单词 | Middle class |
例句 | 1 He belongs to the lower middle class. 2 Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous. 3 The play mocks the pretensions of the new middle class. 4 Captain Gulliver was a middle class,[] nautical man. 5 They consider themselves to be middle class. 6 She comes from an upper middle class background. 7 We live in a middle class neighbourhood. 8 The upper middle class tend to go into business or the professions, becoming, for example, lawyers, doctors or accountants. 9 He intends to redistribute income from the middle class to poorer paid employees and pensioners. 10 Brought up in what he describes as 'a middle class ghetto', he imagined that all people were as privileged as he was. 11 However, a middle class is growing. 12 What matters is the expectations of the middle class. 13 The middle class found this hard to understand. 14 They were better than middle class. 15 Tax reforms did not benefit the middle class. 16 There is no middle class and little opportunity to improve one's lot. 17 Forecasts of the size of the world middle class are of course problematic. 18 The middle class either colluded or went abroad in disgust. 19 By the late seventies the middle class had expanded beyond the point of safety and disaster did strike. 20 We can now move on to analyse the middle class and the varied strata within it in terms of this dynamic of structuration. 21 This led to the creation of a new, affluent middle class. 22 The civil service became the preserve of the educated middle class. 23 He also said Republicans would make several attempts to pass tax cuts aimed at businesses and the middle class. 24 Connell notes that for individuals, the tax burden would shift from the wealthy to the middle class. 25 The image of the civil service as a male, middle class bastion is now outdated. 26 Their failure to attain status comparable to that of older market-sector professions corrodes' middle class, conservatism. 27 Another correspondent asked for cheap tracts which she could distribute to the poor as the middle class were already knowledgeable. 28 Most beneficiaries of federal housing subsidies are wealthy or at least upper middle class. 29 But there is evidence that working class women bitterly resented what they regarded as middle class interference. 30 The United States has traditionally offered the poor relatively easy access to the middle class if they can find steady work. 1 He belongs to the lower middle class. 2 Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous. 3 This led to the creation of a new, affluent middle class. 4 The play mocks the pretensions of the new middle class. 31 Like feminist psychologists in general, lesbian psychologists are predominantly white and middle class. 32 The largest homogeneous group voting in favour was the urban middle class and that against was the rural poor. 33 The restitution was described by Klaus as accelerating the re-establishment of a property-owning entrepreneurial middle class. 34 Property Perfect, another specialist in residences for the middle class,[] rose 11 baht to 152. 35 On the other hand, while self help by its very nature is participatory, it has a strong middle class bias. 36 Instead, it was a real middle class, of diverse origins, pushed to the fore by changing conditions. 37 Parent cultures were in turn subordinated to dominant culture - that of mainstream middle class society. 38 Assets abroad were frozen by the U. N. These events set into motion the erasure of the middle class. 39 These children live outside the cocoon of the middle class. 40 In Rennes a company of children was recruited from the more affluent middle class. 41 They are mostly over age 50, middle class and overwhelmingly Protestant. 42 Even the economy beyond Leeds and Yorkshire pulled my parents and their friends and acquaintances, small to medium middle class. 43 But in the early sixties, Loyola was pretty mucha school for white males from the middle and upper middle class. 44 The middle class had formed no independent standards of honor. 45 The middle class is growing and the military is no longer the only path to advancement for the poor but able. 46 Forecasts suggest that by the year 2010, only about 30 percent of U.S. households will be categorized as middle class. 47 Others claim that routine white-collar workers still belong to the middle class. 48 It is the middle class that can truly make a nation prosperous and strong. 49 The Republicans are promising tax cuts for the middle class. 50 On this assumption, a ballpark number for the world middle class population by 2025 would be about 3. 7 billion. 51 Only the middle class gave up the composite career, and today even they are returning to it. 52 It remains to be seen how quickly green consumerism, that most middle class of activities, can sort this out. 53 Mind you, when you look around at today's funny men and women, they are all pretty middle class. 54 Poor children actually may be subsidizing the middle class in terms of effective per-pupil expenditures in schools that they mutually attend. 55 We were respectable Home Counties middle class, but nothing special, nothing to brag about. 56 I have shewn middle class respectability... fattening on the poverty of the slum as flies fatten on filth. 57 To date, there has always been a middle class bias in participation in formal organisations. 58 Legal segregation may be gone, but the idea of segregation survives, as middle class black families shun white areas, preferring to live in suburbs of their own. 59 Politicians were seen as indifferent to the hard-working middle class. 60 The White House seems blind to the struggles of the middle class. 61 There was for example the capacity of an expanding middle class to afford their own homes. 62 If the average middle class white schoolchild is out of touch with the literary standard, the minority child is doubly so. 63 According to this conventional wisdom, the middle class and the poor think the rich should pay a heavy share. 64 He was a middle class radical who fancied the idea of being around two real street kids. 65 Since then,[] the middle class has set the political agenda and put the old-style politicians and generals on the defensive. 66 Others see the upper middle class as being more homogeneous. 67 It is easy to pretend that the values and standard of behaviour about which I am speaking are genteel or middle class. 68 The poor were moved into other marginal neighborhoods, and highly profitable upper middle class developments replaced the slums. 69 Middle class women, once the mainstay of all volunteer endeavors, are no longer an unlimited resource. 70 There was no large, autonomous middle class apart from the state apparatus. 71 Obviously Delia Cope is a white middle class racist woman who really doesn't care how she oppresses us as Black women. 72 But now the emerging educated middle class longed for a democratic government. 73 And it would largely abandon the principle of progressivity, under which the wealthy pay higher rates than the middle class. 74 The middle class will soon enough tumble to the fact that it is the sucker in Forbes's shell game. 75 Across much of the developing world, economic expansion has borne a large and growing middle class. 76 Aides are gambling that his broken promise of a tax cut on the middle class was never taken seriously. 77 A healthy economy in the 1960s and 1970s created a sizeable and conservative urban middle class. 78 Although many sons have moved up, the homogeneous character of manual workers' origins contrasts starkly with the middle class. 79 Middle class blacks in the US have not yet achieved parity with whites in graduate school entries. 80 In the absence of a vigorous middle class the intelligentsia lacked any effective levers through which to bring about change. 81 Significantly, this new prosperity is not confined to the business elite or even the emerging middle class. 82 Free-market reforms have nurtured a burgeoning middle class and even some super rich, both snapping up the latest in electronics. 83 But what about the poor and the lower middle class? 84 Buying a house is no trifle for middle class families. 85 His father had suggested several eligible middle class girls to him. 86 He is the self-proclaimed champion of the huge and virtuous middle class, to which everyone but Bill Gates belongs. 87 But the passengers are only a tiny fraction of the population, basically its middle class. 88 Now, an increasingly influential and literate middle class was sharing in making it and in the demand for it. 89 It was for the upper middle class in their station wagons that rumbled over our heads at night. 90 Democrats have been assailing the Johnson camp administration for ignoring the needs of the middle class. 91 Social mobility can be upward, for example moving from the working to the middle class, or downward. 92 Indeed, the middle class actually came to believe it had inherited the leafy suburban earth. 93 There was considerable pressure for actions against them from a sanctimonious middle class, some of whose members held extraordinary delusions. 94 The lack of social contact between the predominantly local working class and the predominantly newcomer middle class can be particularly marked.http:// 95 The middle class, as measured by the percentage of households at each income level, is fading. 96 Not so in the seething maelstrom of the middle class which separates the upper and lower. 97 The problem was considered particularly vexing because, as the research of contemporaries showed, it affected middle class women most. 98 Now is when the downsized middle class is looking for protections that unions once provided. 99 This line has won him widespread backing among middle class voters tired of 17 uninterrupted years of Tory rule. 100 The family's life-style is comfortable, conventional, squarely middle class. 101 He is also a veteran who went to college on the G.I. Bill – one of government's great escalators into the middle class. 102 His message about moderation and the middle class captured the attention of the press, which anointed him front-runner. 103 Women of his own middle class found him overwhelmingly attractive. 104 A middle class Chinese family and their two servants, standing in front of their Chungking home. 105 Company has capital asset 20,000,000, Occupy 2000 square meter, Staff 200 many people, Have high, Middle class microscopist 30 Given name. 106 'A growing middle class is what's fueling China, ' said Kurt Piemonte, associate director of career and professional development at Harvard Business School. 107 Labor is abundant and cheap in China because even though 300, 000 have risen into the middle class and above, this still leaves one billion people living at the poverty level. 108 In the latest installment of the Butterfly Effect: The Chinese middle class is eating more and more meat, and Beijing wants to keep prices low. 109 Updike once described his subject matter as " the American small town, Protestant middle class " 110 The black middle class must now reach out with more empathy and concern to the lower class. 111 And it is part of the fastest growing economic region in the world with a growing middle class and fast rising incomes. 112 You may say that I am greedy but in New York, the annual salary 1000000 to be a middle class, I actually do not request high. 113 To paraphrase the late political scientist Samuel Huntington: Economic growth and industrialization usually lead to the creation of a middle class. 114 Examples are higher payments for doctors treating Medicare patients and fixing the Alternative Minimum Tax to keep middle class taxpayers immune from the tax meant for millionaires. 115 They appeal to and are priced for, India's aspirant middle class. 116 Political philosophers from Aristotle to Samuel Huntington have noted that economic development and an expanding middle class can provide more fertile ground for democracy. 117 Meanwhile, the American middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence as U.S. workers are slowly being merged into the new "global" labor pool. 118 Why is the middle class so stodgy , so utterly without a sense of humor? 119 In the study of social stratification, scholars focus more on the income of the middle class in large cities, education, social status and other aspects of differentiation. 120 Apple's push into China may be important for other reasons: it shows the depth of this country's fast-growing upper middle class. 121 The O'Connors, descended from mid-19th-century immigrants from Ireland, were unexceptional specimens of the middle class. 122 In the new Chinese social divide, the middle class hews to economical vehicles with tiny engines, while the wealthy fuss with automatic climate control in their luxury sedans. 123 And the bedrock of that prosperity must be a growing middle class. 124 VANCL will hold to character of international a gleam of,[] the middle class is reasonable price. 125 Under the superficial bustle manipulated by the media, what's projected on Wang Xiaobo is actually a profound culture imagination and self-approval of the middle class. 126 The Himmlers were an unremarkable middle class household from Munich. 127 For the professional middle class in particular, an uptick in innovation and a return to faster economic growth would solve many problems, and likely reignite income growth. 128 For example, will lawmakers "patch" the alternative minimum tax, as they usually do, to keep it from encroaching upon the middle class? 129 Delivery less than 3 hours of anxious middle class, as a result of childbirth uterine contraction process shorter, easier post-natal uterine contraction caused by pain. 130 It's about a man from Maryland who sent us his story –a middle class college graduate whose health insurance expired when he changed jobs. 131 Our Middle Class consists of Equilateral or Equal - Sided Triangles. 132 Lambert, born in the middle class , resents her collier husband which incurs his severe complaint. 133 But that in itself may help politicise the middle class. 134 It was assumed that its growing middle class would demand greater liberalisation and democratisation. 135 But Egypt, though poor, has a sophisticated elite, a well-educated middle class and strong sense of national pride. 136 Some day in the not-too-distant future the rise of China's middle class and its growing hunger for cars will push aside the U.S. auto market and grab that top spot. 137 Even lower middle class people are practically living like royalty when you think about it. 138 But, paradoxically, as democracy gets stronger and the middle class grows richer, it can realize it has more to lose than gain from a real enfranchisement of society. 139 Too few members of the lower or middle class could jump this hurdle. 140 International financial monopoly capital, the extinction of the middle class, with distinctive features of the international. 141 Objective To understand the occurrence of floating head primipara factors and the impact on the delivery to explore how the middle class to take reasonable measures to maternity benefit. 142 In heavily populated countries like India, even a small number of people moving into the middle class made for an awe-inspiring spectacle. 143 The residents involved are by and large middle class and privileged — doctors, financiers, retired government bureaucrats — who thought they were immune to such capriciousness. 144 The cul-de-sac stasis of life in the suburban middle class? 145 And as manufacturing jobs and semiskilled office positions disappear, much of this vast, nonprofessional middle class is drifting downward. 146 The emirate also has a thriving private - sector middle class, but it consists almost entirely of foreigners. 147 And the illusory middle class has to face its economic reality. 148 "China doesn't have a middle class," said Arthur Kroeber, director of Dragonomics Research and editor of China Economic Quarterly. 149 Other multi-media instruments such as the stereo system and projector have additionally been installed to give colour to the life of this middle class family. 150 Traditionally, the middle class has supported meritocracy and upward mobility, more than the elite has done. 151 As a result, the well - paid, unionized factory workers formed the backbone of a rising middle class. 152 Inflation, therefore, has long been seen as Europe's bogeyman, as hyperinflation in the 1920s financially ruined the middle class in Germany, its largest economy. 153 To deal with the equity problem, subsidize health insurance for the poor and lower middle class. 154 Disorder seems likely to reign for some time.But Egypt, though poor, has a sophisticated elite, a well-educated middle class and strong sense of national pride. 155 Vote out the guy running for re-election if you want the American middle class to come back. 156 Even so, seen through the eyes of the middle class, recent times compare favourably with the period of economic take-off in the 1960s. 157 The emergence of the term "subaltern" also means that in China, the intellects - as members of the middle class, or at least quasi-middle class- do have a voice in the general discourse. 158 One is the bourgeois revolution led by the emerging property-owning middle class that the new law will help. 159 Look forward, and China's internet-obsessed emerging middle class will surely have an appetite for liberty beyond the purely economic. 160 At the same time, Americans just scraping by have sometimes felt truculently "good about America" at moments when the upper middle class was despairing. |
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