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单词 orientation
释义 Word family  noun orientation verb orient  Related topics: Trainingo·ri·en·ta·tion /ˌɔːriənˈteɪʃən, ˌɒri- $ ˌɔː-/ ●○○ AWL noun formal  1  ATTITUDE[countable, uncountable] the type of activity or subject that a person or organization seems most interested in and gives most attention to 目标,方向,目的;兴趣orientation towards/to The company needs to develop a stronger orientation towards marketing its products. 公司需要针对其产品的营销设定一个更为明确的目标。 How can we get students to adopt a serious orientation to learning? 我们怎样才能让学生对学习采取认真的态度呢?orientation of He was unhappy with the commercial orientation of the organization. 他对该组织的商业目的很不满意。2  BELIEVE[countable, uncountable] the political opinions or religious beliefs that someone has 〔政治、宗教方面的〕观点,取向,倾向political/religious orientation The meeting is open to everyone, whatever their political or religious orientation. 这个会议人人都可以参加,不论其政治或宗教倾向如何。 The party has a broadly socialist orientation. 该政党大体上倾向于社会主义。3  sexual orientation formal SYthe fact that someone is heterosexual or homosexual 性取向〔指某人是异性恋还是同性恋〕 Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is still far too widespread. 以性取向为理由的歧视仍然太普遍了。4  [uncountable]SET a period of time during which people are trained and prepared for a new job or course of study 〔新工作或学习课程开始前一段时间的〕培训,训练;迎新 This is orientation week for all the new students. 这是让全体新生熟悉情况的迎新周。5. [countable]DIRECTION the angle or position of an object, or the direction in which it is facing 定位;定向Examples from the Corpusorientation• Nieboer-Erickson also speaks to all freshman athletes at annual orientation sessions.• These are crystalline polymers with chain orientation virtually perfect in one direction.• Thus in the intermingling of news and commercials we have a struggle of sorts between two different orientations.• the party's liberal orientation• Nevertheless, a number of urban leaders viewed the shift in policy orientation with trepidation.• Apologists wishing to exploit a revisionist history of science invariably stress the profoundly religious orientation of many prominent scientists.• Such value orientation occurs in all public services.orientation towards/to• It also may be seen as the product of an allegiant orientation to the political system.• Organizations can have a number of different orientations towards their markets.• The subject culture does not eliminate diffuse orientations to the primary and intimate structures of community.• Borehole break-outs have been found to give an indication of stress anisotropy thereby enabling the fracture orientation to be predicted.• FIG. 4 Schematic diagram of protein-DNA contacts for one half of the complex, in a similar orientation to Fig. 2.• Surprisingly frequently, leys also pass exactly through important and isolated farmsteads often on a similar orientation to the main buildings.• A study that stressed orientation to public policy would require at least as much of a major effort as the present one.• This orientation to language complements the way we conceive of remediation.political/religious orientation• Even this, though, can be seen as a facet of the Minoans' religious orientation.• In other words, we need to define and specify modes of political orientation and classes of political objects.• We also defined the political culture as the particular incidence of patterns of political orientation in the population of a political system.• More important, in the civic culture participant political orientations combine with and do not replace subject and parochial political orientations.• Apologists wishing to exploit a revisionist history of science invariably stress the profoundly religious orientation of many prominent scientists.• Rather than reacting against the political orientations of their families, they tend to extend the extremism of their families' views.• And the religious orientation it reflects is unmistakably Essene.From Longman Business Dictionaryorientationo‧ri‧en‧ta‧tion /ˌɔːriənˈteɪʃən, ˌɒ-ˌɔː-/ noun1[countable, uncountable]MARKETING the type of activity or thing that a business or organization gives most attention toThe company needs to develop a stronger orientation towards marketing its products.He was unhappy with the commercial orientation of the organization. → market orientation → product orientation → sales orientation2[uncountable]HUMAN RESOURCES a period of time during which people who have just joined a company or organization are trained or given informationAll new employees attend a number of orientation sessions.o·ri·en·ta·tion nounChineseSyllable  a subject that of or the activity Corpus type or person Business




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