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单词 Constituted
1) A committee was constituted to investigate into.
2) A committee was constituted to investigate into that.
3) Selling goods constituted a breach of regulation 10B.
4) They felt that our discussions with other companies constituted a breach of/in our agreement.
5) The Federation was constituted in 1949.
6) He was constituted chief adviser.
7) The court constituted him legal guardian of the child.
8) He seemed to have constituted himself our representative.
9) They constituted an acting committee.
10) On 6 July a People's Revolutionary Government was constituted.
11) The committee was constituted in 1974 by an Act of Parliament.
12) The committee ruled that the US ban constituted an infringement of free trade.
13) Governments should be constituted by the will of the people.
14) The committee had been improperly constituted, and therefore had no legal power.
15) The committee is constituted of members of all three parties.
16) The accused will appear before a specially constituted military tribunal.
17) These years clearly constituted a period of transition.
18) Then there was the contraband literature which constituted research.
19) History constituted a vital part of the class struggle.
20) The company's action constituted fraud.
21) This constituted 22 percent of the total prison population.
22) They constituted no inconvenience to him.
23) These accurate determinations constituted important problems at the time.
24) This constituted an important source of financial support.
25) As such,(http:///constituted.html) it has not hitherto constituted a particularly significant form of protest either numerically or politically.
26) Civil society is constituted by the social relationships and processes outside paid employment and not immediately affected by the state.
27) The burgesses constituted a growing challenge to the social relations of feudalism.
28) It is constituted by a set of problems which are approached using concepts and theories generated by disciplinary work.
29) The court concluded that this pattern of behavior threatened working relationships that were vital to maintaining school operations and thus constituted insubordination.
30) The Divisional Court concluded that nothing in that statement of facts constituted a threat, and the conviction was quashed.
1) A committee was constituted to investigate into.
2) A committee was constituted to investigate into that.
3) Selling goods constituted a breach of regulation 10B.
4) They felt that our discussions with other companies constituted a breach of/in our agreement.
5) He was constituted chief adviser.
6) The committee ruled that the US ban constituted an infringement of free trade.
31) Perhaps the argument that constituted the most serious threat to Copernicus was the so-called tower argument.
32) In the same way that matter is constituted of fundamental particles, antiparticles are the building blocks of antimatter.
33) A spirit of nationalism, national self-conscious ness, and loyalty to constituted authority were in embryonic evidence.
34) It is necessary to remind ourselves that involvement in the project constituted a significant staff-development exercise in its own right.
35) I told him also that Britain's only strategic weapon would be the minimum deterrent constituted by Trident.
36) I thought this constituted revenge of a fairly high order, thought it all out in advance.
37) The Subject is the category that marks the place that the individual must fill to be constituted as a subject.
38) Investigations into law enforcement officers' behavior were reduced, though they still constituted a large part of the case load.
39) The Roscoe-Rathbone circle in Liverpool constituted a somewhat similar predominantly Unitarian intellectual-literary-reformist complex.
40) Parish authorities generally were constantly reviewing their ideas about what constituted a minimum acceptable subsistence payment during this period.
41) In the 1970s, when declining profitability caused plant closures in the industrialized North, they constituted cheap labour for richer countries.
42) Yet, in so far as it constituted his baptism as a politician, it is crucial to an understanding of his political career.
43) We note in passing that initially there was no universal agreement about what exactly constituted a group.
44) Clients bring many issues to the solicitor, expressed and constituted in terms of a variety of everyday discourses.
45) The entire interwoven pattern constituted an essentially static unity, whose focus was found in the spiritual authority of Rome.
46) The offense, however, not only was political but constituted an act of treason against the constitutional government.
47) It was becoming an industrialised society constituted by highly impersonal secondary relations.
48) Many political systems have constituted judicial structures whose primary role is, or at least appears to be, adjudication.
49) Does he agree that those policies have constituted one of the successful planks of the social revolution in this country since 1979?
50) The limits of that practice of obedience must therefore be constituted by the boundaries of that political morality.
51) Sport constituted an avenue of social mobility for any slave willing and capable enough to pit his sporting skills against another.
52) Yet another Establishment arose, this time constituted of the practitioners and defenders of Newtonian physics.
53) Appeals are to be heard by an appeals committee, constituted in accordance with Schedule 2 of the Act.
54) It is not constituted by many distinct parts, linked together by chance.
55) The inflationary spiral constituted a grave threat which, if not halted, could jeopardise the entire economy.
56) It was female sexuality that constituted the social problem, because through it the race was perpetuated.
57) If this constituted defeat for Malcolm McLaren, it was, perhaps, only a pyrrhic victory for Richard Branson.
58) It is argued that geographically constituted groups such as community organisations are not necessarily representative of socially diverse populations.
59) Investigations of public law on taxation and social security reveal how internally the family is constituted by legal structures external to it.
60) Corruption, taking bribes, failure to declare a conflict in interests have all constituted contempts. 4.
61) It constituted an even clearer expression of provincial mobilisation and disregard for parliamentary initiative and manoeuvre than 1833.
62) Said's lawyer claimed successfully that this constituted a serious libel against his client as a man of honour.
63) As religious beliefs have constituted science, so scientific creeds have constituted an alternative religion.
64) But what is constituted by consciousness is the at least partial discernment of limitation.
65) When kings were at loggerheads with their clergy, which was not their usual relationship, morality constituted the most dramatic battleground.
66) Now that Luke no longer wanted her, he wouldn't care about anything she did, so no action of hers constituted defiance.
67) Robinson said Wednesday that he had a misunderstanding with Brown over what constituted an encampment.
68) Moreover, the recognition process is a double mirror structure in that a Subject is also recognized and thereby constituted.
69) Henry did realize, didn't he, that what he'd done had constituted a real health hazard?
70) In 1950 the 660,000 tribespeople constituted 91 percent of the total population of the Hill Tracts.
71) Third, New Towns constituted experiments in social engineering - well in tune with the psychological requirements for post-war reconstruction.
72) The effluent from the distal Tygon cannula was collected separately during the experiment, and constituted the fifth segment.
73) Or the society constituted by the class that traditionally was born to rule?
74) They claimed it was inaccurate, misleading and constituted a breach of journalistic ethics.
75) Also in 1983, young women constituted 38 percent of the number of students in advanced-level courses in polytechnics.
76) The items used were derived from data from participant observation, and therefore constituted a re-presentation of items to the community.
77) Indeed they often constituted the source of their communities when new villages were laid out by the railway companies beside them.
78) This would not please traders, who would lose opportunities to exploit the inefficiencies of the market as it is now constituted.
79) The local authority decided that the present housing conditions constituted a risk for the mother and baby.
80) While Caesar stressed that grazing combined with fishing and hunting constituted the backbone of the Germanic economy.
81) On the other hand, thirteen percent hardly constituted the tidal wave of popular support that de Gaulle was looking for.
82) It constituted the institutional embodiment of proletarian unity and class consciousness.
83) A market overt is a market, constituted under statute, by royal charter or by long standing custom.
84) A library committee of 18 members was then constituted to consider these suggestions.
85) Attitude research was the property of no school in this respect and constituted a set of problems to which all might contribute.
86) Originally religion constituted an abiding relationship not only with deity,(/constituted.html) but even more with place.
87) What exactly the government did mean by freedom was hard to discern in the nineteen legislative Acts which together constituted the emancipation.
88) It is certain that we have to devise ways to move beyond antiracism as it is presently constituted.
89) It is in this context that we must read the definitions and practices that constituted Victorian sexuality.
90) Problems of social adjustment constituted the most frequent single source of anger outbursts among children.
91) Publication of false reports of Parliamentary proceedings and premature disclosure of committee proceedings have both constituted contempt.
92) Furthermore, since social change is constituted partly by active individuals, such understandings must have major implications in terms of understanding social change.
93) They adjourned the case and directed that it be heard before a differently constituted bench of three justices.
94) The acquisition of those two characters constituted the next great evolutionary breakthrough.
95) The imposition of the retirement condition constituted a novel form of institutionalized dependence.
96) Even if the pressure had constituted undue influence, it would not, in my judgment, have affected the bank.
97) This, it was recognized, constituted a potentially dangerous situation, but what else could the Romans do?
98) The answer lies in the provision of a structured Church and in the definition of what constituted heretical belief.
99) In so doing, they probably constituted the most important single cause of the subsequent civil war and revolution.
100) The opposition movement, Birlik, was banned from taking part, as it was not officially constituted as a political party.
101) In the St Ann's study, the sick and disabled constituted the fourth largest category of the poor.
102) When they appeared in the dock they constituted the largest number of people ever to appear stark naked in a court room.
103) The detractors say they are relative newcomers who would have constituted a gamble.
104) Independents, who constituted one-third of the total candidates, did unexpectedly well, winning a total of 115 seats.
105) The official reason was that the painting was obscene and constituted an offence against religion.
106) Mental events, like most events, are composite-they contain or are constituted of other mental events.
107) The Sunday Night Supper constituted a small part of the Georgetown set in embryonic form.
108) In the United States apples and other perennial food crops constituted 16 % of the total value of food crops in 1998.
109) As of 1991 West Point graduates constituted twice the percentage of generals as they did of other army officers.
110) Newtonian mechanics, wave optics and classical electromagnetism all constituted and perhaps constitute paradigms and qualify as sciences.
111) Two long walls of matting connected by a back wall and roof of the same material constituted the dining hall.
112) Temple defined the relationships which constituted our real wealth as existing in terms of family, community and nation.
113) They asserted that the primary results constituted a defeat for Muskie.
114) It was under this imprint that the light romantic novels were issued which constituted the staple fare of Lane's circulating libraries.
115) Discourses are not just constituted by what is and is not written; other signification systems are involved.
116) The temptation to their crews to barter their duty free stores for sterling constituted a high revenue risk at times.
117) Dissatisfied parents are given a right of appeal to a specially constituted appeal committee and from there to the sheriff.
118) Any new stock will need to be constituted by an appropriate trust deed or loan stock instrument.
119) Nonresidents thus constituted only 13 % of all hunters pursuing their sport in the State....
120) And there was not, it seems,(http:///constituted.html) any finding that Duval's pressure on his wife to sign constituted undue influence.
121) The martyr's conflict was seen not as a fight against duly constituted authority in government, but against Satan.
122) The husband procured his wife to execute the charge by pressure that, the trial judge held, constituted undue influence.
123) In the old days the subtle relationships which constituted the Establishment at work would have prevented any such developments taking place.
124) They constituted an impossible hurdle to trade between the two superpowers.
125) Of course, in a predominantly agrarian economy land constituted by far the most important capital asset.
126) Substantially rewarded as they often were from ecclesiastical revenues they constituted only a minor burden on the Crown.
127) Collectively its dedication, despite all difficulties, constituted an unimpeachable example.
128) Even during the period of its greatest political autonomy, Mormonism constituted only a partial or semi-Asiatic society.
129) The club was constituted to cater the young's taste.
130) A basic model of semiconductor thermoelectric generator is constituted.
131) This reminds us how al-Qaida was always only one of scores of radical groups that together constituted the dynamic, varied and evolving phenomenon of Sunni Muslim violent extremism.
132) This island is constituted of stones, accumulate heat during the day to return it back slowly during the night, exalting the fresh and carious fragrances of the wines.
133) These three teams, add upper row from the bottom second distant foot, constituted the echelon camp.
134) In addition, the Arbitration Law of Rural Contracted Land Disputes is constituted and the arbitration will be a new mode of resolving forest rights dispute.
135) The inverse morpheme words are constituted by two disyllable compound words characterizing the same constitution morpheme and different combination order of morpheme.
136) Law, the Legislative Council of the HKSAR shall be constituted by election.
137) The Salvation Army constituted a relief station for the victims of the fire.
138) The conversion film is probably constituted of amorphous and pored alloying tannate chelate.
139) This paper presents an intelligent Multi-Function Switch used in dig working face of coal mine, which be constituted by the main electric circuit and the control electric circuit.
140) In 2003 the ARB was incorporated and the Australian Racing Board Limited (ARBL) then became constituted as a company limited by guarantee.
141) United Industries; the amalgamated colleges constituted a university; a consolidated school.
142) Since cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR ) guidelines was constituted in 1974, it was adopted many times.
143) A heterogeneous catalytic system for methylolation of alkali lignin was constituted of tetrahydrofuran containing purified alkali lignin and solid alkali catalyst with special structure .
144) Six of these same seven countries, excluding Canada, together with czarist Russia and Austria, constituted the eight powers that formed the allied forces in those days.
145) In the September verdict, the court ruled that Zhang deliberately injured another person, resulting in minor injuries to the victim, which constituted the crime of intentional injury.
145) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
146) As a great thinker of the chinese ancientry, Confucius had constituted a big and intensive system info.
147) General differential pressure flowmeter is constituted by standard Throttling, plane guiding press pipe, sensor and secondary instruments(flow totalizer ).
148) They constituted a near - insuperable obstacle to the besieging infantry.
149) The orthosis is constituted of a cardinal shelf, a stem shelf of metacarpophalangeal joint, a front bracket, finger ferrules , elastic strings and steel wires.
150) The subject of Macro -adjustment system is an integrated management system which are constituted by main governmental function management branch and other correlative function departments.
151) The rabbitry industrialization is constituted of market development, multiplication of stud and commodity rabbits, products processing, accessory techniques and business union, etc.
152) It abuts the Tropic of Cancer, constituted the Polynesia archipelago north vanguard.
153) The syntheses of these contents constituted important theory content of the multimedia education software system.
154) Rightly constituted laws, said Aristotle, should be the final sovereign.
155) BUCK converter is a kind of typical piecewise-smooth dynamical system. Changing the circuit parameter, much dynamical behavior can appear. The dynamical model of the circuit was constituted.
156) The landing in the 45 th Division sector constituted one of the finest exhibitions of seamanship.
157) Think all allies of the consociation of Ba Da2 king constituted strong Greece allied troops to go on expedition Troy.
157) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
158) If human nature is not self - constituted sovereign will, this instance, there would be diametrically opposite conclusion.
159) By selection of circular economy assessment indicator, circular economy development degree constituted by 43 indicators in aspects of economy, environment and society was settled.
160) This text is mainly constituted by the following 5 parts:The first part looked back the past research result of the advertorial, auto advertisement and auto advertorial.
161) The dynamics equation of sensor is constituted and the equation's solution is got. The relationship of output voltage and pendular angle of the sensing mass is gained.
162) The results showed that more than 60 species of prey were ingested by hairtail , while fish together with crustaceans constituted the dominant prey.
163) According to the time domain synthetic method, this paper introduces an adaptive system constituted by the optimum linear filter.
164) At present, the problem has constituted a major obstacle for promotion of the collective agreement system.
165) Insurance intermediary is generally constituted of insurance broker, insurance agent, insurance public valuator as well as trade association, actuary office, and law office, etc.
166) By common consent this election constituted a historic step on the road to democracy.
167) The crime of affray can only be constituted with direct intention.
168) EG:. His conduct tending to disregard the judge's order constituted contempt of court.
169) This setting was constituted by high-pressure lubricator, blowout preventer, injection oily pump, closed gate valve and conversion tie-in.
170) This paper constituted a suit of experiment system for double inverted pendulum.
171) In 1223 Pope Honorius III issued a bull that constituted the Friars Minor a formal order and instituted a one-year novitiate .
172) The court held that the accused, Zhang and Liu's actions constituted the crime of intentional injury.
173) Constituted Taylorist paradigm shows more organic connections among the other management theories before and after Taylorism.
174) Had General Hayden himself not given warning two months earlier that the restoration of an al-Qaeda haven in Pakistan's tribal belt constituted a "clear and present danger" to the West?
175) Specifically, Landy shows how folklore, however "natural" and ahistorical it may seem, is constituted through changing representations of the state, civil society, subjectivity, knowledge, and power.
176) His conduct tending to disregard the judge's order constituted contempt of court.




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