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单词 Biotite
1 The less dark rocks are dominated by biotite mica and amphibole, and darker, more mafic rocks by pyroxene and olivine.
2 Biotite(hornblende) two-feldspar gneiss and (5) Fault br.
3 The biotite adamellite is the main metallogenetic rock body in the orefield.
4 Biotite is a subordinate constituent of the mafic and ultramafic rocks generally.
5 Veiws evidently intercalate into biotite granulite of the Boluotai Formation of the Zhuzhangzi Group.
6 The ore - forming material came from biotite - granite of Hangou.
7 The talc - schist, talcmarble and biotite - schist are the most favourable hosting rocks to mineralization.
8 Early Yanshanian intrusions are mainly adamellite, biotite K feldspar granite with small amount of granodiorite.
9 Ma) of biotite shows that the rock is formed in the middle stage of Late Paleozoic era.
10 Biotite, titanite, cassiterite, rutile, wolframite, scheelite and wolframoixiolite are essentially useful minerals in clarifying the ore-forming potential of granites.
11 The types of mineralized rocks are fine grained biotite gneiss and silicalites.
12 The middle Jurassic Yeba formation volcanics, Paleocene biotite granite porphyry, Miocene quartz monzonite and Oligocene granite porphyry could be found in the ore field.
13 According to the gray scale characteristics of the biotite in thin sections, their gray images can be obtained by using a direct micro photo-charting.
14 The precise pattern of sheet silicates, such as the micas, muscovite, and biotite, differ.
15 Caledonian granites nearby the Second Power Dam of Jinshuikou in East Kunlun consist of cordierite granite and biotite granodiorite.
16 The Shangzhuang apatite deposit is a low - grade apatite deposit associated with Fe, vermiculitizated biotite and REE.
17 The Penshan granitic body is a calc-alkaline pluton composed of muscovite alkali granite, two-mica alkali feldspar granite and biotite adamellite.
18 Rock-forming mineral, olivine, pyroxene, hornblende, orthoclase, feldspar, plagioclase, mica, quartz, biotite, calcite and other common metal and nonmetal minerals.
19 That suit of schist contans a large number of abundant aluminium mineral: staurolite, almandine and biotite, so the primitive is mostly clayrock.
20 Ore - forming materials of galena are from country rocks , that is biotite schist and garnet biotite schist.
21 Shushui rock group remains in Xiyao gneiss, and made up of amphibolite, magnetite quartzite, biotite granulite, calc-schist and dolomitic marble.
22 So the dark mica in this granite should be called biotite.
23 Discussed in this paper is the mineralization of granitoid rocks based on SIMS data on trace elements and volatile components in apatite, zircon and biotite from granitoid rocks.
24 Lincang granite intrusive body is a composite batholith formed by polyphasic intrusion, whose main rock type is the biotite adamellite.
25 The zircon samples were fresh and unweathered. The rock is coarse-grained biotite monzogranite.
26 Weiya complex, eastern Tianshan: Single - sourced or diverse - sourced ? -- Evidence from biotite.
27 There is a uncomplete migmatite zone in the north of rock mass and there are lots of relic body of migmatization biotite plagioclase - gneiss around it.
28 The main gold - carrying minerals are pyrite , chalcopyrite and telluride. The best gold - carrying rock is the biotite - schist.




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