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单词 non-white
释义  Related topics: Nationality & raceˌnon-ˈwhite noun [countable]  SANSARsomeone who does not belong to a white race 非白种人 → Caucasian —non-white adjectiveExamples from the Corpusnon-white• The Lord Chancellor's Department has introduced open competition, and encouraged more women and non-whites to apply.• Women and non-whites are likely to experience particular difficulty.• The majority of the downtrodden are non-white.• Among the highest in the city: the William Lloyd Garrison School, with 96. 8 per cent non-white.• There were no non-whites in either branch studied.• The white one would come up to him, smile and introduce the non-white one.• It was argued that the rule of having only Yorkshire-born players was the perfect way of keeping out the non-whites.• By and large these youngsters had few social contacts with non-whites.ˌnon-ˈwhite nounChineseSyllable  white to not a Corpus does someone who belong




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