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单词 Talkative
1) People began forming into little talkative groups.
2) He is talkative when he has a few drinks under his belt.
3) He's a talkative guy,(http:///talkative.html) and I struck up a conversation with him.
4) Don't be so talkative.
5) She was in a talkative mood.
6) She winked a warning to the talkative boy.
7) He was accompanied by an ebullient, talkative blonde.
8) She's a lively, talkative person.
9) She became more and more talkative as the evening went on.
10) Sue is the extrovert in the family; opinionated, talkative and passionate about politics.
11) Mary was sometimes overshadowed by the more talkative members of the family.
12) He suddenly became very talkative, his face slightly flushed, his eyes much brighter.
13) She's either really talkative and you can't shut her up or else she's silent.
14) He's not very talkative, except on the subject of his plants.
15) A stupid fellow is talkative; a wise man is meditative.
16) I felt stimulated - mentally alert(), talkative and sociable.
17) They are not a talkative pair.
18) The wine was making her more relaxed and talkative.
19) Mulcahey at least was talkative and attentive.
20) He was not talkative, but once wound up he charmed them all with his stories of life in California.
21) I was very talkative before marriage but after marriage I don't know what happened to me.
22) At the moment, Peter is lucid and quite talkative, but his condition is becoming worse.
23) The talkative driver hadn't stopped chatting from the moment Mark had entered the cab.
24) She would have been a talkative woman if she could.
25) Gradually the talkative groups settled into a contented silence, but no one seemed disposed to go to sleep.
26) America is a talkative and noisy nation. So are the American people. Dr T.P.Chia 
27) When enforcing rules, parents need not and generally should not be very talkative.
28) However, on striking up a conversation, Chalk, a little the worse for drink, became talkative and boastful.
29) Somehow I always end up alone in a room with my talkative aunt.
30) Its lobby was crowded, people discouraged by the weather sitting on fat couches or standing in talkative groups.
1) People began forming into little talkative groups.
2) He is talkative when he has a few drinks under his belt.
3) He's a talkative guy, and I struck up a conversation with him.
4) Don't be so talkative.
31) Tom tried to make up for his explosion at the party by being pleasant and talkative during dinner.
32) Talkative people are not necessarily smarter, more knowledgeable and more interesting. Dr T.P.Chia 
33) She was talkative and forthright in her opinions, which she gave freely and often without the qualification for doing so.
34) To Dexter the producer seemed much more self-confident than on the morning after the murder, talkative and charming.
35) Irene, the talkative one, was now mute, with her handkerchief covering nose and mouth.
36) Quiet and silence is a form of power. Thoughtful and wise people are not talkative people. Dr T.P.Chia 
37) They confirm our impression that, following his traumatic encounter with the Czech police, he becomes considerably less talkative.
38) They were opionative, peevish, covetous, porase, vain, talkative.
39) He is a nice geezer, but a little talkative.
40) The inebriated man became very talkative.
41) Never talkative, he was even more taciturn now.
42) He became animated and talkative after two drinks.
43) Mouth, like thus, a love played the tirelessly talkative naissance.
44) It emerged that gurnard are among the most talkative, making distinctive grunts and keeping up a pattern of chatter throughout the day.
45) A loud-mouthed, talkative woman is like a trumpet sounding the signal of attack, and any man who has such a wife will spend his life at war.
46) To make a long story short, he is a very talkative person.
47) Telephone calls, walk-in clients, that talkative colleague across the way: Unplanned conversations can have a dramatic affect on productivity in the workplace.
48) People with the blood type AB are honest, and people with the blood type O are talkative.
49) Similarly, always reining in an energetic, talkative, or spontaneous child because you prefer quiet may short-circuit her impulses.
50) "One gender isn't inherently more talkative than the other, it's just that a lot of times it depends on the situation and gender role influences, " Leaper said.
51) They were not only opinionative, peevish, covetous, morose, vain, talkative, but incapable of friendship, and dead to all natural affection, which never descended below their grandchildren.
52) I am a talkative, loyal, gentle, smart, and charming and bluffness woman.
53) Leaders were asked to rate their own extraversion -- the degree to which they commanded the center of attention by acting talkative, assertive, outgoing and dominant.
54) "So even though on the average we're finding a slight trend toward men being more talkative than women, we found larger differences when you looked at particular situations, " Leaper said.
55) As Mr. Jarvis puts it, “finding a like-minded person to travel with lessens the chance of getting stuck next to some talkative bozo” on a long flight.
56) Certain cat breeds are more talkative than other. Siamese cats are well known for being the vocalists of the cat world, while Persians tend to be quieter.
57) Playing Shrek's 1)talkative buddy, a 2)donkey, is 3)veteran 4)comedian Eddie Murphy, another great 5)improviser.
58) You ' re warmhearted ; but you ' re talkative.
59) Other households had found her too talkative and too opinionated, forever giving pelf mysterious airs.
60) A comprehensive analysis of decades of studies on gender-based loquaciousness has found that men are actually slightly more talkative than women.
61) Playing Shrek's talkative buddy , a donkey, is veteran comedian Eddie Murphy , another great improviser.
62) A kind-heartedness is frank , talkative , benevolent person. Like music literature.
63) An exact literator who likes sport but not so talkative.
64) Returned to the talkative territory of Village bohemianism, these neglected love poems disclose the public value in questioning some of the private-to-public relays then assumed in bohemian wisdom.




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