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单词 pang
释义  pang /pæŋ/ noun [countable]  PAINEMOTIONALa sudden feeling of pain, sadness etc 一阵疼痛;一阵伤心pang of jealousy/guilt/remorse/regret She felt a sudden pang of guilt. 一阵罪恶感突然涌上她的心头。 hunger pangs 饥饿引起的阵阵疼痛Examples from the Corpuspang• Melissa felt a pang of remorse.• Ordinarily we could marvel and celebrate without any deeper pang of fear.• All those cups of tea do add up and the fridge is always there ready to beckon when a hunger pang lingers.• hunger pangs• She felt a sudden terrible pang.• The first showed the pangs of passion replaced by musical harmony.• But I grabbed something to stay the pangs of hunger on the way down.hunger pangs• The Harpy is magically kept alive, but suffers agonizing hunger pangs and is in constant pain.• She was cold and unwashed and hunger pangs were beginning to gnaw again.• If you do feel hunger pangs, nibble on carrot, celery or cucumber sticks or sliced green peppers.• All thoughts of her had vanished in the midst of his hunger pangs and coughing fits.• Bread like what you only eat in March to keep the Lenten hunger pangs at bay.• I felt a little better, and was aware of hunger pangs in my stomach.• Is it slowly savoured and really enjoyed, a splendid taste to satisfy the hunger pangs?Origin pang (1400-1500) Perhaps from prongpang nounChinese  sadness a feeling pain, of etc Corpus sudden




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