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单词 Survival
1. The letter's survival is something of a minor miracle.
2. The soldiers were well-grounded in survival skills.
3. We need food and water for survival.
4. Animals have a natural instinct for survival.
5. Illegal hunting is threatening the survival of the species.
6. Commercial exploitation of resources threatens our survival.
7. Ask for the free booklet "Debt: a Survival Guide".
8. The study showed improved survival of patients using the drug.
9. The man's survival was surprising, as the doctors thought he would die.
10. The campaign will hopefully ensure the survival of the tiger.
11. For the first time since creation, the survival of the Earth is entirely in our hands.
12. We must take steps now to ensure the survival of these animals.
13. What are her chances of survival?
14. Life became a struggle for survival.
15. Exporting is necessary for our economic survival.
16. Water is fundamental to survival.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. He lacked the common instinct for survival.
18. Adaptability is essential to survival in a changing environment.
19. Doctors gave him only a 50% chance of survival.
20. Maternal age affects the baby's survival rate.
21. It was a matter of simple survival.
22. His only chance of survival was a heart transplant.
23. The name of the game is survival.
24. The drought had worsened their chances of survival.
25. Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment; not only about survival.
26. Humans, he argues, are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for survival.
27. Nowadays a premature baby has a very good chance of survival.
28. The arrival of this South American predator threatened the survival of native species.
29. Who has the material to survive, people have a dream only talk about life. You have to understand life and life different Animal survival, while others life.
30. The doctor told my wife I had a fifty - fifty chance of survival.
1. The letter's survival is something of a minor miracle.
2. The soldiers were well-grounded in survival skills.
3. We need food and water for survival.
4. Animals have a natural instinct for survival.
5. Illegal hunting is threatening the survival of the species.
6. Commercial exploitation of resources threatens our survival.
7. Ask for the free booklet "Debt: a Survival Guide".
8. Humans, he argues, are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for survival.
9. The study showed improved survival of patients using the drug.
10. Nowadays a premature baby has a very good chance of survival.
11. The man's survival was surprising, as the doctors thought he would die.
12. The campaign will hopefully ensure the survival of the tiger.
13. The arrival of this South American predator threatened the survival of native species.
14. For the first time since creation, the survival of the Earth is entirely in our hands.
15. We must take steps now to ensure the survival of these animals.
16. The doctor told my wife I had a fifty - fifty chance of survival.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. They are still fighting for survival.
18. We all have a strong survival instinct.
19. The old man was a survival of a past age.
20. Human beings are infinitely flexible and able to adjust when survival depends on it.
31. What are his survival chances?
32. Millions of people are struggling for survival.
33. The company only has a slender hope of survival.
34. Survival is our first imperative.
35. Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament?
36. He gave the show a fifty-fifty chance of survival.
37. Poaching threatens the survival of the rhino.
38. The expedition members carried flares in their survival kit.
39. They are still fighting for survival.
40. Chemotherapy can prolong survival in cancer patients.
41. The operation was Kelly's only hope of survival.
42. Joshua's only hope of survival was a heart transplant.
43. There are two basic rules of survival.
44. The missing climber's chances of survival are slim.
45. We all have a strong survival instinct.
46. The odds against their survival have lengthened.
47. Continued trade in these products is a threat to the survival of the species.
48. The specialist who carried out the brain scan thought Tim's chances of survival were still slim.
49. The instructors worked us very hard on the survival course.
50. A lot of small companies are having to fight for survival .
51. The survival rate for people who have this form of cancer is now more than 90%.
52. The survival of whales is intimately bound up with the health of the ocean.
53. The main threat to the survival of these creatures comes from their loss of habitat.
54. The old man was a survival of a past age.
55. The doctors gave him a one-in-ten chance of survival .
56. The survival package involves selling off the unprofitable parts of the troubled company.
57. An animal's sense of smell is still crucial to its survival.
58. If cancers are spotted early there'sa high chance of survival.
59. The fence's survival in these winds seems like a minor miracle.
60. Fish struggle for survival when the water level drops in the lake.
61. For the poorest people, life was merely a matter of survival.
62. His main concern is to ensure his own political survival.
63. The survival course was intended as a team building exercise.
64. Milt's career is an exemplar of survival in difficult times.
65. He owed his survival to his strength as a swimmer.
66. The survival of the proteins depends on the way in which bones are fossilised.
67. The cult is a survival from the old Zoroastrian religion.
68. Yesterday's meeting was intended to plot a survival strategy for the party.
69. All other issues fade into insignificance compared with the struggle for survival.
70. The fish are dependent for survival on the peculiarities of the environment that they live in.
71. The community depends on the shipping industry for its survival.
72. There is a low survival rate among babies born before 22 weeks.
73. Societies need to develop highly adaptive behavioural rules for survival.
74. As regards commercial survival, a car manufacturer capable of making only 50,000 cars a year is on a hiding to nothing.
75. Human beings are infinitely flexible and able to adjust when survival depends on it.
76. He's got an instinct for survival in a tough job.
77. He mistakenly ascribes the expression "survival of the fittest" to Charles Darwin.
78. The doctors told my wife I had a 50/50 chance of survival.
79. The cumulative process is directed by nonrandom survival.
80. Consequently generalizations about survival after diagnosis may be problematic.
81. Then they learn survival lies elsewhere.
82. Early detection of cancer improves the chances of survival.
83. Survival began, continued and was accomplished in the mind.
84. Certainly, all children must develop coping and survival skills.
85. Growth promoters will encourage root development and tiller survival.
86. The men possessed only the barest minimum necessary for survival.
87. To outsiders it seemed that the regime was becoming unstable and that its survival appeared more and more doubtful.
88. The independence wars are not freak events but desperate efforts at cultural survival.
89. Because survival rates decrease dramatically as the disease progresses, early detection is key, Dressler says.
90. Congress and the executive branch are often too immobilized by internal problems of political survival to take action on great national questions.
91. The view that co-operation, not competition, is more conducive for survival is also gaining ground among biologists and ethologists.
92. Mr Milosevic is fighting for his political survival after a vicious campaign tainted by intimidation and haunted by fears of electoral fraud.
93. In conclusion oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation appears to confer no benefit over endoscopic sclerotherapy in terms of long term survival after variceal haemorrhage.
94. In addition, the distribution of characteristics known to affect survival in colorectal cancer was similar in the two study groups.
95. He who valued life so much to enter it in the form of a human person must be committed to its survival.
96. Most of our employees are wholly dependent on their employment with us for their survival.
97. Human survival is the final indispensable objective of all efforts to achieve a universal humane competence in 1985.
98. The survival of slimmed-down companies is small comfort for people made redundant.
99. Daniel Stoneman has defied the doctors who gave him a one-in-10 chance of survival from a rare brain tumour.
100. In Profile is intended as a final presentation this year to celebrate 10 years of survival.
101. Subservience is also shown because other prisoners see it as a mask, necessary for survival for weaker or less competent prisoners.
102. In the end even that was not enough for continued survival.
103. Prep schools have no secure catchment area, they have always depended on the forces of the market place for their survival.
104. His only chance of survival was a bone marrow transplant.
105. A 200-year history of the will of the people is seen through the survival of the federal and state constitutions.
106. The dynamics depend only on the product of survival and fertility, which we denote by.
107. Both congressional Democrats and Republicans, however, are nervous about their survival next fall.
108. Those early genera that survived had a built-in immunity to ultraviolet radiation, thus helping in the struggle for continued survival.
109. In fact, hip hop and body pop aren't so much concerned with pure aggression as with survival.
110. When talking about the Raiders, the only applicable word is survival.
111. The human appendix is one organ continues to be replicated, even though it has lost any survival value it once had.
112. Then further possibilities for his continued survival would be open to him.
113. His top priority is survival, not the mandate for sweeping change his followers won in recent parliamentary elections.
114. In totalitarian states absolute control of information and the armed forces is the key to the survival of the despot.
115. For squamous cell carcinomas of the oesophagus, histological differentiation grade has no significant effect on survival.
116. Even though he could barely stand, John made one last desperate bid for survival.
117. The pressure is discreet - after all, the survival of a key Western ally and a new democracy is at stake.
118. The survival of the African elephant hangs in the balance.
119. It was for this, their use of laughter as a survival tactic, that I most admired them.
120. The slightest crisis of confidence can threaten the survival of the banking system and the health of the whole economy.
121. Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival. Winston Churchill 
122. These considerations imply that their extra compensation pays only for their value of survival and part of its financial consequences.
123. Economic survival of the enterprise or its further progress depends on managers communicating effectively with employees.
124. Conversely, child survival can help lower fertility by increasing intervals between births.
125. Why did he feel as though he had just run his sword through the heart of something small and desperately struggling for survival?
126. The figure illustrates the cumulative ulcer free survival curves of patients randomised to each drug.
127. In general, the judicial structures are dependent on political power for their own power and survival.
128. Because tuberculosis affects women more than men, the gradual decline of that disease benefited female survival.
129. In some cases, difficulties arise because of a combination of less individualisation and low survival.
130. Other things being equal, visual improvements are conducive to survival and reproduction.
131. This in itself is why the panda's survival is becoming more and more dubious every year.
132. If he is concerned primarily with survival value, he will design a culture with an eye to whether it will work.
133. It is the sort of dull nitty-gritty subject believed to be vital for the survival of any self-respecting congressman.
134. Yet what is more deserving of anyone's attention than getting the sales orders upon which the survival of the enterprise depends?
135. In the end, this became critical to the industry's survival.
136. Thus, during these years[ ], the overriding concern of the government in office was parliamentary survival and electoral prospects.
137. Policy choices reflected what governments perceived as the major threats to the cohesion and survival of the state.
138. The internal divisions which seemingly threatened, but actually assisted, the political survival of General Franco continued into 1942.
139. Without drug therapy she risks developing liver cancer, which would make a transplant her only hope of survival.
140. Several other individual and household characteristics could be examined for their influence upon probabilities of early childhood survival.
141. The work will also contribute to a theoretical understanding of survival strategies and the dynamics of decision-making in conditions of forced migration.
142. So breeding in captivity is vital to ensure the species survival.
143. Farmers' activities, which are the backbone of the rural economy, are vital to the survival of whole communities.
144. The ability to discriminate is admittedly a basic ingredient of survival.
145. I had memorized those few facts widely accepted by Princeton undergraduates to be part of an investment banking interview survival kit.
146. Three points will improve survival hopes and be a perfect boost for the derby at Hartlepool United on Saturday.
147. Flames belch from the wreckage, degenerate human beings scrabble for survival, the screen is dark and the aspect brooding.
148. They show a range of survival factors associated with their aquatic life.
149. If the amphibians could manage to deposit their eggs out of water, their young would certainly have greatly increased chances of survival.
150. One can explain many apparently strange human characteristics by pointing to their value for survival at various stages of evolutionary development.
151. This involves grasping the dynamic inter-relation between new scientific knowledges and the much broader public debates over national efficiency and imperial survival.
152. Philip Hanson's empirical work on international technology transfer laid bare the limitations of borrowing as a survival strategy.
153. At time it feels like a matter of survival against the elements, keeping your boat upright in a strong breeze.
154. Despite all the technological advances of science, it seemed survival still depended on the action of a man.
155. His own career is an exemplar of survival in the face of absurdity as well as adversity.
156. It is run by a charitable trust and so relies on grants and donations for its survival.
157. We very much admired their energy and power of survival.
158. Envy was a civilised emotion, attendant upon some degree of security and the possession of things strictly unnecessary to survival.
159. It has come to have a bearing on the larger questions of civilized survival.
160. Army surplus stores report a stream of buyers for gas masks, water-purification tablets, survival knives - even combat boots.
161. Threats to its survival include habitat change, disturbance, egg collecting and severe winters.
162. Prostitution is no longer an attractive option to ensure economic survival.
163. Or are the few crabs that we see so voracious that any new recruit stands little chance of survival?
164. Main outcome measures Long term survival in patients after urgent cardiac transplantation and perceived quality of life.
165. But that does not mean its survival or closure is only a political issue.
166. Similar considerations helped to explain the survival of the provincial dailies in the face of competition from the nationals.
167. They learned important lessons about survival from the adversity they had faced.
168. In all countries, children of high birth order have comparatively poor survival chances.
169. Here are several experts' survival tips, from beginning to end to beginning:-All is calm.
170. Indeed, from the 1920s, several studies showed an association between spacing and survival of the offspring.
171. So the coppicing at Westonbirt arboretum may help to ensure the survival of more than just the trees.
172. I understand why the Government have maintained an exemption for small businesses, for which survival is of the essence.
173. The law of the survival of the fitted governed not only primitive tribes, but the civilized cultures of the ancient world.
174. Survival International has launched a campaign against the programme and its likely effects on the indigenous inhabitants of the forest.
175. The demands of survival have enforced a form of anarchism on Anarres.
176. Hussein's craving for the limelight is second only to his survival instinct.
177. At the Survival level, packs of loose-leaf materials will be available to fit into a Filofax/Organiser ring binder.
178. The House of Windsor has become highly adept at the business of its own survival.
179. However, the survival of certain types of artefact is as much the result of various factors prior to burial as to post-depositional processes.
180. Different treatment methods - surgery, chemotherapy, or a combination of both - did not significantly affect survival.
181. This represents an attempt to assess a level of income below which it is impossible to ensure survival.
182. Because cryptocorynes acidify the water, they form a favorable medium for the survival and spawning of many popular fish species.
183. The question of the Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affairs was discussed in closed session, and their survival was subsequently decided.
184. Therefore they will happily collaborate in manufacturing efficient survival machines.
185. In short, the Middle East sets true believer against true believer with survival as the issue.
186. Independent survival is achieved in the financial markets through success in competitive markets.
187. Never allow your mind to wander untamed like a wild animal that exists on the basis of survival of the fittest. Tame your mind with consistent focus on your goals and desires. Stephen Richards 
188. However, if you are the proud parent of more valuable Koi fry, where is the cut-off point for outdoor survival?
189. Essential to Trent's possibilities of survival was that Louis should believe him ignorant of the death sentence already passed.
190. Vernacular cosmopolitans are compelled to make a tryst with cultural translation as an act of survival.
191. Businesses are focused on survival - everyone's battening down the hatches.
192. Ultimately biliary cirrhosis results and the median survival has been estimated to be 12 years.
193. They were also closely related, if not to the survival, at least to the elemental comforts of man.
194. The gonococcus has to adapt to any changes in its environment, particularly those which may compromise its chances of survival.
195. The price of survival had, however, involved a cession of power to the government, which Sulivan deplored.
196. In the face of mounting budget and funding cuts,[sentence dictionary] they say the income is crucial for survival.
197. Despite significant advances in family planning, the report said, birth control had become a matter of global survival.
198. Not only did these men share the hardships of combat, their very survival imbued many with a pre-disposition to paternalism.
199. Now, suppose that deleterious mutations reduce survival below this optimal value.
200. When one looks back, it is with amazement that survival on the meagre rations was possible.
201. For others, the balance between satisfaction and survival is more delicate.
202. All the issues of survival that we have discussed above must be subordinated to this ultimate imperative.
203. Should the government concentrate on improving the perception and feeling of safety, rather than improving actual survival chances?
204. With early detection, survival chances are better than 90 percent, actress Sheryl Lee Ralph points out.
205. Totalitarian regimes, even more than authoritarian regimes, depend upon extensive coercion for their survival.
206. These dismal survival figures are due to the fact that most patients in the United Kingdom present with advanced disease.
207. Though many genetic fluctuations do occur, most die out because they fail to confer any survival advantages on gut-dwelling microbes.
208. Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. Albert Einstein 
209. For humans, the chemical pollution threatens our fertility, intelligence and our very survival as a species, the environmentalists say.
210. Thus, despite the difficulty of feeding a larger body, the survival value of size becomes greater as it gets colder.
211. In earlier chapters I made the assumption that there was no problem, because individual reproduction was equivalent to gene survival.
212. Defibrillation Early defibrillation remains the most important determinant of survival in cardiac arrest victims.
213. There were certain factors which contributed to the survival of the smaller breweries during this period, namely: 1.
214. Aggression would have given a survival advantage in cave dweller days and earlier and so would have been favored by natural selection.
214. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
215. Bacilli were far more deadly than bullets in the battle for imperial survival.
216. Results of well controlled studies offer considerable hope of an improvement in survival.
217. With our vastly improved materials, adhesives and security technology, perhaps the new clock has an even greater chance of survival?
218. From the seventh month onwards, with adequate care, a child born before full term has a good chance of survival.
219. They are instruments for national survival and should be woven into the whole fabric of the primary school curriculum.
220. This survival difference persisted after multiple logistic regression analysis.
221. This will speed up the process of reshuffling the survival of the fittest.
222. Study on Survival Years of Pneumoconiosis Patients by Life Table Correlation - Regression.
223. The professor says ribosome is central to the survival of any organization , if organism.
224. In order to maintain their this kind of survival condition, they must slurp the blood.
225. The professor says ribosome is central to the survival of any oragnismorganism.
226. The professor says ribosome is central to the survival of any organism.
227. Publications fight for survival in a highly competitive market by pandering to prurient interests.
228. Due to prosperous root system and high survival rate, transplants were applied widely in forestation.
229. Sequoia National Park, mainly to Sequoia, which is the maximum survival of species.
230. But he derives the courage and the survival strength from Shelley.
231. Adding in the piglet feed, the survival rate is 30 percent higher, without diarrhea symptoms.
232. Some argued that a planned economy and tight social control were essential to the regime's survival.
233. Skills: A raptor a + 8 racial bonus on Jump, Listen, Spot , Stealth and Survival checks.
234. Conclusion: After dermatoplasty no heat - free ultrashort waves treatment can conduced to promote free skin graft survival.
235. Her slim chance for survival lay in finding a bone marrow donor.
236. Since funding is always room rate of survival of an important threshold.
237. Nietzsches will to power stems from Schopenhauer s Survival Will.
238. The field survival rate of tamed Spathiphyllum floribundum cv. Cupid could reach more than 95 %.




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