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单词 Starved
1. Whole communities starved to death during the long drought.
2. Many of the prisoners looked half starved.
3. She refused food and literally starved herself to death.
4. In prison they were starved and deprived of sleep.
5. The poor dog looked like it had been starved.
6. Many children in the orphanage were starved often.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. The villagers were starved into surrender.
8. Many people starved to death in the famine.
9. The schools are starved of funding.
10. He starved for meeting her once again.
11. The department has been starved of resources.
12. The kitten looked half starved.
13. The frontier station was starved for food and water.
14. I felt starved of intelligent conversation.
15. As a child, she was starved of intellectual nourishment.
16. The poor cat was half starved.
17. The poor kid's just starved for attention.
18. Industry is being starved of technical expertise.
19. They looked thin, waif - like and half starved.
20. There was a risk the brain might be starved of oxygen.
21. In these places people starved, were flogged, were clubbed to death.
22. Local schools have been starved of cash for a number of years.
23. In the 1930s, millions of Ukrainians starved to death or were deported.
24. The rich flaunted their wealth while the poor starved on the streets.
25. I'm starved very much now because I have had nothing at all today.
26. People starved of sleep start to lose their concentration and may hallucinate.
27. The refugees starved out.
28. The baby starved to death.
29. The electricity industry is not the only one to have been starved of investment.
30. From talking to former prisoners in the camps, an obvious conclusion is that they have been starved.
1. Whole communities starved to death during the long drought.
2. Many of the prisoners looked half starved.
3. She refused food and literally starved herself to death.
4. In prison they were starved and deprived of sleep.
5. The frontier station was starved for food and water.
31. She felt starved of physical contact.
32. The entire population had starved to death.
33. Recalcitrants were chained, starved and beaten to death.
34. Small businesses are starved for credit.
35. Then they starved together, and now they were friends.
36. The movie business seems starved for fresh ideas.
37. They were starved of food and basic necessities.
38. Meanwhile, he nearly starved,[http:///starved.html] after that first month.
39. A lot of the time up there, I was starved for a decent meal.
40. David was starved of oxygen during birth at Peterborough Hospital in 1979 and suffered cerebral palsy.
41. She felt a sudden burst of indignation against these overstuffed bigwigs cramming themselves with food, while she sat and starved.
42. When his fields are starved of minerals through self-indulgent agriculture, he tries to impose his own will upon the land.
43. The photographers stormed the railing and took aim like a starved infantry picking off fish from a bridge.
44. In this view, men starved amid abundance because goods were produced for private gain and not for public good.
45. Rather, they lived, screaming and alone in the darkness until they eventually starved to death.
46. Officials say the dogs had been starved for over a month.
47. In 1884, the crew of Young's ship nearly starved when they were blown off course.
48. He and other starved men chewing at roots and grasses to stay alive.
49. I was not supposed to clean there, it's just that I love reading and sometimes I feel starved.
50. Few of them starved to death: diseases take a deadlier toll of weakened bodies than undernourishment.
51. At the same time, we all know children from affluent families who are starved for moral and ethical guidance.
52. The combined forces of Rufus and Warenne starved Pevensey into submission.
53. Twisted, starved, naked bodies stacked up like cordwood or tossed into great open pits.
54. Analysts forecast an extra fillip to early water dealing with a wave of institutional buying from foreign buyers starved of stock.
55. They starved themselves and chewed gum laced with laxatives to lose weight.
56. Thousands died in the Romni region. Whole villages starved to death.
57. People in this town starved, several buildings were bombed and crime soared because you had to steal to eat.
58. When the cotton crop failed or when prices dropped because it was too abundant, blacks almost literally starved.
59. Former combatants waiting to be disarmed in demilitarisation camps have been starved of food rations and other support.
60. Local housing authorities have been starved of cash for a number of years by the Government.
61. They were starved of the technical skills of Western manufacturing industries.
62. He thought it quite possible that Pike had starved the horse to help it recover from its leg injury.
63. Equally it would be foolish to have starved yourself so that you were hungry enough to feel discomfort.
64. The grandma of the family added a few details about how she had starved and three of her children had died.
65. They starved to death with the sumptuous feast laid out before them.
66. It was a compulsion I'd starved for,[] and even if I never went hungry again I would feel that compulsion for ever.
67. The experiment was repeated many times, with the bats taking turns to be the starved victim.
68. I was away in the Army and always starved for news for home.
69. These ravenous companies claim to provide jobs to communities starved of employment following the pit closures.
70. Any tissue starved of oxygen increases its carbon dioxide production and the lungs compensate by deep and sighing respirations.
71. Medical theorists suggest that these experiences are actually hallucinations caused by the brain's mood-controlling limbic system being starved of oxygen.
72. In fact, some animals starved themselves rather than give up pressing the lever.
73. And the ban will stay in place as long as the coastal strip is starved of much needed rain.
74. BWhile not physically abused, Tamika, like most children of addicts, is emotionally starved.
75. During Stalin's repressions, countless people were sent to labor camps and starved to death.
76. By the time the men reached safety, they were exhausted and half starved.
77. Without it, the green machinery that soaks up the sun's energy is starved.
78. Lacking inspiration, he was being starved musically.
79. They looked thin, waif - like and starved.
80. A people starved and stabbed in the untilled field.
81. The motherless children were starved of affection.
82. The lonely man starved for companionship.
83. We were drowning in data but starved of information.
84. Sadly, the FOP project remains starved of resources.
85. Stalin's Lysenkoism starved millions when the ideologically correct wheat failed to grow and anyone who pointed this out was sent to dissident prison.
86. AIM:To investigate the changes in intestinal structure and function as well as the effect of enteral glutamine(GLN)supplement on the endotoxin translocation and immunological function in starved rats.
87. I would rather be starved to death than steal money.
88. Starved of sunlight, plants and plant-eating creatures would quickly die.
89. In the end the starved bones of the hoped-for deer herd, dead of its own too - much, bleach with the bones of the dead sage, or molder under the high - lined junipers.
90. " The fisherman said helplessly:"But if I don't stir the water I would not get the fish and would be starved to death.
91. The most common problem is the soil; perhaps poor, rooty, exhausted and microbially starved.
92. He prefers to be starved to death rather than beg.
93. An even higher dose killed all of the well-fed mice from a different genetic strain but none of the starved mice, and again the mice that fasted regained their weight.
94. Cancer feeds on mucus milk and substituting with unsweetened soya milk cancer cells are being starved.
95. Her employment agent beat her and starved her, kept her confined and even put a gun to her head.
96. AIDS virus through a combination of the red blood cell membrane receptor to enter red blood cells, red blood cells, but not DNA,[http://] the AIDS virus can only be starved to death.
97. Little do town - dwellers know how the semi - starved masses of Indians are slowly sinking to lifelessness.
98. It indicated that the two proteinic enzymes of the starved group were significantly different from the feeding group.
99. Bacterial action on the wood had starved the water of oxygen, spoiling habitat for migrating salmon.
100. Starved of cash, North Korea is drawn to other pariahs for business—even selling tunnelling advice to Myanmar's junta, another bunch of totalitarian troglodytes.
101. Like the diarist, the other two men were sickly, and they seemingly starved after their applications for welfare were rejected.
102. Therefore the techniques of detecting and extracting hidden information are starved for by the department of national security to surveil and acquire secret information on networks.
103. Yet so great was Ho Long's personal magnetism that many of his men starved with him and died on the road rather than desert.
104. When we have a stroke, our brain is starved of oxygen, causing the catastrophic death of those nerve cells and leaving us paralysed and unable to speak.
105. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened milk , cancer cells are being starved.
106. In the ancient times, people's enough food, has not starved to death frequently, only then stands when celebrating a holiday can play knife and fork.
107. Any person abruptly starved shows alterations in intermediary metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, and fat.
108. Kramer could submit what seemed to the information - starved Germans to peer direct into the Allies'minds.
109. Lions wake up every day, he knows that he must run to catch up with the slowest gazelle , or else will be starved to death.
110. Tomorrow I was to fast , and be starved to death.
111. By cutting off milk and substituting unsweetened soya milk cancer cells are being starved.
112. I prefer to be starved to death like dawn beg.
113. To ensure that important processes don't get starved out by CPU hogs, the selection is done based on a scheduling priority.
114. He's a scrawny, greyfaced man, who looks half - starved, and he's always very slovenly in appearance.
115. Hypoxia: Condition in which tissues are starved of oxygen. The extreme is anoxia ( absence of oxygen ).
116. It was nothing less than robbery, he concluded - a cold-blooded steal; while he starved, he was pilfered of his merchandise, of his goods, the sale of which was the sole way of getting bread to eat.
117. From South Korea to Iceland to Brazil, the pandemic has spread, bringing with it a tightening of credit that has starved even healthy companies of finance.
118. Is he going to think I'm some kind of kinky, sex - starved, divorcee?
119. Human civilized society, called line, and basically no one starved to death because of money.
120. I had starved with cold and hunger on that island for close upon one hundred hours.
121. I prefer to be starved to death rather than beg.
122. Beginning in the autumn of 1609, following Smith's departure for England, Powhatan came to believe that the English could be starved into submission.




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