.
29) The primacy of monuments and monolithic sculpture in the new Communist epoch was acknowledged and debated.
30) Their own tingling flesh convinced them that a whole new epoch in history was beginning and they were already living in it.
31) This epoch was to pass after Adams's presidency into a period of romantic pluralism at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
32) Epoch says you should withdraw your attention when faced with a tiresome child.
33) When I read the Epoch literature I am always convinced by it.
34) What then was qualitatively different about the imperialist epoch, as compared to the previous era of capitalist development?
35) Strong earthquakes happened in the recent epoch.
36) The epoch of revolution creates great figures.
37) Their diamond wedding was an epoch in their lives.
38) The Pliocene Epoch or its system of deposits.
39) The Renaissance was an epoch of unparalleled cultural achievement.
40) Isn't the mastodon from the Pliocene Epoch?
41) Ice age refers to the latest glacial epoch.
42) They first appear during the Late Pennsylvanian epoch.
43) Es Safa contains numerous vents that have been active during the holocene epoch (beginning approximately 12, 000 years ago).
44) The final transition from basilosaurids to modern whales began 34 million years ago, during the sudden phase of cooling climate that ended the Eocene epoch.
45) The hydrocarbon mother rock of the Permain began to produce hydrocarbon in late Indo Chinese epoch and bleeded off hydrocarbon in big mass in Yanshan-xishan epoch.
46) They overlapped with many meditation systems of his epoch. This included Hindu, Jain and independent systems.
47) Based on the analysis of core of Subei basin during late Cretaceous and Paleocene Epoch, the authors conclude that Subei Basin was linked with the sea and the deposit was affected by transgression.
48) The palaeostructure high part of Carboniferous in Indosinian epoch is favourable to the development of burial corrasion pores.
49) In particular his unusual character as well as his vehement expression of emotion had opened a new epoch for flower-and-bird painting of modern times.
50) The innovation of the integrated electronics of ebm-papst start the epoch of speed control and energy saving technology of the electronically commutated DC motors.
51) Enter digitization information period, become big industry and hind the turning point with epoch - making industry.
52) In this paper, ages of depositional stratums of the late pleistocene epoch in Diancangshan area about Dan city in Yunnan province are determined with ESR dating method.
53) Above all, the warfare of Hester's spirit at that epoch was perpetuated in Pearl.
54) However, during the Pleistocene glacial epoch, the melting water of the Pleistocene glaciers could form some small- scale karst caves along the margin of the glacial valley in the limestone mountains.
55) Paleocene The oldest epoch of the Tertiary, 65 - 55 million yesrs ago.
56) This result was the first direct evidence of the decelerating epoch.
57) A large extinct ground sloth of the family Megatheriidae of the Miocene Epoch through the Epoch.
58) This was the epoch when a National Guardsman fought like a Zouave.
59) Metallogenetic epoch was late Yanshanian and fluid derived from meteoric water.
60) The metallogenic epoch of celestite deposits in the northwestern Qaidam Basin is the latest continental thermal water sedimental stratabound celestite deposits in the world.
61) The song of Dongfanghong sings the ictus of epoch and aspirations of hundreds of millions of people. Not only sing in China , but also sing in the world as the first music into the space by China.
62) The stone tools in later period is mainly microlithics, The main geological time of cultural layers falls between late Pleistocene and early Holocene Epoch.
63) The process of paleogeographic evolution in this area is from land of pleistocene epoch to ingression of holocene epoch, then to littoral circumstances of today.
64) The first earth satellite marked a new epoch in the study of the universe.
65) Duhuangling gold deposit occurred within the quartz diorite of Late Yanshan Epoch.
66) Dewey lived in an epoch when the American liberal capitalism was going toward the monopolist capitalism.
67) The first is the depression karst development pattern from dissolution of karst hill during Indo-Chinese epoch which is the key period for forming space of the reservoir.
68) It is the result of lithosphere gravity adjust and stretch function after Indo-chinese epoch impinging orogen in geotectonic events.
69) J . H . Lambert initiated a new epoch in the theoretical cartography.
70) Nevertheless, researchers of the Pleistocene epoch have developed all sorts of more or less fanciful model schemes of how they would have arranged the Ice Age had they been in charge of events.
71) The island is of volcanic origin, made of basaltic tuff and lava dating from the Miocene epoch.
72) A large extinct European deer of the genus Megaceros of the Pliocene Epoch and the Pleistocene Epoch, having very large palmate antlers.
73) Currano and her colleagues found that during the comparatively cooler end of the Paleocene epoch, 15 to 38 percent of leaves showed insect damage.
74) The modern tiger is thought to have originated in northern Asia during the Pleistocene Epoch and spread southward thereafter, crossing the Himalayas only about 10,000 years ago.
75) Since the late Pleistocene epoch, the main faults in striking NE were relatively stable except some striking NE faults.
76) The north-south structure in upper triassic epoch and, 4) The whole tilting structure after middle jurassic epoch.
77) We shall replace the hair colorations by no toxicity and harmless dyestuff and mark an epoch of natural plant color cream of no ammonia and no ursol.
78) The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was another warm period after postglacial epoch. The research results indicated that drifting sands were fixed in sandy land during the MWP in eastern China.
79) It indicated that during the midterm Eocene epoch or before the wild buffalo, david deer and Chinese alligator originated from the middle lower reaches of Yellow River.
80) So the problems of cognitive essence and truth of valuation become the urgent axiological issue of the epoch.
81) After glacial epoch, new ecosystem was established, and many different localities had the identical fossils. The results showed that the proliferation and spatial competition may be occurred to biota.
82) The linguistic features in Deng Xiaoping's Selected Works are mainly seen in functional style, expressive style and epoch style.
83) Ludwig Mies van der Rohe once said: "Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space".
84) The computer has superiority in aspect of information retrieval, inquiry, processing, Opening the epoch of electronic data processing.
85) The paleontogical history of the cat can be traced back to the great diversification of mammals in the Paleocene epoch, at the beginning of the Cenozoic era, over 60 million years ago.
86) It is not only an essential strategy to solve issues concerning "Agriculture, Peasants and Countryside", but also the symbol of the progress of social civilization and the requirement of the epoch.
87) Lianhuazhai volcanic cycle which occurs in late Jurassic epoch is unimodal rock association composed of rhyolite.
88) The Paleocene epoch was a time of dense forests and evolutionary experiments.
89) The year of the american revolution is an epoch in the history of the united state.
90) The wholesomeness of industrial society during this epoch was captured by the American economist and Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman,[/epoch.html] in his memorable image of a picket fence.
91) It is shown from the analysis results of grain size data that the sediments from the northern Okinawa Trough are mixture of terrigenous materials and volcanic ash during the Holocene epoch.
92) Advertising culture is the subcultures which is subordinated to commercial culture, and have the advantages of the masses nature, commerciality culture, and national and epoch character.
93) According to the research of sporepollen and diatom fossils, the deposit formed in the dry and warm shallow water environment during later pleistocene epoch.
94) Primary character was broad and gentle fold in Indo-Chinese epoch of the region.
95) The impact forming this crater occurred during the Eocene Epoch, a period of much warmer climate than today's, when subtropical conditions extended as far north as the Arctic Circle.
96) Xijiang riverbed has obviously superimposed since Middle Pleistocene Epoch at latest.
97) Two species of rhinoceros, Didermocerus sumatrensis and Rhinoceros sondaicus, had been certainly confirmed being alive in China in Holocene epoch.
98) Complete the finite element procedure of conversion between epoch curve and reaction curve of earthquake acceleration.
99) It would mark a new era; it would make an epoch.
100) By any historical standard, the recent epoch of Western domination, especially under American leadership, has been remarkably benign.
101) This was ignored in the post-communist epoch, when financial gurus babbled about new paradigms and a Labour chancellor in Britain proclaimed that he had abolished the cycle of "boom and bust".
102) The endogenetic gold deposits, controlled strata and fold system sometimes have not very long gap on formation epoch, as they belong to the same geotectonic stages.
103) Pleistocene The glacial and postglacial epoch following the Tertiary, lasting from around 2 million to 10,000 years ago.
104) The new gains and break throng of Fundament Interests lie in mastering its age spirit, fining the epoch subject and in the organic melting and new dealing to criticism and extolment.
105) According to the animal fossils, the geological age should be the late Pleistocene Epoch.
106) What is our direction of art design, what is our direction of art design teaching and where is our new originality facing coming of a span-new epoch?
107) The original work pattern of the war industry enterprise has been unable to satisfy the requirement of epoch that the information is quickly changed.
108) In the early pleistocene Epoch, due to long-term weathering and denudation, the area where West Lake was located developed into a broad valley.
109) Compensation for losses to Islam was provided by the progressive Christianization of the Germanic, Celtic and Slavonic peoples of Europe in the western post-imperial epoch.
110) In this paper, by drawing up the isopach maps of series in the Quaternary system, analysed the evalution of the tectogenesis of each epoch in the Quaternary period of the Dongting Basin.
111) Since recent epoch, rationalism and irrationalism struggle to abolish each other in the protection of personality right.
112) In Baiyangping ore concentrated area, the master mineralization epoch is in Lanping basin became imbricate down-warped, strike-slip and pull-apart basin.
113) Building teacher troop of Chinese tourism geography with both model type personality and diathesis and integration type function has become epoch mission and historical necessity.
114) Bohemianism was the epoch symbol of the learned celebrities in the Wei - Jin Dynasties.
115) The faulting might be attributed to the ascending lower crust-derived fluids after the Late Miocene epoch.
116) It peaked in the Oligocene Epoch around 34 million years ago in Eurasia, and again in the Miocene Epoch about 10 million years ago in Eurasia and Africa.
117) The prototype basin in Jurassic was a weakly extending depression; Begining Oligocene epoch, the basin was becoming intensively compressed and the structure distribution framework today was formed.
118) According to the analysis of Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution,[http://] Bohai Bay basin is a strike slip pull apart basin formed in the Cenozoic Eocene epoch.
119) Recently some Brachiopoda, coral, gastropoda, phytolite is identified by Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology China Academy of Sciences. The age belongs to Late Carboniferous epoch.
120) In any cosmic epoch, a Buddha is that being who first breaks through the dark mass of ignorance encompassing the world and rediscovers the lost path to Nibbana, the cessation of suffering.
121) As the prototype banking institution which opened a new epoch of modern times credit and inherited credit civilization, Shanxi Banks had ever held an un-neglectable status.
122) Your Admiral Byrd did in fact temporarily view a very real passing into a different time epoch during his polar flight.
123) The integer part of the number is the number of days since some agreed-upon date in the past, called the epoch.
124) Through the comparison of sequence, there was Tianquan paleo-uplift of Indo-Chinese epoch.
125) Aim To study the Sedimentary characteristics and provenance region of indo-chinese epoch sandstone in Huianbu-Majiatan area, southwest edge of Ordos Basin.
126) The apes arose and diversified during the Miocene epoch, becoming widespread in the Old World.
127) The fault has been mainly in stick slip from Subei to Arkesai, and in creep slip from Bage Valley to Changma Dam since Holocene Epoch.
128) Weimar Republic of Germany was the earliest epoch with systematic political education in the history of Germany.
129) The most ictus of this epoch is to develop people's subjectivity and train their subjective ability, when building a harmonious socialist society with our efforts.
130) Loess the age which forms according to it may divide into, forms under pleistocene epoch Q1 noon city loess and pleistocene epoch Q2 to the stone loess, is called the old loess.
131) The Machangqin Cu - Mo - Au deposit is a type deposit related to the Himalayan epoch rich - alkali intrusive rock.
132) But, up to that epoch of my life, I had lived in vain.
133) Francis Bacon is one of the Epoch - making personages in the historyof philosophy and science.
134) The speed of uplift became slow, and the period of stability became long from Neopleistocene to Holocene epoch . There were descending movement on the uplift background in Holocene epoch.
135) Few or any anthropoids are known to have existed in Africa during this period, known as the Eocene epoch.
136) Pottery , the main hallmark of the Neolithic Age, bring about a epoch - making influence on human history.
137) The Variation is not only the double refection of culture's epoch and nationality, but also the expression of world cultural structure formed as the result of cultural interaction.
138) The tiger then began to evolve into a unique species toward the end of the Pliocene epoch, about 3.2 million years ago.
139) The results of the study indicate that the said mass is a syntectic granodiorite-adamellite mass formed in Late Indo-Chinese epoch, being an island arc type plutonite.
140) Dating from the Eocene Epoch, the crater is likely less than 50 million years old, but the impact bored into Proterozoic sandstones well over 500 million years old.
141) The authors believed genesis of Gejiu tin-polymetallic deposits were involved in the basic volcanism of the Indo-Chinese epoch.
142) He founded and directed the most important musical organization of the swing era and helped to open a new epoch in American popular music.
143) In an age of confused values, the jungle law ran rampant while in an epoch of devastated literature, The Wolf Totem was hailed as a success.
144) Fourth layer caves of same level as fourth step proluvia-alluvial terrace form at least in Early Pleistocene Epoch or before then.
145) In these regions the desert insects originated later, i. e. , in Cretaceous Period, and the insect fauna formed in Eocene Epoch of the early Tertiary Period.
146) In the northwest of China, auriferous altered cataclasite, adular- sericite quartz vein and quartz reef types are present, and metallogenetic epoch is mainly Hercynian period.
147) Numerous sea level fluctuations in the Pleistocene glacial epoch caused a complex stream system with meandering stream channels to develop.
148) Indo-Chinese epoch hydrotherm replaced with carbonate and neutral-basic volcanic rocks of Jxlformation to derive skarns.
148) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
149) As a result, it is shown that the faults in different sections of Changle-Zhaoan fault zone have different features since late pleistocene epoch.
150) The discussion shows that with the step filter. The boundary enhancement in the region will appear when the noncontinuous gray grade (a hard boundary) and the epoch emerge in the multi-gray picture .
151) In this part, author puts forward and analyzes the theme of the dissertation: a problem of Chinese filmgoer became more and more serious to Chinese film in the New Period Epoch.
152) It means to build a "triunity" frame of education system of legal idea for the students at new epoch which covers lesson teaching, campus culture and social practice.
153) Aloscience, logic and mathematics included, is a function of the epoch.
154) This absoluteness of the act of choice does not alter the relativity of each epoch.
155) The Russian revolution accomplished by you has prepared the way and opened a new epoch.
156) The Amazon dolphin, Inia geoffrensis, parted company with its oceanic ancestors about 15 million years ago, during the Miocene epoch.
157) Comprehensive researches have concluded that the Heishan ophiolite was formed in Nanhua Ordovician period and its structural location in Silurian period early Middle Devonian epoch.
158) It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity.
159) The loesslike-palaeosoil series is one of the main bases for researching environment evolution of Holocene Epoch.
160) Wuguan marine erosion physiognomy has important geognosy significance in the study of structural movement and the changes in sea level in period of Holocene Epoch.
161) Therefore, the area is typical to study the environmental change of China , even of the globe since Quaternary Period, especially since the Holocene Epoch.
162) Owing to its distinct attribute property and old age, this discovery may have epoch—making significance on the study of the evolution of early Metazoa.
163) At this epoch when Waterloo is only a clashing of swords, above Blucher, Germany has Schiller; above Wellington, England has Byron.
164) At the end of Pleistocene Epoch, Lingyang Gorge fault cut diagonally Lankewei Hill, one ruptured side was lashed and eroded by the front Xijiang River water.
165) The universal cover takes to bring with pleistocene epoch Q3 on the above loess and the valley terrace the Malan loess and lower part the brand-new world Q4 secondary loess, calls it the new loess.
166) The microorganisms had lain dormant since the Eocene epoch, a time when Australia split off from Antarctica and modern mammals first appeared.
167) How monogamy fares during this epoch, therefore, only occupies him very briefly.
168) The shallow layer nature gas at the extrance of Hangzhou Gulf mainly existed in the stratums between Holocene epoch and Pleistocene epoch of the 4th Era.
169) Due to the differential neo-tectonic lift and fall at Late Pleistocene Epoch, Xijiang River changed its course for the first time in the Dry Gorge.
170) His scrupulosity remained his preference to details and his "non-progressive" character allowed his to abate the mania and enthusiasm featuring uniquely that epoch.
171) Guided by the base level theory, the author tried to analyze the paleogeography of the Middle and Late Carboniferous epoch in North China.
172) Analyses and researches systematically the facies and depositional environment of Miocene Epoch Wudaoliang Group in Hoh Xil basin in hinterland of the Tibet Plateau .
173) Though the Cretaceous asteroid cleared the stage, mammals did not really get going until 10m years later, in the Eocene epoch.
174) Zhongdian is enriched with indo-Chinese epoch neutral acid porphyry as well as one of the porphyry copper deposits in china that was an important breakthrough in the past few years.
175) The initial location of sutures greatly changed by events of Indo-Chinese epoch, Yanshanian epoch, and Himalayan epoch can be concluded from our research of the typical ophiolite outcrop area.
176) In the early Holocene Epoch, the climate turned warm. Water collected in the low-lying lands and freshwater lakes formed.
177) The floor of Goat Paddock Crater is covered by sediments deposited since the Pleistocene Epoch.
178) The first recognisable ancestors of modern humans evolved during the Pliocene epoch.
179) The bones date from the Late Cretaceous epoch,[/epoch.html] about 85 million years ago.
180) With the appearance and development of ultrasonic surgical installation, ultrasonic therapy enters on a new epoch.
181) These aquifers were created during the Pleistocene epoch, between 12,000 and 2.5 million years ago, and lack the organic carbon that is needed for arsenic to leach into water.
182) The Yumen fault has been active since the Early Pleistocene to the present day, so it is an active fault during the Holocene Epoch and a causative fault of the Yumen earthquake.
183) The Pleistocene Epoch lasted from 1, 500,000 to 2, 000,000 years.
184) The antithetical couplet of new generation , usher in a new epoch hand in hand.
185) The entrance of a Grants and Crawfords was a favourable epoch.
186) Synchronically, classic culture is an ideological platform that is constructed by the highest civilization achievements in a given historic period to form the elevation of the culture of an epoch.
187) At the current epoch in galactic history, star formation appears to take place in dark - cloud complexes.
188) Abstract Taylor system with hard management as its basic contents has promoted the transition from experience management to scientific management, the founding of a new epoch of scientific management.
189) Or maybe you'll be an anthropologist who discovers exciting new fossils Pleistocene Epoch.
190) Taylor system with hard management as its basic contents has promoted the transition from experience management to scientific management, the founding of a new epoch of scientific management.
191) The October Revolution opened up a new epoch in world history.
192) The Indo-Chinese epoch monzogranite is the main metallogenic material source and ore-control factor.




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