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单词 panellist
释义  Related topics: Mediapan·el·list British English, panelist American English /ˈpænəl-ɪst/ noun [countable]  AMone of a group of well-known people who answer questions on a radio or television programme 答问小组成员〔在广播或电视节目中回答问题的一组知名人士之一〕Examples from the Corpuspanellist• Each panellist can advise on a range of weight problems.From Longman Business Dictionarypanellistpan‧el‧list /ˈpænl-ɪst/ British English, panelist American English noun [countable] someone who is part of a panelConsumer panelists chose the product that they preferred based on flavor, texture, and overall acceptability.pan·el·list nounChineseSyllable  a one Business answer Corpus people of who well-known group of




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