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单词 Resting
1 It was so comfortable resting in his arms.
2 He has been resting since last Friday.
3 He leaned forward , his elbows resting on the table.
4 The area was an important resting place for many types of migrant birds.
5 Some villagers were resting themselves in the shade.
6 His left hand was resting on the table.
7 Her head was resting comfortably against his chest.
8 The bicycle was resting against the wall.
9 We can't go any farther without resting.
10 I propose resting for an hour.
11 His head was resting on her shoulder.
12 Their bikes were resting against the wall.
13 Over 90% of professional actors are resting at any given time.
14 He had fallen asleep, his head resting in a puddle of beer.
15 He had been resting his head in his hands, deep in thought.
16 She sat with her elbows on the table, resting her chin on her cupped hands.
17 She sat behind the table, her chin resting in her hands.
18 He sat on the grass, his back resting against the tree.
19 The hill is supposed to be the resting place of the legendary King Lud.
20 His last/final resting place was in the churchyard in the village where he was born.
21 Her feet were resting on a small, aluminium step-ladder.
22 Their hands were resting lightly on the wizard's shoulders.
23 The bag was resting on my insteps.
24 Requires a resting period in Winter.
25 Should children with defective vision be resting their eyes?
26 The chrysalis stays fixed to the resting place.
27 Not faring well, but resting.
28 The patient was said to be resting comfortably.
29 The young author burned energy as if he never heard of resting.
30 He looked up and down the corridor, meaty hands resting on his thighs.
1 It was so comfortable resting in his arms.
2 He has been resting since last Friday.
3 He leaned forward , his elbows resting on the table.
4 The area was an important resting place for many types of migrant birds.
5 Some villagers were resting themselves in the shade.
6 Her head was resting comfortably against his chest.
7 I propose resting for an hour.
8 He sat on the grass, his back resting against the tree.
31 He was resting comfortably at home last night.
32 He is resting on his knees and appears calm.
33 Sit with your hands politely resting on your thighs.
34 But resting in peace is not always easy.
35 They saw a deer lying down, resting.
36 My head is resting on my pillow.
37 Watkinson is resting his broken finger.
38 Buddie was sitting on a hard chair with one foot resting on an upturned petrol-tin.
39 I would sit with her often for a whole hour, she with her feet up on the sofa, resting.
40 I had been sitting uncomfortably with my head resting against the door of the car.
41 But the girl appears to be beset by powerful ambivalent feelings as she looks at the wolf resting beside her.
42 Under resting conditions the cell membrane will not allow ions to diffuse passively across it, so the potential difference remains.
43 He walked through the night city like a man seeking a resting place in the catacombs.
44 John got him to sit facing backward in the saddle, resting the foot on the horse's rump.
45 His feet were resting comfortably on the ship's control panel.
46 Start by building a solid heap of stones, then build the arch resting on top of this solid foundation.
47 Well, here we are in Leicester at the final resting place of the White Boar himself.
48 She crossed her ankles and leaned back, resting on one elbow and facing the door.
49 The roofs are flat, fully exposed to the rain, made by packing mud on wooden reeds resting on wooden beams.
50 She shook her head, resting it against the wood, as her hands stilled.
51 Jakhaila Miracle Braxton is resting her 3-pound-something body on a tiny piece of sheepskin in an incubator at Mercy Hospital.
52 Restart cyclamen corms that have been resting over the summer.
53 The child was sound asleep now, his tiny eyelashes resting on rounded cheeks.
54 Sherman stood with one hand resting on the door, wondering if he dared leave it here.
55 Aerobic exercise and reduced-calorie diets produce weight loss, but reduce the resting metabolic rate because they do not maintain muscle mass.
56 She leaned against the window, resting her forehead on the glass, enjoying its cool smoothness.
57 The Wheel was made fast, resting on the transom and trailing in the water.
58 It is therefore necessary to locate as best we can the final resting place or incidence of the major types of taxes.
59 I struggled up into a sitting position, my back resting against a chair.
60 The island of glass, the island of apples, Arthur's last resting place.
61 She was given pethidine cover while it was done, and is resting now.
62 It appears to be an ideal resting place for lunch or a midmorning coffee break.
63 His chin was resting on his shoulder and his face was in profile to her.
63 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
64 Millie was standing at the table with her hands resting on the back of a chair, looking down at the tablecloth.
65 She touched the jellied space in her mouth and found a drop of blood like a shiny ladybird resting on her finger.
66 She leaned back, her head resting against a red and blue carpet hanging on the wall.
67 Pete was lying on his bed, resting after an energetic game of tennis.
68 The exercise involved running flat out for two minutes and then resting for one minute.
69 Hyperkalemia moves the resting potential closer to the normal threshold potential, thereby producing a more excitable state.
70 She found Wynne-Jones resting in the overhang of a rocky outcrop, exhausted, wretched, starving.
71 Her arm tightened around him, her other hand resting loosely on the shoulders of another singer.
72 The chick embryo proper comes from a very small region resting on the yolk and which is equivalent to the mammalian egg.
73 Once in the flat, she crouched by the window, staring unseeingly out, her chin resting on clasped hands.
74 She bowed her head, resting her forehead against the fence.
75 Yet in the longer term a regime resting upon the narrowing social base of the landowning nobility was doomed.
76 On weekends the Hub buzzes with fellow mountain bikers and outdoor enthusiasts resting and socializing.
77 He turned, his eyes resting momentarily upon the dim, grey shape of the funerary couch.
78 Here is a Roman theatre built over barrel-vaulted substructures but gently resting in part against the hillside.
79 These Rhodes lay like clockwork, though of course they all have a poor period, a sort of resting period.
80 But there is no room for resting on our laurels.
81 His final resting place alongside 19 generations of his family dating back before the Norman conquest.
82 They're handing out drinks, chocolate bars and advice on resting from the road.
83 Barnett kept the backs of his hands resting against the bar as he opened the wallet.
84 Lais stopped and slid her arms around him, resting her head against his chest.
85 If a cell becomes unable to restore its resting charge, it becomes permanently or chronically depolarized and its function is impaired.
86 Next to him, on one side, Katherine, her hand resting in his.
87 He could just see Hasan, sitting, as usual, quite still, his hands resting lightly on the desk in front of him.
88 They walked slowly and clumsily, her head resting on his shoulder.
89 Then the wanderer sought a resting place: he became a hermit and dedicated himself to St Cuthbert.
90 Take your pulse in the same way that you calculated your resting pulse rate earlier.
91 Yes, and thinking with my eyes resting on this tank the whole time.
92 The court has now told the warring couple to each keep half the ashes until they can agree on a resting place.
93 Many Titfords from a number of family branches found their last resting place at Abney Park. 46.
94 She had pulled her legs up, her chin resting on her knees.
95 The couple began to walk across the gravel towards the Hostellerie, arms around each other and her head resting against him.
96 On a number of occasions I found members of the royal household resting.
97 She raised her own hand to the hand resting at her neck and squeezed the fingers gently, leaving it there.
98 A horse dozes on its feet, resting one hip and showing a minimum of tail.
99 He was sleepy now, he was resting. Let him have his sleep out.
100 Resting, sleeping and generally vegetating are obvious ways of unwinding.
101 The methodology supporting Pareto's analysis is individualistic, resting on a view of human nature rather than directly on assumptions about society.
102 Stephen lay flat, gazing out at the patterns of sunlight, his chin resting on the backs of his hands.
103 The freight train was partially derailed, with its shattered front end resting close to a home.
104 Tuan Ti Fo stood there for some time, staring at the door, the wicker basket resting lightly in his hand.
105 The kids and Bill exhale billows of steam as they stand around; resting up for the next charge through the brush.
106 I was stretched full-length upon the bodies, my battered hand resting on the rim of the tub.
107 Atlantis, resting on a Kennedy Space Center launch pad in Florida, has similar boosters.
108 There were a few Commandos resting in the barn, they looked up as I entered but showed no recognition.
109 He flexed his narrow shoulders and placed his elbows on the desk, steepled fingers resting against his chin.
110 A two-year-old girl wore L-shaped shoes to keep her feet in the proper position while sleeping or resting.
111 Gaily followed them at a discreet distance and watched as they lowered Miss Faith Lavender into her last resting place.
112 Anthony came in, his hand resting for a frozen second on the latch as he noticed the room's occupants.
113 So naturally, coming to his final resting place is something of a pilgrimage for me.
114 Resting his weight on his bended knee, he was staring motionless over a precipice towards the lake.
115 The engines became quieter, purring quite ordinarily as they approached these resting places.
116 The cast is resting in a navy blue cotton sling.
117 Alvin had strained up to stare around him, resting on his pudgy elbows as if to survey the world.
118 Resting there, in the protection of the mighty canopy, was an object which made him feel faint with fear.
119 Li Shai Tung sat there, his feet spread, the cane resting against one knee.
120 This raises questions / concerns about installing new kitchen cabinets that will have their own back resting against the outside wall.
121 He went to sleep as he stood there, clutching his glass, his forehead resting on the windowpane.
122 But his choice of location for his last resting place was not out of character.
123 He pressed on and on, resting only briefly on a rock outcrop before continuing.
123 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
124 Have your hands gently resting either side of your navel.
125 Those hands, she thought, one resting lightly on her thigh while the other cleaned the wound.
126 My head, resting on the tile, was only a few inches from the phone.
127 In the kitchen Mario sat with one leg stiffly in front of him resting on a chair.
128 He now pulled up a chair and, turning it about, sat on it, his elbows resting on the back.
129 Instead of resting in dressing-rooms between shows, the Girls were burnt out coping with double and tripling.
130 Creed sat on a chair by the window, gloved hands in his lap, one wrist resting on the other.
131 Giuliani stared out the windows of his office for a few moments, elbows resting on the polished wood of his desk.
132 Flames burst from the panel on which he was resting and he leapt up.
133 She lay there in the narrow bed, her chin resting on the fold of the sheet.
134 Your hands will now be resting lightly over your ribs. 3.
135 Her head was drooped between her resting forearms and clenched hands.
136 I had to make several trips every day, carrying one bucket on my head and another resting on my hip.
137 As he reached the end of the willow grove, a tottering cobblestone bridge resting on wooden stanchions appeared on his left.
138 Gently attach to the card, resting the base on a matchbox to raise the cake slightly off the green fondant.
139 The client is also constantly reminded to study and learn the sensation of tension, to develop awareness in the resting state.
140 My head was resting against his chest and I felt his heart beating against my eye and cheek.
141 Resting his spade against the wall, he went to help Michael light the fire.
142 He might have sunk to the moss-covered bottom of a clear pond where he was resting like a leaf.
143 Carol sat up, resting her back against the padded headboard.
144 They scrambled from the police car and headed down a narrow alleyway, their hands resting lightly on their sheathed batons.
145 Who would want a tumbleweed for a Christmas tree in a home resting among evergreens?
146 During its resting period in Winter, i.e. October-February, the leaves die back, and during Spring sprouting takes place.
147 But this generous accolade does not mean that we are resting on our laurels.
148 He's been resting today, so hopefully he'll be feeling better tomorrow.
149 Paige drew her knees up inside the bag, resting her chin on them.
150 He pulled out a chair from the table and sat down on it, resting his forearms on the table top.
151 This pattern of alternate feeding and resting is characteristic of all grazing animals.
152 My mother was resting, as she often did, in readiness for the evening's performance.
153 With the arm resting on the couch the force needed to accelerate the arm is coming from the material of the couch.
154 The girl harpists' skeleton hands were still resting on the harp strings-or where the harp strings once had been.
155 They start to descend the rivers,(http:///resting.html) resting on the bottom during the day and travelling mostly at night.
156 She knelt on her knees, as Mandy had explained, resting her haunches against the wooden seat.
157 When the horse is resting, this heat production is minimal because the muscle cells are fairly inactive.
158 They are officers on leave - resting from their labours.
159 Resting his elbows on the deck behind him, he tipped his head back and closed his eyes.
160 Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is when the resting blood pressure is higher than normal.
161 In his right hand he held the barrel of a Kalashnikov rifle, its wooden butt resting on the roadway.
162 Wood is expensive, so my solution was cheap chipboard, resting on battens nailed to the wall.
163 Another mechanical argument against Copernicus concerns loose objects such as stones, philosophers, etc. resting on the surface of the earth.
164 She leaned against the steering-wheel, resting her forehead on her folded arms.
165 A branch of one tree hung out over a pond ending in a spray of twigs resting on the water.
166 The body is laid out in a coffin resting on a bed of bran or sawdust.
167 Cursing, he repositioned himself by the hole and lowered his arm in until his shoulder was resting on the floorboards.
168 Polar bears stalk seals that are resting on the ice.
169 His team started with a plank resting on two wooden packing cases, for a desk.
170 Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. Jules Renard 
171 Resting against the corner of the building was a large triangular boulder.
172 Few of those skeletons resting in caskets in the Catacombs sported hands.
173 At this point, the outer edge of the box will simply be resting on the main beam.
174 Jimmy went back to his conversation with the tattooed man, his thumb now resting casually in Sean's belt loop.
175 Fran picked up her glass and took a sip of the wine before resting her head back against the cushion.
176 They sprawled panting on the ground, resting their weight against the rocks.
177 Lie on your right side with head resting on your outstretched arm.
178 During this resting period the seeds can survive both dry and cold conditions.
179 In Drenthe, feeling more than ever the despised outcast, he found consolation in a human resting place.
180 Another sign made of cardboard, resting against the venetian blinds in the window, announced Seven Topless Dancers.
181 There was a dead rat, blown almost in two, resting on the hearth of the fire.
182 Solveig slept softly, her legs drawn up in front of her body, her face resting against his shoulder.
183 Its resting color in the box was not the same dark brown it seemed to like when out of the mirrored box.
183 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
184 Resting her head wearily against the hard banister rail, she fought down the momentary surge of panic.
185 He knelt alongside at her feet, his elbow resting on her thigh.
186 On the left, near the end of the gangway, was a blue suitcase resting on top of a tea chest.
187 Charlie left his men resting in their tents while he set out to do his own private recce.
188 The little hand resting against his bare chest was suddenly ice-cold.
189 She looked at the strong hand as it shifted gears and continued resting on the lever.
190 He pressed up close, his hand resting on the slope of her thigh.
191 In addition, both ICAMs are expressed at low levels on resting vascular endothelium.
192 Little time was granted to Lee and his men for resting on their laurels.
193 I have walked two nights without resting.
194 He was amused, resting here on his American estate.
195 He said he was fed up with resting at home.
196 The group that had consumed the beetroot juice also had lower resting blood pressure.
197 A small lion cub yawns while resting with its pride in Savuti, Botswana.
198 This fibreglass sculpture, designed by Giorgio Gurioli, is a halogen light on top and an unusual, well-ventilated resting place below.
199 Good or bad, without them his heart had no resting plaice.
200 The sum of evidence points to the crime resting on them.
201 The committee's chairman accused NASA of resting on its laurels after making it to the moon.
202 The upper section of a classical building, resting on the columns and constituting the architrave, frieze, and cornice.
203 I try to ward off fatigue by resting as much as possible.
204 The dish now had to be lifted vertically because one edge was resting against the side of the canal.
205 I'm sorry, but Miss Lee is resting and can't be disturbed.




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