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单词 nicely
释义  nice·ly /ˈnaɪsli/ ●●○ S3 adverb  1  well 很好地GOOD/EXCELLENT in a satisfactory, pleasant, or attractive way 令人满意地;令人愉快地 He was handsome and nicely dressed. 他相貌英俊,衣着考究。 The table fits in nicely with the rest of the furniture. 桌子和其他家具非常相配。 The wound healed up nicely. 伤口愈合得很好。 The garden’s coming along very nicely now (=it is growing well). 花园里的花草现在长得很好。2  NICEin a pleasant/friendly way 适宜地/友好地 in a pleasant, polite, or friendly way 适宜地;礼貌地;友好地 I’m sure he’ll help if you ask him nicely. 我敢肯定如果你好好求他,他会帮忙的。3  be doing nicely British EnglishSUCCESSFUL to be successful and be earning a lot of money 干得很出色;赚很多钱 The business is doing quite nicely. 生意很兴隆。 Ed’s doing very nicely for himself out in Japan. 埃德在日本干得很好。4  that will do nicely British English spokenSUITABLE used when saying that something is very suitable and is just what you want 非常合适 ‘Will cheese sandwiches be okay?’ ‘Yes, that’ll do nicely.’ “干酪三明治行不行?”“行,非常好。”5  exactly 确切地 formalEXACT exactly or carefully 精确地;仔细地 a nicely calculated distance 精确计算出的距离Examples from the Corpusnicely• Ann dresses her children nicely.• His arm is healing nicely.• His assistants were keeping up with it nicely.• Turn the fillets and cook until nicely browned, 2 to 3 minutes longer.• The importance of the calls was demonstrated nicely by Dorothy Cheney and Robert Seyfarth.• The cover shot nicely evokes the bewilderment felt when climbing in Ordesa.• The apartment was big, spacious, and nicely furnished.• If you ask Daddy nicely, I'm sure he'll give you some.• Even these should fit nicely if you did your planning carefully.• Each new water molecule fits nicely into a space on the ice surface.• The government says farmers are doing nicely, thank you, and that savings in agricultural cooperatives are rising.• The airy, delicate fronds contrast nicely with the rough, heavy rocks.coming along ... nicely• Relievers have looked like they're coming along nicely.• The other Hove pups are coming along nicely.• We have Billy Reagan, too, who is coming along nicely.• Your deck should be coming along nicely now, with the structure in place.• Her tan was coming along nicely, she thought, which she had expected.nice·ly adverbChineseSyllable  or in a way satisfactory, attractive pleasant, Corpus




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