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单词 Testimony
1. The testimony of witnesses vindicated the defendant.
2. Barker's testimony is crucial to the prosecution's case.
3. Time is the fault of fatalistic testimony people.
4. The company's lawyers tried to discredit her testimony.
5. His testimony is a complete fiction.
6. Her testimony works against his chance of success as a politician.
7. The government decided that their testimony would be irrelevant to the case.
8. His testimony was an important element of the Prosecution case.
9. The pyramids are an eloquent testimony to the ancient Egyptians' engineering skills.
10. This increase in imports bears testimony to the successes of industry.
11. Three witnesses gave testimony that he was absent at that time.
12. He had by his own testimony taken part in the burglary.
13. According to the witness's testimony,[/testimony.html] you were present when the crime was committed.
14. Can I refuse to give testimony?
15. Inconsistencies began to creep into his testimony.
16. His testimony could put Drago away for life.
17. He was exculpated by the testimony of several witnesses.
18. Her book is the testimony of a disillusioned woman.
19. He/His evidence bore witness to my testimony.
20. Shea's testimony threw the defense off stride.
21. The testimony of the chief witness doesn't bear scrutiny.
22. The court heard her testimony against the accused.
23. The witness disaffirmed her former testimony.
24. The facts of the situation belie his testimony.
25. His testimony was clearly a perversion of the truth.
26. Some doubts have been expressed about his testimony.
27. In testimony before the Crown Court, she described her movements on the day of the murder.
28. His thick, swollen fingers bore testimony to a lifetime of toil.
29. The testimony presented offered a strong case for acquitting her on grounds of self-defense.
30. When the father took the stand today, he contradicted his son's testimony.
1. Barker's testimony is crucial to the prosecution's case.
2. The company's lawyers tried to discredit her testimony.
3. His testimony is a complete fiction.
4. The government decided that their testimony would be irrelevant to the case.
5. His testimony was an important element of the Prosecution case.
6. The pyramids are an eloquent testimony to the ancient Egyptians' engineering skills.
7. This increase in imports bears testimony to the successes of industry.
8. Three witnesses gave testimony that he was absent at that time.
9. He had by his own testimony taken part in the burglary.
10. He was called in to bear testimony to what the police officer said.
11. After listening to the testimony, the members of the jury delivered their verdict.
31. He was called in to bear testimony to what the police officer said.
32. Yesterday's testimony began on a note of passionate but civilized disagreement.
33. All seven charges accused him of lying in his testimony.
34. This book is testimony to a very individual kind of courage.
35. His testimony, however, was only one in a salvo of new attacks.
36. These results are a testimony to the coach's skill and hard work.
37. The lawyer confuted the testimony of the witness by showing actual photographs of the accident.
38. The iron bridge bears testimony to the skills developed in that era.
39. This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
40. In his testimony, he denied that the company had ignored safety procedures.
41. The pyramids are testimony to the Ancient Egyptians' engineering skills.
42. The reports are testimony to the many hours of research completed by this committee.
43. The witness was called to give oral testimony about the incident outside the theatre.
44. After listening to the testimony, the members of the jury delivered their verdict.
45. Her claim was supported by the testimony of several witnesses.
46. All are testimony to a wetter, more benign past.
47. Martin's testimony showed that Buckley was in the clear.
48. The testimony of one witness led to his conviction.
49. There is no evidence or testimony contradicting those statements.
50. That statement contradicts testimony at his criminal trial.
51. Her statements were corroborated by the doctor's testimony.
52. Lawyers for the defense tried to discredit her testimony.
53. The ready acceptance of children's testimony was not the only disturbing fact surrounding the executions.
54. Contrary to his testimony, Pierce was personally involved in the fraud.
55. The absence of media chauvinism is testimony, Morris Matthews believes, to the women's communication skills.
56. Reagan's testimony was released on Feb. 22 after the Justice Department ruled that it contained no classified information.
57. That it failed to do so-refused to do so-is testimony to the human capacity for evasion and self-delusion.
58. Smith gave an account that contradicted the woman's tearful testimony last week.
59. But the disdain of these accomplished economists for supply-side economics can easily be deduced from their writings and congressional testimony.
60. He vehemently denied testimony that he struck his wife outside a veterinary clinic or on a beach in Laguna in 1986.
61. Service, under such appalling conditions, is testimony indeed to his courage.
62. They spoke of witnesses being coerced into changing their testimony to peg Simpson as the culprit.
63. Punta Banda's ghostly streets, vacant houses and shuttered hotel bear testimony to dreams gone sour.
64. A handsome pin tucked away in the jewelry box on my dresser is testimony to this accomplishment.
65. Only days before the election, a reporter obtained a copy of secret testimony Gilbert had given to a Senate crime committee.
66. More testimony on the state of affairs described by Conner comes from company commander Henry Bergson.
67. His book is the testimony of a disillusioned man who turns with some bitterness on his former colleagues.
68. Powell was equally reassuring and calming in his Senate confirmation testimony.
69. Its very imperfection is powerful testimony of its ancient history, a history of step-by-step change rather than of deliberate design.
70. These writings, buttressed by profoundly moral concerns, are testimony to the complexity of the relationships between health and working.
70. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
71. They become the testimony of a new adventure in art as well as in life.
72. Some implications of these results for eyewitness testimony and for the psychology of driving are considered.
73. This is consistent with recent studies on attention focusing in eyewitness testimony.
74. In itself this elusiveness is testimony to just how enormously difficult it is to find practical solutions to Britain's economic problems.
75. The testimony of the two witnesses seemed to put Richardson in the clear.
76. In a sense, the very institution of literary criticism is concrete testimony of this assumption.
77. Vicary is expected to step off the stand today, bringing an end to testimony in the four-month trial.
78. In the civil case, the plaintiffs sought to shield him from such harsh treatment by limiting the scope of his testimony.
79. Since the trial began April 16, jurors have heard an average of less than three days of testimony per week.
80. Their very insistence of trying to make sense is eloquent testimony to assumptions that are powerful though silent.
81. The rivers give some of the most dramatic testimony to the lack of rain and snow.
82. In each chapter, I have relied heavily on the testimony of the men and women who were there.
83. Well, I am testimony to what it is to be responsible yet my opportunities are rapidly diminishing....
84. Mr. Griffiths I could not pay a more eloquent testimony to the doctor than my hon. Friend has just paid.
85. Even more important is the testimony of the fifteenth-century Warwick chantry priest John Rous, who died in 1491.
86. Cerda interviewed those named in his testimony, including Wally Fuentes Morrison, and then threw down the gauntlet to Pinochet.
87. Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine. Gordon B. Hinckley 
88. A magnifying glass also figured heavily in testimony about the 31 photos showing Simpson wearing Bruno Magli shoes.
89. Besne Irigollen wasn't available for comment about his testimony, which was reported in a Tijuana newspaper.
90. The mountaintop offers eloquent testimony on all of this, for nothing there grows for ever.
91. The defence are arguing that he was bribed to withdraw his testimony.
92. Its peeling paint and broken windows stand testimony that it went out of business because it had become too costly to maintain.
93. There was testimony, lots of it, on how to fix a safety device Congress and federal regulators once deemed perfect.
94. The 1995 version was the first set of guidelines to include oral testimony from special interest groups and individuals.
95. That the pioneers could hang on at all is monumental testimony to the tenacity of the human will.
96. For women preachers in particular, these testimony stories fulfill a dual function.
97. Details of Reagan testimony Reagan underwent five hours of questioning on Feb. 16 and a further three hours on the following day.
98. Both sides have sought in recent days to hook jurors by summing up four months of testimony in a few catchy slogans.
99. The defence also claimed that Poindexter had never intended to mislead Congress and that any inaccuracies in his testimony were accidental.
100. He later pleaded guilty to eight perjury counts resulting from testimony in drug cases.
101. After three months of testimony, the jury deliberated for 12 days before declaring the defendants guilty on all charges.
102. The hearing is scheduled to continue April 1 with additional testimony on April 11, 12 and 26.
103. Such testimony, unheard of in El Salvador, is potentially explosive in a state that has tried to bury its past.
104. Opposition Diet members denounced the testimony of both Takeshita and Kanemaru as completely inadequate.
105. An added problem in this case was that she was too old to give unsworn testimony.
106. At the beginning of his testimony Friday, Simpson described his earlier life, his rise from projects to athletic stardom.
107. Testimony ended Wednesday afternoon, and attorneys are to give closing arguments Thursday.
108. The result is a striking testimony to the power of television's evening news.
109. It was enough to have discovered one true mutual friend whose testimony could be relied upon.
110. The woman said she fabricated her testimony because she thought she was going to get a $10,000 reward.
111. But in this brief summary we have to choose; and we choose the testimony of the novel for two reasons.
112. In numerous House and Senate hearings, Congress heard conflicting testimony from expert witnesses.
113. And the stridency of those who argue otherwise bears eloquent testimony to that fact.
114. They glared up at her, a testimony to her stupidity.
115. He attempted to explain apparent contradictions in testimony he gave under aggressive questioning by plaintiffs' lawyers several weeks ago.
116. The inspector general, relying upon the testimony of white citizens, recommended that the whole unit be given dishonorable discharges.
117. In his videotaped testimony, Clinton denied any knowledge of the loan diversion.
118. But in recent testimony before a supervisors committee on anti-tobacco legislation, he called the legal efforts a waste of taxpayers money.
119. The lack of evidence and the circumstantial nature of the testimony caused a public outcry.
120. Under an arrangement with the district attorney there, her testimony in San Jose can not be used against her.
121. This verbal testimony stems from the silent witness of a quality of life which demands an explanation.
122. The hearing continues Thursday with testimony from Federal Reserve Board officials and consumer advocates.
123. Their testimony on it represents crucial, first-hand experience of which those planning for the hospital-based sector must take significant account.
124. Instead, a court reporter read testimony from the first three trials to the jury.
125. The testimony of the former Wedtech president, Anthony Guariglia, was instrumental in securing Wallach's conviction.
126. Instead, court testimony revealed that Jerry Garcia asked her to draft a divorce settlement, which he signed.
127. Taped testimony will be heard in full at the opening of the trial.
128. Their weeks are filled with convivial church suppers, musically upbeat prayer meetings, and jubilant testimony services.
129. Yet he stuck by his testimony that he found nearly a dozen anomalies in the Scull negative indicating possible tampering.
130. After giving testimony in 1997 and 1998, Levar had tried several times to gain financial support and asylum in another country.Sentencedict
131. Dietz pointed to testimony by a psychiatrist who examined Davis after his three-county rampage in 1976 as critical in the case.
132. Their criminal records were expunged in return for their testimony.
133. Testimony by League of Nations investigators left little doubt.
134. His incrimination was based on my testimony.
135. They sifted out the pertinent facts from his testimony.
136. Taxpayer: What is the meaning of the hearing testimony?
137. The testimony given by him is dubious.
138. The testimony tallies with the report.
139. The testimony is embodied in the court record.
140. Your testimony on this matter is hardly unimpeachable.
141. The prosecutor would tear your testimony to pieces.
142. His testimony contradicted that of the preceding witness.
143. The testimony consisted with all known facts.
144. A witness gave testimony that the accused was drunk.
145. I can bear testimony to his good character.
146. There's something fishy about his testimony.
147. The eyewitness's testimony proved he was guilty.
148. The wrestler's testimony manifests that he has large estates.
149. The elicitation of his testimony was not easy.
150. Substantive attacks on the accuracy of testimony also tend to repeat some common themes.
151. They were in collusion and attempted to retract their testimony.
152. There is a widespread testimony that this ominous fact is due to inherent biological defects in the crowded life of cities.
153. The US attorney general faced another round of tough testimony on Capitol Hill today.
154. His testimony was just a contrivance to throw us off the track.
155. All doubtfulness vanished after the testimony of the key witnesses.
156. Then put in the ark the Testimony, which I will give you.
157. The agency and the respondent are represented by counsel who introduce testimony and exhibits.
158. A genealogy, the testimony clansman generation inheritance One photo, keep you eternal memory A pair of jade hand, opened your beauty secrets!
159. Prosecutors may try to determine if Robb gave false testimony when he appeared before the grand jury.
160. And the coroner proceeded to detail their testimony about their accidental meeting of Clyde.
161. All doubtfulness vanish after the testimony of the key witness.
162. This is a good example,[sentencedict .com] for even eyewitness testimony can be mistaken.
163. Riesling absolutely refuses to have any testimony reflecting on his wife.
164. Anna also, a prophetess, came in and confirmed Simeon's testimony concerning Christ.
165. The victim is willing and able to provide veridical testimony.
166. The lawyers are still wading through the complex evidence and testimony.
167. The superelevation online population testimony "Has sought the complete success which Immortal" male measured!
168. The prospect of new testimony and additional Cross - examinations soured him still more.
169. The jury seemed to zero in on the science, asking to reread all the testimony about the neuroscience during 10 hours of deliberation.
170. KC: George Green has given us testimony to that effect.
171. The article describes the Anglo-American law of evidence as it applies to forensic-science testimony interpreting the significance of a "match" to trace evidence.
172. Her living room is also her office, filled with desks, books, papers, a testimony to her dedication to her work.
173. At least 3 users certificates to attached in each offer as a testimony to proneness.
174. Authorities have also recovered a satellite phone that appears to corroborate much of his testimony.
175. The testimony of all the witnesses agrees on that point.
176. Nothing could refute her testimony that the driver was drunk.
177. For out of the heart come evil thoughts , murder, adultery , sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
178. King's life work, I am living testimony to the moral force of non - violence.
179. In administrative adjudications , however, the crucial evidence is usually opinion testimony.
180. To rebut Bernet's testimony, Robinson called in his own expert: psychiatrist Terry Holmes, the clinical director of Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute in Chattanooga, Tenn.
181. It is the ultimate testimony to the gross inefficiency of markets.
182. According to Tojo's testimony at his trial, the Emperor did not utter a word.
183. It was a shock to hear him rule that my testimony would be disallowed.
184. The testimony would inflame the jurors, and lead them astray from the facts of the case.
185. So , I think, the exception of opinion testimony by lay witness does not exist. Once classified as the opinion testimony , it should be excluded.
186. The website is named for a Swahili word for " testimony. "
187. This increase in exports bears testimony to the successes of industry.
188. There was testimony before Congress about the effects of strip mining on agricultural productivity.
189. Washington, or at least the White House[sentence dictionary], found Averell's testimony weighty.
190. Evidence is classified as real evidence, testimony, direct evidence, and circumstantial evidence.




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