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单词 Chamber
1, The motion was steamrollered through in the lower chamber.
2, The members left the council chamber.
3, The courtroom was a large dark chamber, an austere place.
4, He thought he saw someone lurking above the chamber during the address.
5, In Britain the upper chamber or parliament is the House of Lords, the lower the House of Commons.
6, The chamber of commerce boosts local business.
7, The cavers discovered a vast underground chamber.
8, I was taken to a chamber for sweating.
9, Her instructor plugged live bullets into the gun's chamber.
10, The murderer was executed in a gas chamber.
11, They found themselves in a vast underground chamber.
12, Both of them are nuts about chamber music.
13, The chamber was ablaze with light.
14, This rifle can chamber short or long cartridges.
15, For many, the dentist's surgery remains a torture chamber.
16, Lady Eleanor was found dead in her chamber.
17, Divers transfer from the water to a decompression chamber.
18, She believes there should be an elected second chamber to replace the House of Lords.
19, Hie to thy chamber.
20, The legislature comprises a 212-member Chamber of Deputies elected for a four-year term.
21, Under Senate rules,(http:///chamber.html) the chamber must vote on the bill by this Friday.
22, I don't like opera ; chamber music is more my style.
23, There are two chambers in the British parliament - the House of Commons is the lower chamber, and the House of Lords is the upper chamber.
24, The constitution provides for an elected two - chamber legislature.
25, I went to the room which he had called the nuptial chamber.
26, We are going to make sure we are in the council chamber every time he speaks.
27, Meetings of the council are held in the council chamber.
28, Signor Amato's government has only a 16-seat majority in the Chamber of Deputies.
29, The archeologists found fragments of bone in the burial chamber.
30, The real legislative power still rests with the lower chamber.
1, The members left the council chamber.
2, I went to the room which he had called the nuptial chamber.
3, We are going to make sure we are in the council chamber every time he speaks.
4, The courtroom was a large dark chamber, an austere place.
5, He thought he saw someone lurking above the chamber during the address.
6, In Britain the upper chamber or parliament is the House of Lords, the lower the House of Commons.
7, Meetings of the council are held in the council chamber.
8, The murderer was executed in a gas chamber.
9, The archeologists found fragments of bone in the burial chamber.
31, The small chamber inside was brilliant with differing hues.
32, Ambassador Richard Holbrooke into the council chamber.
33, The main chamber was ten feet by fourteen.
34, Working with a pianist is like playing chamber music.
35, Sonata for violin and chamber orchestra.
36, Younger Brother... where is the chamber pot?
37, Amazed and abashed she stole back to her chamber.
38, I have an aunt who plays chamber music.
39, They played chamber music on the side.
40, Her speech was warmly applauded by a full chamber.
41, The new chamber orchestra is Turner's baby.
42, Peterson given award by Chamber Rep.
43, Haydn wrote symphonies, chamber music, keyboard pieces,() operas.
44, There was a shiny brass bed for Melanie with a round-bellied white chamber pot underneath it.
45, Here muted lights, soft leather, stained wood and anaesthetic chamber music prevailed.
46, And yet the wall extended further, even though it remained within the chamber.
47, Any large chamber had two, three, or even four entrances or exits.
48, I could stretch both arms toward the sides of the chamber without touching them.
49, Instead it slowly froze in a magma chamber into a mush of coarse crystals.
49, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
50, In the sombre main chamber where most of his days were spent, there was no decoration, no contrasting texture.
51, Chamber of Commerce and Telcom Ventures, is rapidly assembling a federation of state and local chambers of commerce across the country.
52, A safety valve releases any excess pressure once the air chamber has been filled to capacity.
53, Shrimp slip into the sample chamber just as the spire tumbles over.
54, Below, a tightly-packed steel chamber, dark but for a few naked bulbs, was filled with squat metal ten-gallon drums.
55, The Mackinac Island Chamber of Commerce can provide information on alternatives.
56, The next chamber or chambers generally hold the main media, aimed at biological filtration.
57, In the Chamber of Deputies a resolution was introduced to make an investigation of the affair to ascertain the facts.
58, Experts have reported that rock falls have already begun, and that the ceiling of the chamber may collapse within two years.
59, Corbett wished he was back in his chamber at Leighton Manor, Maeve with him.
60, They are familiar with every branch of the music business, whether it is chamber music or anarchic rock.
61, Nancy Landon Kassebaum of Kansas, and some political analysts believe their retirements could make the chamber more conservative.
62, It is true that there are two solo players and equally true that Mackey matches them to a 15-member chamber orchestra.
63, They found their champion in Wayne Rowley, who was then the director of new business development for the chamber.
64, The stench from the carcass filled the Chamber; a pungent mixture of sewage and vanilla.
65, Readers will recognize the Ktesibios floating valve as the predecessor to the floating ball in the upper chamber of the porcelain throne.
66, Fourteen murders was more than enough for jurors to vote Bonin into the gas chamber.
67, The huge fire roaring in the hall beyond the small entrance chamber warmed her not at all.
68, Hollowed out mid-way was a small chamber which contained seven standing stones, now clamped to the walls with metal hoops.
69, The floor of the chamber was obscured by a silver mist that had risen since their arrival.
70, A test as simple as a Detect Magic spell will show some stronger focus of magic above the ceiling of this chamber.
71, Legislative power is vested in a bicameral Parliament, the lower chamber of which is popularly elected for up to five years.
72, The strange standing stones, remnants of a burial chamber, are said to house an invisible living occupant - Wayland.
73, At Cicada, the lucky couple enters into a cavernous love chamber.
74, Open unemployment is now up to 20 %, according to the local chamber of commerce.
75, Then they burrow deep into the still soft sand and excavate a small chamber.
76, In California all three candidates for governor have promised to keep the gas chamber busy.
77, One deputy, a former boxer, punched one of Mr Seselj's parliamentary critics unconscious in the corridor outside the chamber.
78, The chamber at the end of the passage was more fragrant and clean.
79, The size of the lock chamber restricts the size of boats which can use a particular canal.
80, There would be all sorts of things rattling down on you - railings and chamber pots and lavatory pots.
81, Between this furnace tunnel and the lower chamber was a perforated floor.
82, Where else, she asked herself,(http:///chamber.html) than in the upper chamber which houses the princes!
83, It has independently evolved a quite different kind of lung from that of our ancestors - an air chamber surrounding the gills.
84, What did some one look like squatting awkwardly on a small chamber pot.
85, What had been only a dense red glow when I first looked into the chamber was now a torrent of liquid flame.
86, Due to its unusual structure, the bill will be considered in a committee of the whole House in the main chamber.
87, Originally, chamber music meant secular music, or that of the court as distinct from that of the Church.
88, Stone funerary beds are set on each side of the main chamber.
89, It boomed as if the whole house was a resonating chamber for the brass instrument on the door.
90, Into this single chamber three permanent guests are to be introduced by the bellhop, one by one.
91, The device contains a carbon dioxide cylinder which released gas into a coiled chamber.
92, His is the only post-war body of symphonic and chamber music to achieve genuine popularity.
93, The mechanism allows for great variation and complexity in magma chamber sedimentation.
94, On Aug. 10 the Chamber of Deputies approved a state reform bill on privatization.
95, As the temperature rises, the pressure builds up inside the chamber.
96, He has played with all the major London symphony and chamber orchestras.
97, After that, she showed him up into a chamber at the top of the house.
98, Of the 565 candidates running for 110 seats in the lower chamber, only 54 were not firm Lukashenko supporters.
99, Right: Chambered filters can be cleaned in the autumn - one chamber at a time.
100, He came from hearing vespers in his chapel, and shut himself early into his private chamber.
101, In 1992 the chamber created a separate, nonprofit entity to coordinate the apprenticeship program.
102, Her one concern was to reach the upper chamber without being seen.
103, In the upper chamber were two individuals who, the excavator argues(), certainly did not appear to have gone gently.
104, Once on the top floor Dowd was left to entertain himself, and Bloxham led Godolphin through to the chamber.
105, We envisage a convecting magma chamber of height H, cooled from above.
106, Here he also made alum and sulphuric acid by the lead chamber process.
107, Chamber 7e is dominated by a man-size iron cage which hangs from a ceiling hook.
108, He walked round and round his small chamber, haranguing the walls.
109, They have done so as part of a widely comprehensive output,(http:///chamber.html) ranging from chamber music to symphonies and opera.
110, It then passes through the kiln chamber holding the pottery and is vented through an exterior chimney.
111, If each region or nation returned 50 members that would put the membership of the reformed second chamber at 600.
112, On the early lunar landing missions, the plan called for the astronauts to be transferred straight into an isolation chamber.
113, The average age in the new chamber will be 15 years younger than in the outgoing body, with many fewer clerics.
114, For the sake of reliability, pumps were not used to transfer fuel and oxidizer to the thrust chamber.
115, They provide chamber capacities from 50-125 litres with large stainless steel chambers in relation to their footprint.
116, In the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries this jurisdiction was abandoned by the Chancellor and passed to the Court of Star Chamber.
117, The fancy bowls, water jugs and chamber pots, now so beloved of antique dealers, were in every bedroom.
118, The new Senate president banged down the gavel and called the chamber to order with a strong firm voice.
119, But House leaders said the combined legislation includes language on abortion and other issues unacceptable to the lower chamber.
120, She went to her chamber and used every art she knew to make herself beautiful beyond compare.
121, Behind the retina lies the anterior chamber, filled with the aqueous humour.
122, Figure 3.5 only shows the pressures acting within the system of the thrust chamber and nozzle.
123, It was as if we were locked in a torture chamber.
124, One was its glass house-the vacuum chamber that shielded the chronometer from troubling changes of atmospheric pressure and humidity.
125, This is a 14-pound inflatable chamber that lowers the effective altitude inside by 3, 000 to 5, 000 feet.
126, Tabitha had died and her body laid out in an upper chamber.
127, The ensemble who are based in Caen, are the regional chamber orchestra of Lower Normandy.
128, The forums are organized by the Business Youth Exchange, an intermediary group associated with the local chamber of commerce.
129, A blast of superheated rock fragments heralded the Doctor's arrival into a huge circular chamber.
130, She pushed the door wider and slipped through into the treadmill chamber again.
131, I stared wonderingly at the small, wax candle which I had thrown on to the floor of my chamber.
132, It's chamber music, to all intents and purposes, and they're receiving it like a home run.
133, Perhaps she would simply lead him on and on into some dark chamber of doubt and fear.
134, It took him 11 years to get to the gas chamber, from the day he was convicted of five murders.
135, That is why the track a particle makes when going through a bubble chamber looks almost straight.
136, The slaves rose and backed out of the chamber, their eyes cast down.
137, The most ancient burial chambers consisted of huge stone slabs forming a chamber with entrances through which further corpses might be introduced.
138, Ronald Reagan appointee, was on the panel that unanimously upheld the gas chamber ban Wednesday.
139, In many areas such schemes are operated by the local chamber of commerce or residents' association.
140, The proposal to establish an upper legislative chamber composed of the Matai was rejected in the referendum.
141, The hot water vapor is vented through a rocket thrust chamber and imparts an impulse to the rocket.
142, With a sound financial base,(http:///chamber.html) the Friends have been able to go for stars in the chamber music circuit.
143, They knew Amelia was too skinny to avoid the gas chamber.
144, The sphere of darkness covers most of the chamber at the top of the Tower.
145, The chamber, which simply bolts on to an end can, filters out specific sound waves midway along the silencer.
146, The last to die was David Mason, who was sent to the gas chamber in August 1993.
147, The Chamber of Commerce is behind this year's annual fund-raising dinner.
148, If approximately $ 15, 000 can be raised, SummerFest will even unite modern dance and chamber music.
149, This is unfortunate, as chamber 2c is occupied by two unusually cunning Zombie bowmen.
150, That chamber pot, you see, somehow reminds me of the brains on the floor.
151, If some one had a wound, or looked too weak or too sick, they were selected for the gas chamber.
152, There was no running water in the Gandhi home; each room had a chamber pot.
153, These now hang, in grand gold frames, in the local council chamber.
154, The Chamber Symphony No. 2, begun in 1906 and completed in 1939, belies its fearsome reputation.
155, Putin proposed stripping the regional leaders of their seats in the upper chamber of parliament.
156, Maori artefacts, washing machines, gramophones, even chamber pots of every size shape and colour.
157, Melt chamber designed movable in vertical and transversal directions.
158, The dose was measured by ionization chamber.
159, The jailer shrugged his shoulders and left the chamber.
160, Behind the wall stood a spark chamber.
161, Does the school is a torture chamber?
162, Sampler: The sample chamber is defined by sustomer.
163, 'sling Chamber - pot Tu out of the factory!
164, The core pellet is placed in a chamber.
165, Open the vacuum chamber to take out the flask.
166, Open the vacuum chamber to take out flask.
167, Yongji universalist Temple is Western Chamber.
168, Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of paracentesis in preventing of shallow anterior chamber after trabeculectomy.
169, AIM the changes of anterior chamber angle of the primary closure glaucoma and after dropping pilocarpine.
170, Operating process of thrust chamber in spacecraft propulsion system is studied.
171, The air of the sleeping - chamber seemed to palpitate with the hopeless passion of the girls.
172, The results show,(http:///chamber.html) the special grinding chamber made up of trapezium screen can improve grinding capability.
173, The implanted pump sits in the left ventricle, the largest chamber of the heart.
174, A chamber, such as the furnace of a steam locomotive, in which fuel is burned.
175, The vacuum chamber is made up of aluminum material and the cost can be greatly reduced.
176, Field - grown plants generally had higher photosynthesis rates than chamber - grown plants.
177, Ionized proteins are then captured by a voltage field and are accelerated in a vacuum chamber.
178, The Shillong Chamber Choir also has a little home school for the underprivileged children.
179, It virtually consists of an empty chamber completely lined with polyethylene.
180, On trap laboratory bench engineer a aloud container fort chamber damage a stuck votepilot widely.
181, The typical spray paint technology system should include spray chamber, ventilation installation and gas - cleaning facility.
182, Hollow chamber that collects oxygen - rich blood from the left atrium before sending it to aorta.
183, A cooling liquid unit is added on the outer layer of the mould chamber.
184, Combined with Synopsis Golden Chamber, this ar ˉ ticle explores the application of this method by ZHANG Zhong - jing.
185, Nobel Prize banquet is at the Stockholm City Hall Blue Chamber.
186, In a perfusion chamber the creams were applied to excised human skin.
187, Jericho, I need you to go into that chamber and turn on the purifier.
188, Maximum capacity of flow equalization limited by available wastewater depth in feed chamber of concrete tankage.
189, The thickening generally happens in the left ventricle, the heart's main pumping chamber.
190, A combustion chamber and its igniters, injectors, and other related apparatus in jet engine or turbine.
191, Describes the working principle, failure analysis and maintenance of ionization chamber for Elekta linear accelerator.
192, Objective To discuss the apparatus of inspired oxygen in hyperbaric oxygen ( HBO ) chamber for patients after tracheotomy.
193, The passage and chamber stones are also richly engraved with spiral, lozenge and zigzag motifs.
194, The United States Congress consists of two chambers. The Senate is the upper chamber.
195, Straightness, roundness and fine finish of stem and packing chamber wall are essential.
196, A bulk cassette has a container chamber at rear end, and an outlet at its end.
197, All black and color cartridges with felt can be filled with vacuum chamber.
198, The inside looked like a torture chamber or dungeon, except bizarrely clean and, well, shining.
199, Figure 2 - 11 illustrates guarding as applied to measuring the ion current ( IC ) from an ionization chamber.http://
200, Long - life leakproof packing chamber with double packing and leak - off or single set packing.
201, This paper had introduced the technology of electromagnetic compatibility measurement in Reverberation - Chamber.
202, To achieve this, the specimen is immersed in a polymer solution and placed a vacuum chamber.
203, The larger the air chamber of Ocarina is, the basic sound has lower pitch.
204, The result of numerical simulation indicates that a small circular flow occurs in RH vacuum chamber.
205, Now there were men lying in wait , abiding with her in the chamber.
206, The assembled experiment module was installed in the vacuum chamber of stand TVS - 1 .
207, In Figure 2 - 11 b , a metal guard ring is added to the ionization chamber.
208, The system comprise laser, external ray system, vacuum chamber, AES and emission electron surveyor.
209, Ray Mortimer is a local real estate agent and head of the town's business chamber.
210, Franz and the count descended these, and found themselves in a mortuary chamber.
211, Load articles to be sterilized then close and lock the chamber door.
212, A molten metal moves from a crucible into a vacuum chamber through a tube.
213, It adopts no chamber and double gas nozzle design and is not limited by vacuum chamber.
214, The harder the material under the permafrost is, the larger the chamber charge required.
215, The otherworldly contours of this ice chamber were formed by the heat of a geothermal spring.
216, A two - component rocket propellant, such as liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen chamber as fuel and oxidizer.
217, We introduce reverberation chamber and it's features in size, shielding material and paddles.
218, Special silicon screw, screw chamber, machine head, dies to protect inside vulcanize structure.
219, Lower vacuum chamber with a front door ideal for manual loading and unloading of work - piece.
220, The most interesting part of the marriage ceremony is the'disturbing the nuptial chamber.
221, I bought a bridal chamber in Chengdu Pi county recently, floor area is 88.83 square metre.
222, Is there any danger or sequela with energy chamber irradiation?
223, In his terror, Lazarus the abandoned hallways at last to the chamber of the burning Soulstone.
224, Article XIV of China General Chamber of Commerce is the highest organ of power in Congress.
225, The loathsome smell of the small chamber made her feel sick.
226, Can I use instrument to measure out the energy in the energy chamber?
227, The discharge chamber passes after the trachea to the wet air drum.
228, It is difficult to evaluate the actual operating situation of the flocculating chamber in water plant.
229, He found the valve mechanism the size of a Pelican dropship, just below the main chamber.
230, One day I walked into the local Chamber of Commerce in Jamestown , Tennessee.
231, The process takes place in a specially constructed vacuum chamber.




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