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单词 muck
释义  Related topics: Agriculture, Gardeningmuck1 /mʌk/ noun [uncountable] informal  1  DIRTYdirt, mud, or another sticky substance that makes something dirty 污物,污秽 Come on, let’s wipe that muck off your face. 过来,我们把你脸上的那个脏东西擦掉。2  British EnglishTADLG waste matter from animals, sometimes put on land to make plants grow better 粪便,粪肥 SYN manure special machinery for spreading muck onto the fields 向田里撒肥的特殊机器 dog muck 狗屎3  BAD British English something that is unpleasant or of very bad quality 令人讨厌的东西;劣质的东西 How can you eat that muck? It looks disgusting. 你怎么能吃那玩意?看着就恶心。 I’m not surprised she left. He treated her like muck (=very badly). 她走了我并不吃惊,他对她很不好。4  make a muck of something British English informal to do something very badly and make a lot of mistakes 把…弄糟 SYN muck up I really made a muck of the exam. 我考试考得一塌糊涂。5. as common as muck British English informalINSULTCLASS IN SOCIETY very common or of a low social class 极其普通的;低下阶层出身的Examples from the Corpusmuck• What else is there to say about muck, glorious muck?• Soft as muck! - Half of them have quit already. - Because he only wants the land, see.• His hands and fingernails were filthy, his face and legs covered in muck.• But investigators believe the still-lost cockpit recorder either lost its pinger or it has been silenced by being socked in muck.• Is muck disposed of on a heap at the bottom of a field, or on to a muck trailer in the yard?• Clean out the leaves and other muck from your house gutters.• You'd get your good barley and the muck would go behind the screens.• I'll just clean the muck off the windscreen and wing mirrors.• Eventually some one will emerge from the muck, the rusty mayoral crown askew on a weary head.• Their suggestions and alternatives might just drag your writing deep into the muck of tired language.• He sometimes gets his shoes soiled in trying to stay out of the muck.muck2 verb   PHRASAL VERBS1 muck about/around phrasal verb British English informal a) BEHAVEto behave in a silly way, especially when you should be working or paying attention to something 胡闹;鬼混;闲荡 SYN mess around Stop mucking about and listen! 别再胡闹了,好好听着! Some of the boys were mucking around on bikes. 有些男孩骑着自行车到处游荡。b) BEHAVE muck somebody about/around to cause trouble for someone, especially by changing your mind a lot or not doing what you promised to do 〔尤指出尔反尔〕耍弄某人,给某人找麻烦 SYN mess somebody around The company kept mucking us around and changing the price. 这家公司不断地改动价格,耍弄我们。2 muck in phrasal verb British English informal a) TOGETHERto do your share of the work that is necessary in order to get a job done 一起出力,一起干活 If we all muck in, we could get the whole house painted by the end of the week. 如果我们大家都来出力,到这周末就能把房子刷完。b) SHAREto share space with other people 〔与别人〕共享〔空间〕 with There are only three bedrooms. Do you mind mucking in with the other boys? 只有三间卧室,你介意和其他男孩子挤一挤吗?3 muck something ↔ out phrasal verb British English TAHBAto clean the place where a farm animal lives 打扫〔牲畜棚〕 You have to muck out the stables every day in the winter. 冬天你得每天打扫牲畜棚。4 muck something ↔ up phrasal verb informal a) British EnglishDO BADLY to do something badly, so that you fail to achieve something 弄糟,弄砸 SYN mess up I really mucked up my driving test first time. 第一次驾驶考试我考得一塌糊涂。b) SPOILto spoil something, especially an arrangement or plan 破坏,打乱〔尤指安排或计划〕 SYN mess up The bad weather mucked up our plans for a picnic. 天气不好打乱了我们的野餐计划。c) British EnglishDIRTY to make something dirty 弄脏 SYN mess up Who’s mucked up the carpet in here? 谁把这里的地毯弄脏了?→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmuck• And, as any football-mad kid knows, there is nothing as embarrassing as mucking about in last season's kit.• To McDonough, a stubby 280-pounder, the charm of elective office was not mucking about with papers and figures.• You can come up and let yourself go - shout about and that and muck about.• How long will it take if we all muck in?• And the old caretaker lives next door, so he feeds them and mucks out.• Each does his own mucking out.• Her house, she says, is being renovated and it's mucking up her schedule.• He was taking no chances on having too many deaths to muck up his statistics.Origin muck1 (1200-1300) Probably from a Scandinavian languagemuck1 nounmuck2 verb →PHRASAL VERBS1Chinese  another something sticky that Corpus mud, dirty dirt, substance or makes




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