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单词 Gentry
1 Landed income was the true measure of the gentry.
2 The so - called golden - collar gentry are essentially nothing but brain - workers with high income.
3 Hutton was no tourist from the sheltered gentry.
4 Mindless gentry - with a single decent exception.
5 They were old gentry, tolerated because they were permanently in decline and had fallen prey to drink and idleness.
6 Other local gentry families were less fortunate in overcoming the crisis produced by some of their members.
7 But it certainly suited the dominant landed gentry to interpret him in that way.
8 It was the natural choice for the landed gentry and a symbol of aspiration for wealthy businessmen.
9 Local gentry and landowners found the gang's exploits so expensive and unremitting that measures had to be taken to apprehend them.
10 Minna was with us and the local gentry were kind.
11 The landed gentry planted for their grandchildren avenues of hardwood that they themselves would never see.
12 Gentry still owed Mr Tilly $7,000, a fact he failed to mention when he was arrested.
13 Gentry was stopped May 26, 1995, for weaving and failed a roadside sobriety test.
14 Several more substantial gentry houses can still be found in the rural parts of Dronfield's large parish.
15 It was an everyday occurrence for the gentry to bed maidservants.
16 Better be the head of the yeomanry than the tail of the gentry
17 Most of them were the nobility and the landed gentry.
18 Most of the country estates were built by the landed gentry during the late 19th century.
19 On 26 October 1856 Alexander gave written instructions to Nazimov to collect the ideas of the north-western gentry more systematically.
20 The Civil Wars remained a matter of conflict among the gentry and clergy.
21 For a number of years after he ascended the throne he remained highly deferential to gentry concerns.
22 The race has changed in that it is no longer just the local gentry who take part.
23 Each was a weekend retreat for white-collar workers and gentry for purposes of education and uplift.
24 Nearly two-thirds of the town's 36 property qualifications were owned by a Warwickshire gentry family, the Goughs of Edgbaston.
25 You must commit yourself, and so must all the gentry, to take no vengeance for today's work.
26 It was built originally by one of the old wool merchants,[] who wanted to establish his family as landed gentry.
27 One could never tell, with these town-dwelling millionaires who were smitten with the desire to be landed gentry.
28 They developed women's fashions-long dresses with ruffles and frills-based on that of the Southern gentry.
29 The King appointed them to high offices of state, which the aristocracy and landed gentry considered to be their prerogative.
30 Parliament remained dominated by the aristocracy and by the landed gentry.
1 Landed income was the true measure of the gentry.
2 The so - called golden - collar gentry are essentially nothing but brain - workers with high income.
31 Moreover, some of the riots were incited by local High Church clergy and gentry.
32 The traditional founts of charity, the church and the local gentry, had dried up.
33 The most sought after positions were at the front, where the gentry families had their seats.
34 The landed gentry abandoned the parish, selling off their land to speculative developers.
35 In feudal society, a superior status was accorded to the land-owning aristocracy and gentry.
36 But both say the loan was paid off by December 1993, almost a year before Gentry was elected to the council.
37 It was part of the way of life for the gentry, and not the political issue it is today.
38 The version of emancipation which became law made many concessions to the interests of the gentry.
39 A hundred pounds and above covered knights and other leading gentry as well as merchants in overseas trade.
40 Upwards of £40 there were the landowners, or gentry, though a good many below this point might have been counted as gentlemen.
41 Elsewhere in the county Quakerism emerged in the 1650s to be fairly firmly suppressed by a gentry worried about its revolutionary tendencies.
42 She added that when Gentry refused to acknowledge the loan publicly, she resigned as his treasurer and broke off their engagement.
43 Everyone in period costume - meet the Gentry; servants; soldiers; craftsmen.
44 Leland added: Since none the less the gentry of the vicinity were anything but affluent, the profits may have been largely illusory.
45 The Nottingham bank attracted the business of neighbouring nobility and gentry as well as that of local hosiery manufacturers and traders.
46 In the closely knit ranks of the Sussex gentry such a royal action could only further enhance growing doubts of Stuart intentions.
47 From at least the closing years of the eighteenth century the decline of gentry involvement and even tolerance of plebeian sports was evident.
48 Not surprisingly, many gentry and clergy modified their public pronouncements accordingly,() surviving both Parliamentary rule and the Restoration.
49 Even the gentry, then, were having to eat pheasant without bread; what was the world coming to?
50 Gentry was handcuffed and taken to the Baltimore County Detention Center.
51 Most families prominent in the iron trade came from the yeomanry and lesser gentry, though there were a few bigger men.
52 BIn his 1968 profile of California, disguised as a novel about an apocalyptic earthquake, Curt Gentry saw this passage coming.
53 Redmond is Harry Trench, a new doctor and youngest son of landed gentry with a small investment income.
54 The new men were not aping the landed gentry; they were basing their careers upon the infrastructure provided by urban Britain.
55 The first, in the West End, had as its clients the peerage and gentry rather than the mercantile classes.
56 There were twenty-one knights, but these too were more often lawyers, merchants and colonial administrators rather than landed gentry.
57 More valuable, and usually more visible, were the regional gentry attracted to the duke's service.
58 Dorset gentry were irritated at Dorchester folk's disregard of their social superiors; national politics brought disaster.
59 The rest of his men fled with the servants and the local gentry.
60 They relied heavily on the readiness of the local aristocracy and gentry to go along with them.
61 The hospitality of the religious houses had become the responsibility of the gentry.
62 Since land allotments would be carved out of land that belonged to the gentry, serfs would have to pay for them.
63 They said that without his presence, there will be a freer flow of ideas, especially from Smith and Gentry.
64 Gentry eventually became planning director and assistant to the city manager for special projects, before leaving city employment in 1987.
65 Meet the Gentry, their servants, guests, estate workers and the local soldiery.
66 Since the province was a hotbed of gentry resistance to the emancipation, confrontation looked a real possibility.
67 James had no better luck in securing the acquiescence of the Anglican gentry.
68 In this case there was widespread support and sympathy from the overtaxed gentry and clergy.
69 On this question all social grades had taken the same line - the need to seize local gentry estates.
70 Nor did he have to worry for long about hostility on the part of the gentry.
71 In old society, the gentry lived in luxury.
72 The light-fingered gentry frequented these shops.
73 The white, male landed gentry could vote.
74 She was beaten by the Polish and Lithuanian gentry.
75 They have discredited the local tyrants and evil gentry.
76 Orphaned and of humble origins, Jackson cut a very different figure in the American political landscape from the pedigreed Virginia and New England gentry who surrounded him.
77 I can not believe that the gentry of England will be made mere drumheads to be sounded upon by a prime minister to give forth unmeaning and empty sounds, and to have no articulate voice of their own.
78 In some ways the gentry group was the motive power behind the establishment of Hua County.
79 The grammar schools were assuredly not intended for the gentry alone.
80 He discovered something new, he began to see another side of life in a gentry household.
81 Yes. You're the wife of the landed gentry, And I'm a cater waiter at a seder. Dan, wait.
82 An asura will be asked what college they attended (Synergetics, Dynamics or Statics), while a human will be asked to define their social background (Gentry, Commoner, or Streets).
83 The gentry on the grandstand laughed too, though in a much more refined way, of course.
84 The enlightened gentry are individual landlords and rich peasants with democratic leanings.
85 Here you can see the rounded saddle-back style houses typical of regional working and farming classes and, in the background, the pointed, swallow tail roofs that were once the reserve of the gentry.
86 His father was a wealth sugar planter and his mother came from the Cuban landed gentry.
87 Even in southern states, where the landed gentry still held sway,[http:///gentry.html] the growth of urban middle and working classes led to the demand for the vote free of property qualifications.
88 The compradors, gentry merchants were two newly rising classes of the modern commercial society.
89 The point about the upper classes is that when they were not off at war, encouraging their peasants to slaughter their second cousin's peasants, they were landed gentry: farmers.
90 "Homomorphic encryption gives you a way out of the dilemma," Gentry says.
91 He was descended from Hudson Valley landed gentry and millionaire New York merchants, and went to Groton and Harvard.
92 He's landed gentry. Those guys have nothing better to do than flirt and ride horses.
93 Chapslee offers a chance to enjoy the dandified life of the English gentry at a price which would barely buy afternoon tea in an English country house.
94 The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe the sight the gentry ( George Eliot ).
95 The landed gentry are those who own land from which they obtain their income.
96 After he had gone out, Mother and I both shook our heads over his hard life: many children, famines, taxes, soldiers, bandits, officials and landed gentry,[http:///gentry.html] all had squeezed him as dry as a mummy.
97 Although the vote was extended, power was still in the hands of the landed gentry and men of property. For many this did not go far enough.
98 As adopt west law officer ore that produce come Pingxiang , gentry Pingxiang coal that control exploit, manage leading right begin to be struck, and lose finally.
99 Their attitudes were those of the ", landless gentry" as Orwell later called lower-middle-class people whose pretensions to social status had little relation to their income.
100 Gentry treasure (SAAB) is a special development formerly strategical the factory of the plane, produce opportunity for combat for Swedish air force since 1937.
101 As a humanistic subject ology of British higher education and its gentry sys tem.
102 Gentry sent to market will not buy one bushel of corn.
103 Though these bodies were nothing more than talking shops for the elite, they did galvanise the Han gentry into action.
104 Ths creation of a new rural gentry , however , had another side.
105 Everybody was for putting down the local tyrants and evil gentry.




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